Tag Archives: current periodicals
The Strategy of International Business. 2022 Best

This assignment asks you to post a current event international business (IB) NEWS article with a focus on The Strategy of International Business. In your IB NEWS article, you MUST include a) Summary: its brief summary with a link or source,
The Strategy of International Business.
o Post a current event international business (IB) NEWS article with a focus on The Strategy of International Business. In your IB NEWS article, you MUST include a) Summary: its brief summary with a link or source, • For your summary, do not copy and paste contents from the original article b) Reflection: your reflection by incorporating what you have learned from the chapters in the assigned chapters in each module relating to an article you choose, •elaborate on what you have learned from the assigned chapters by taking international business perspectives.
The Strategy of International Business.
For example, what could be the implications for MNEs or international business players from a topic of your article? c) Chapter themes: lists of specific chapter themes from the assigned chapters in each module relating to the current event/article that you choose Hint: For C subheading “Applications of key themes” Choose any of the key terms from the attached document and explain. how and why, they are related. d) Discussion question(s): to encourage further discussion on the topic(s) for the group members.
The Strategy of International Business.
For encouraging group discussion, take international business perspectives asking IB relevant questions. In order to have full credits, formatting including each component from a) to d) as subheadings is a MUST in posting your initial main article. Each student is asked to find an article in current periodicals (described as no more than one-year old) on an assigned topic. https://youtu.be/wnOj3hP4hlE
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Racialization of black wealth 2022 Best

Any in challenges of black business owners, racialization of black wealth, media portrayal, or being treated unfairly w/the black community with white supremacy or any current events involving these.
Racialization of black wealth
AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES COURSE: Write a four-page essay (double-spaced, one inch margin, minimum 1,000 words, maximum 1,050 words) of which you make an argument using four sources (examples: current events – newspapers and current periodicals, scholarly journal articles, textbook (Kendi), or class articles. Do not use any sources used for the midterm assignment. Note: a. You must incorporate a minimum of two sources from articles or books outside of class material.
Racialization of black wealth
However, you can use four outside sources if you would like. Videos outside of the course material are not encouraged but may be used with pre-approval. b. All four sources should support each other and therefore support your argument. c. IF you are unsure whether your four chosen sources support your argument, please reach out to me by May 13th by email or to request a quick Zoom session. Making sure your resources support your argument is important to your grade. To complete this assignment, you will need to: 1. Choose four texts that especially interest you (two must be from outside of class materials) 2. Formulate your thesis.
Racialization of black wealth
Decide whether you will emphasize the similarity of the two texts chosen or the differences. A comparison/contrast essay typically begins by acknowledging what it does not seek to emphasize. For example, if you are going to argue the similarities of two topics, you might begin by noting the differences. Starting from this point of contrast, you could then observe that despite their seeming differences, they in fact have very similar ideologies. Conversely, if you will mainly emphasize the contrasts or differences of the two topics, you should start off by noting certain basic similarities.
Racialization of black wealth
3. Draft an introduction in which you set up your argument and start gathering textual evidence to support it. Find the specific phrases or passages that will help you to make your comparison or contrast clear and convincing. Quotes can be powerful and relevant, however if you provide a quote, think of how you can interpret and reflect upon it effectively. Further, resist the urge to provide too many quotes. 4. Draft the main part of your essay. Once you’ve set up your comparison or contrast with an introduction, the main body of your essay can be handled in one of two ways:
Racialization of black wealth
a. Discuss each text one at a time: Discuss the first text, making your case with a few main points that synthesize your argument. Then move on to the second text, addressing the same main points. b. Compare/Contrast the discussion of the two texts: Take each main point of comparison or contrast in turn i.e. addressing how each text is similar or different before moving on to the next point. Either of these basic structures is fine but be sure to follow one or the other. 5. Draft a conclusion. Try not to simply rehash what you’ve already said. Take your thinking a step further.
Racialization of black wealth
Use the final paragraph or so to suggest a larger implication of your argument. 6. Edit the essay: Proofread it for typos and other errors. Read/check for clarity and transition words (Grammar-check tools won’t pick up everything); 7. Cite references: Cite references within the essay and on a separate page at the end of your essay. https://youtu.be/MxzDTXHzjVk