Tag Archives: disparities

Social Activism and Data Analysis. 2022 Best

Social Activism and Data Analysis.

This paper focuses on social activism and data analysis. In this assessment, you examine how different experiences for minority groups may reflect a dominant culture that practices systemic discrimination in treatment or access to valued resources.

Social Activism and Data Analysis.

Paper details Create a public information product of your choice that is based on data related to a diversity issue. Your product should be at least 1,500 written words, or 10-15-minutes in length if spoken. Often, discrimination is discussed as a primarily individual phenomenon—one-on-one actions in which one person discriminates against another. But as you have learned through your studies and research, some discrimination occurs at the institutional level, despite laws and policies that have been created to reduce or eliminate structural racism.

Social Activism and Data Analysis.

In this assessment, you examine how different experiences for minority groups may reflect a dominant culture that practices systemic discrimination in treatment or access to valued resources. You will examine the extent to which institutional discrimination occurs within a specific institution, such as the criminal justice system or the health care system. A key part of this assessment is incorporating data to support your analysis, something that is also integral to the work that sociologists do. You will also reflect upon and discuss feasible strategies for addressing the institutional inequality uncovered during your research. https://youtu.be/bw5dtWZt4HU

Social Activism and Data Analysis.

Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy. Create a public information piece that conveys a central tenet regarding institutional inequality. Competency 3: Analyze the effects of social policy using aggregated data. Analyze data to make valid sociological inferences. Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.

Social Activism and Data Analysis.

Describe factors contributing to racial and ethnic disparities within the criminal justice system. Assess the impact that institutional discrimination within the justice system has had on minorities and minority communities. Explain ways in which public policies are linked to racial and ethnic disparities within the criminal justice system. Describe policy strategies for reducing institutional discrimination. Competency 6: Communicate effectively. Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Instructions This assessment asks you to demonstrate a deep understanding of institutional discrimination through both research and data analysis.

Social Activism and Data Analysis.

For the purposes of this assessment, you will assume that you are a consultant working for a bipartisan think tank studying one major institution: the criminal justice system, the health care system, the education system, the workplace, or the housing market. In particular, you have been asked to research and analyze the prevalence and persistence of institutionalized discrimination that is based on race and ethnicity. You will explore both the causes and consequences of institutionalized discrimination, from the perspective of the individuals it directly affects, the institution you have chosen, and society as a whole.

Social Activism and Data Analysis.

It is your job to create a public information piece that highlights your findings regarding racial and ethnic inequities within your chosen institution. You will need to support your conclusions with credible data and scholarly research, rather than relying on opinion, and demonstrate your ability to apply sociological thinking to your topic. The first step to prepare for this assessment is to research the topic of institutional discrimination in a specific institution, locating reliable, scholarly sources. Some suggested sources can be found in the Resources for this assessment.

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US health care issue. 2022 Best

US health care issue.

This paper examines a US health care issue.   Statement of the Problem A. What is the  health care issue or the problem your policy brief will address? Provide a short verbal explanation of problem your brief will address

US health care issue.

Statement of the Problem A. What is the  health care issue or the problem your policy brief will address? Provide a short verbal explanation of problem your brief will address. If possible tell a story to grab attention and make us care about your issue. B. Why is it important to address this issue? i. Personal costs* (direct and indirect) ii. National costs* (direct and indirect if possible) *Depending on the topic, you may be able to find cost of illness studies that quantify the costs on a per person and/or national level.

If you cannot find cost data estimates, explain in words the various types of costs/burdens experienced on an individual and a national (societal) level on account of this issue/problem.

US health care issue.

2. Where are we now? [Background/Contextual information] A. Qualitative Context i. Define the key terminology involved with your issue. ii. What have been the pivotal historical factors (both positive and negative) impacting your issue or problem? Show data here if available. iii. Who is impacted and who is involved? a. Identify demographics of impacted domain. Are there disparities that exist within your issue? If possible provide quantitative information on this. b. Identify others indirectly impacted by and/or involved with this problem/issue c. Identify those with decision making ability to impact issue

US health care issue.

d. Explain any major debates/conflicting viewpoints regarding your issue B. International Context Provide international comparisons on your issue. i. Provide at least 1 table or figure, explaining the relative international position of the US with respect to your health issue. ii. Address the factors that may explain the relative position of the US. C. Policy Context Summarize empirical, peer reviewed studies related to policy (or program) approaches addressing your issue. These studies could be at any level from local municipality programs to national policies from any country.

Just make sure they provide an objective, empirical analysis of program/policy effectiveness. https://youtu.be/n3ZbjsS4TCc

US health care issue.

To summarize these reports be sure to include: i. The policy/program being examined ii. The methodology (include: the sample size and characteristics, outcome variable(s) examined, statistical tests used) iii. The study result (numerical/statistical) iv. The study conclusion (did the examined policy/program approach positively impact your issue? What is the recommendation moving forward?) v. Report whether or not the program/policy study addressed any disparities either directly (i.e. was the aim to intentionally close disparities?)

or indirectly (i.e. study notes that policy made improvements across multiple demographics or breaks down impact by socioeconomic groups).

US health care issue.

Note: many studies may not address disparities which is fine, just note in this section that this is an area the study did not touch on. Note: Summarize at least 4 policy/program studies. Different studies can examine the same policy or program. Also, you may reference a study in your international context section that you also want to summarize here. 3. Call to Action Given your research, what specific policy would you suggest to further combat the issue you describe in part 1. Use existing research and provide both quantitative and qualitative arguments supporting your proposed policy. Section three should be between 250 to 1,000 words.

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