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Civil unions and domestic partnership – 2022 Best

In this family lay paper we will answer questions on civil unions and domestic partnership . Question 1: Giles (male) and William (male) have been together for 15 years.
Civil unions and domestic partnership
Section A: Please answer one of the following problem questions. You should use approximately 1,500 words on this piece Question 1: Giles (male) and William (male) have been together for 15 years. They are not married or in a civil partnership, but they live together and have cohabited for the last ten years. They own the house together, and have a child who they both adopted a year ago (Faith, aged four).
Civil unions and domestic partnership
Two years ago William had a one-night stand with Angel (male). Giles found out about this shortly afterwards and was furious – he screamed at William, and punched a hole in the living room wall. Giles walked out the house and stayed away for a week, refusing to speak to William. On his return Giles was much calmer and told William he wanted to sort out their relationship and go back to how things were.
Civil unions and domestic partnership
After talking about this, William apologized for cheating and Giles said he was sorry for ‘getting a bit het up’. Giles moved back into the house. Since then, Giles has become more controlling. Whenever William goes out, Giles insists on knowing where he has been and who he has been with. He regularly accuses William of having an ongoing affair with Angel and insists on checking William’s Facebook and WhatsApp messages.
He has told William that he has to have his ‘location’ switched on on his phone so that Giles knows where he is at all times. William didn’t want to do this, but whenever he tries to challenge Giles, Giles says ‘I still can’t trust you’ and becomes angry. Since adopting Faith, Giles has insisted that William quit his job to look after her so as to save on nursery costs. https://youtu.be/9cIkWL4SRjU
Civil unions and domestic partnership
Giles is the only wage earner and insists that all money that the family gets goes into his bank account. William has to ask Giles every time he wants money for shopping or things for Faith. A few weeks ago Giles found William had bought a cheap mobile phone. On that phone were messages from William to his sister saying that he was scared of Giles and that Giles won’t let him go out. Giles is furious. He confronts William and throws the mobile phone at the wall, smashing it. He pushes William onto the floor and then stands over him shouting and threatening to hit William.