Tag Archives: documentary
Policy brief on economic governance 222 Best
The goal of this assignment is to develop a policy brief on economic governance based on the assigned documentary and student readings. Policy briefs have a clear and specific policy focus, and are more concise
Policy brief on economic governance
Policy brief on economic governance…. Policy paper. Policy writing is a process by which government and non-governmental officials/employees create written documents for lawmakers and policymakers to read, providing the rationale for a particular course of action. Students will develop a policy brief (approximately 800-1,000 words) on economic governance based on the assigned documentary and student readings. Policy briefs have a clear and specific policy focus, and are more concise, based on evidence, less technical and jargon-free, and clearly organized than traditional academic writing.
Policy brief on economic governance
Considering the rise in European sovereign debts due to Covid-19 (see Europe’s Most Indebted Countries Aren’t Ready for Market Reality https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-24/europe-s-most-indebted-countries-aren-t-ready-for-market-reality), write a policy brief on the following topic: International economic governance and the challenges to the economic policies of UE member-states. Use the Policy Brief Guide and Policy Brief Rubric (uploaded) and please consider: Context or Scope of Problem (namely its historical context); Policy Alternatives; Policy Recommendations;
Policy brief on economic governance
Use the readings provided in the Topic Guide and Reading List (Carstensen, Martin, and Vivien Schmidt (2018) “Power and Changing Modes of Governance in the Euro Crisis” Governance, 31 (4): 609-624 and Seitz, Franz, and Thomas Jost (2012) “The Role of the IMF in the European Debt Crisis” Weidener Diskussionspapiere, 32), as well as the BBC documentary Inside Europe Ten Years of Turmoil: Going for Broke (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x71uzph), as background information for your brief. https://youtu.be/Y20jS7L3VoI
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Gang intervention program 2022 Best
To spur our thinking, we’ll watch this 10-minute video on Homeboy Industries, a gang intervention program in Los Angeles: LA’s Gang Members Transformed – Homeboy Industries.
Gang intervention program
To spur our thinking, we’ll watch this 10-minute video on Homeboy Industries, a gang intervention program in Los Angeles: LA’s Gang Members Transformed – Homeboy Industries. The video talks about the importance of working as a community to prevent juvenile delinquency, gang involvement, and crime. Considering this video, as well as the We Are Superman documentary, you will explore two agencies that work to make a difference in the community concerning your problematic issue. Select two organizations that you are either familiar with or curious about. Explain how these organizations transform lives and help change our society.
Gang intervention program
For each organization, explain its mission and history, and explore its successes and challenges. You may want to do a quick web search of a few organizations to find two that interest you. For the conclusion, offer a first-person reflection of why it’s important to get involved in our communities. So if you were looking at poverty in the inner city, and gangs are an offshoot of that, then Homeboys could be one of your organizations that you explore. Big Brothers/Big Sisters might also work, considering they are trying to solve the issue of a lack of mentoring in the urban core.
Gang intervention program
You could go more local and explore ReEngage, which was featured in the documentary. But you’ll need to dig a little deeper into their mission and scope. Explore how these organizations are the same and how they are different. Is their mission the same but their approach different? Or do they tackle a similar issue from a completely different angle? You could explore Operation Breakthrough and Harvesters, two organizations that tackle hunger in different ways. There have been creative solutions to food deserts in the Kansas City area, including mobile grocers. The paper must be typed, titled, and double spaced and be roughly 700 words long. I envision this as a four-paragraph essay: intro, organization #1, organization #2, conclusion. https://youtu.be/uWNTMmktoCQ
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Film Critique and Synthesis 2022 Best
This film critique and synthesis paper focuses on a documentary film from the list of DW documentaries (Money, happiness and eternal life – Greed (1/2) | DW Documentary)
Film Critique and Synthesis
This is the film that it needs to be on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PudZNM276CY. Length: 5 page minimum—five full pages You will write a critique of a documentary film from the list of DW documentaries provided in the Week 5 Module. Select from within your theme. In your essay, you will closely view your chosen documentary film and analyze how the film works. How it addresses important issues in the world today. You will include the film and any outside sources you might decide to include on a Works Cited page, which is the last page of your essay but does not count toward the page count.
Film Critique and Synthesis
Instead of saying, I found film X to be a a clear insight into rabid baboon behavior, simply say “Film X was a clear insight into rabid baboon behavior due to stunning camera work, long term studies, and excellent explanation. For instance…” Please do use your They Say I Say book to guide you. I will be looking for signs that you are integrating the information from that book. There are excellent examples and scaffolding there. Be sure to pay special attention to what they say about incorporating sources, about how to fully incorporate them through in text citation. When we critique something, it does not mean criticize in a fault finding manner.
Film Critique and Synthesis
It means we weigh up the value and importance of the piece. So, criticizing or critiquing the film means weighing its worth and analyzing it. General guiding questions your essay should answer are: 1.What is this this film arguing and how is it doing that? 2. And how does the director arrange that argument (logos)? 3.How is credibility established? (ethos)? 4.How(not just where) does the film create an emotional response in the viewer (pathos)? 5.What are the most compelling moments in the film and what makes the compelling? 6. What does the film leave the viewer with–Thoughts to think? More information to seek out? Actions to take?
Film Critique and Synthesis
You must include the following in your paper: An opening paragraph within your introduction that lays out the title of the film, the name of the director and producer if those are available, its focus, when and where it was made–like what you did you your summaries. A short summary of the film. No more than a paragraph. Worked in where you think it fits best. This ensures readers who did not watch the film get a short/sweet/basic understanding. optional outside research on the topic of the film to set things into context of strengthen your points if necessary.
Film Critique and Synthesis
It’s good to know a bit about the subject matter, but this one is optional. Specific quotes and descriptions from the documentary cited correctly within the text–that means with a time stamp instead of a page number. You can find examples at OWL at Purdue–the free online site. All quotes should be integrated. This means you introduce the quote, insert the quote, and analyze what you’ve put there. See samples in They Say I Say. A strong and correctly-working conclusion that sums up the paper and pushes your thoughts a bit further. Correct citation applied to both in-text citation and the works cited page in MLA format. https://youtu.be/h67AHvHMtxY
Film Critique and Synthesis
Remember, the OWL at Purdue is the best source for many citation and grammar examples and explanations:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ Thoughtful word choice. Your audience is other college students and professors as well as the public who might like to see your documentary. Proper grammar and punctuation. Here are the steps you should follow in writing this paper: 1. Select the film you would like to work with from the list in Module 5. 3. Watch the film with a notepad and pencil to take notes. Some people prefer to watch twice.
Film Critique and Synthesis
Once just to see it and then a second time to pick out parts they want to include in their essay. 5. Decide on your thesis statement. What’s your main takeaway? 6 Outline your paper, developing sections that support your thesis statement. 7. Draft your paper. 8. Revise your paper. 9. Edit your paper. 10. Hand in your paper.
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The Music of Strangers. 2022 Best
For this assignment we will focus on the Music of Strangers. Paper details: Watch the documentary The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, which can be accessed through Amazon Prime as well as other streaming services.
The Music of Strangers.
Introduction to Music Studies | Spring 2022 Essay Writing Assignment “The Music of Strangers”. Format: This Writing Assignment should be between three (3) and four (4) pages using double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. The header should include Assignment Name, Student Name, and Date. All assignments must be given in complete sentences in a formal, academic style, and checked for writing errors.
The Music of Strangers.
Assignment: 1. Students will watch the documentary The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, which can be accessed through Amazon Prime as well as other streaming services. 2. Students will take notes on the five (5) key members of the ensemble that are explored from various angles throughout the documentary: Yo-Yo Ma, Kayhan Kalhor, Wu Man, Kinan Azmeh, and Cristina Pato. 3. Students will select three (3) of those individuals for the writing assignment:
The Music of Strangers.
Situating the musicians in terms of their cultural and musical context, B. Examining political and/or cultural events that shaped or challenged their lives, and C. Explaining how they approach musical and cultural hybridity through their musical activities. Turning In Assignments: All assignments must be turned in before the posted due date, and are otherwise late. See syllabus for more information on Late Policies. They need to be attached to the pertinent Writing Assignment tab in the appropriate Unit Module on Canvas. https://youtu.be/qvFjOw9K8eo