Tag Archives: critical thinking

Research paper on Decision Making. 2022 Best

Research paper on Decision Making.

This assignment involves writing a research paper on decision making. As we read more and learn about successful decision-makers in our cases, you will see the relationship between critical thinking and decision-making and how the leader can determine effective solutions.

Research paper on Decision Making.

Write an APA research paper about Decision-Making. The essay should be between 500-800 words. Research for scholarly/peer-reviewed materials from our Regent Library for decision making and problem solving techniques for your content. You want to find out about Decision making method(s) and write about it(them) in your paper. The content should involve at least one aspect of a Learning Objectives or Learning Outcomes, as mentioned in our previous Weekly Overviews. For example, the essay could explain one good technique in detail or give the highlights of a few methods for decision making.

Research paper on Decision Making.

You decide! Prepare a writing piece that explains how you would employ one or more of the decision making/problem-solving tools regarding a problem. It could apply to management, leadership, organizational or even personal decisions. Remember to include Biblical integration in the paper. Follow APA guidelines for writing and referencing (e.g, a cover page, references page, proper headings within the paper, etc.). Our books are great resources too but would not count as research. Include at least two or more scholarly/peer-reviewed references in your paper. https://youtu.be/EyVYAngxkPA

Research paper on Decision Making.

Learning Objectives this week involve the third one, recommending solutions to real-world problems based on strategic business and leadership applications and data-driven assessments. As we read more and learn about successful decision-makers in our cases, you will see the relationship between critical thinking and decision-making and how the leader can determine effective solutions. This is our first Course Learning Objective!

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Research paper on Shark hunting. 2022 Best

Research paper on Shark hunting.

This assignment involves writing a research paper on Shark hunting. Class Theme: The Sea. For this assignment, please choose a topic and write a proposal (see detailed instructions below) that relates in some way to the idea of the sea.

Research paper on Shark hunting.

Shark Hunting is corrupting the Ocean’s Ecosystem.. Final Research Paper & the Research Proposal Assignment Class Theme: The Sea. For this assignment, please choose a topic and write a proposal (see detailed instructions below) that relates in some way to the idea of the sea. We have already looked at various ways this can be considered (through ecology, technology, exploration, trade, culture, economics, social media, etc.) and through different media (YouTube video and essay article) – but don’t let this limit your thinking about the topic. As your preliminary research should be suggesting to you, there are endless ways to consider the topic of “the sea.”

Research paper on Shark hunting.

This proposal is the first step in writing the research paper that is the capstone assignment in the course. All significant work that we do for the rest of the course will be directly related to this research paper/part of the research paper. Your final research paper for this course is comprised of the following parts: Research Proposal 10% Annotated Bibliography 10% Presentation/Infographic (first draft) 15% Argumentative Research Paper (with graded second draft) 30% Grade for all parts of Final Research Paper Project: 65% (See revised syllabus posted on Moodle for entire grade breakdown of course) This handout deals with details of the Proposal only.

Research paper on Shark hunting.

Additional handouts will be provided for the other parts of the Final Research Paper Project. The Proposal: A research proposal helps a writer narrow a topic to form research questions and/or working thesis. It will help you express your research questions, explain why they are important, discuss your methodology and begin identifying sources. Remember, the final research is not a cut and paste job using MLA style – it is a synthesis of your research and critical thinking about your fully and clearly articulated research question. DIVIDE YOUR PROPOSAL INTO THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS:

Research paper on Shark hunting.

1. A Working Title of Your Paper: Give it an interesting title that suggests the topic and attracts your reader – do NOT use a title like “Research Paper” or “Global Warming” – these are NOT interesting – this is only a working title, you will probably need to change it once the paper has been completed 2. Working Thesis: Although this is only a working thesis (and will change as you refine your research and analysis) it should contain a clear focus for your argument and a “so what” component. 3. Research Questions: State a series of questions that you have about your topic after you have done some preliminary research.

Research paper on Shark hunting.

These questions should not be simple factual questions (like what is the capital of Peru?). You will probably find as the research progresses that you are able to answer these initial questions in just a few sentences. But as you explore your topic and begin to analyze information that you have gathered, you will find yourself asking more complex questions of your topic and your material. Include 5 well-developed research questions on your proposal. 4. Background: Explain your interest in this particular topic.   https://youtu.be/50j-I2A6III

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Strategic Use of Digital Tools in Science. 2022 Best

Strategic Use of Digital Tools in Science.

This paper explores the strategic use of digital Tools in Science.  Paper details In this assignment, select three examples of content-specific technologies supporting student learning of science concepts and relationships.

Strategic Use of Digital Tools in Science.

Paper details In this assignment, select three examples of content-specific technologies supporting student learning of science concepts and relationships. Design a 3 page lesson plan (not including the title and references pages) incorporating the use of each technology (3 plans total). Such technologies should stimulate student interest and increase proficiency in mathematics and/or science. For each technology: Design and describe a detailed mathematics and/or science lesson on a topic of your choice that (1) builds 21st century skills and (2) incorporates the use of a content-specific technology.

Strategic Use of Digital Tools in Science.

Each lesson should be designed to build the following skills: Critical thinking Problem solving Collaboration For each lesson, discuss the following: What benefits does the tool provide for learning mathematics and/or science? What potential challenges may arise when using the tool? What are ways to address possible challenges? https://youtu.be/-ulUbTunJqQ

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Effective Learning Strategies. 2022 Best

Effective Learning Strategies.

This paper explores effective Learning Strategies. This short writing assignments invites you to reflect upon your experiences with writing, reading, and communication.

 Effective Learning Strategies.

Writing Sample: Literacy and Language This short writing assignments invites you to reflect upon your experiences with writing, reading, and communication. There are no right or wrong answers; this is about you, your experiences, and the connections you might make between your existing practices and the types of reading and writing you might do in college. Here are some questions that might help you think about your experiences. Your paper should answer as many of the following questions as possible, but feel free to add or deviate where you see fit. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages. What are your initial thoughts about taking this accelerated summer composition course?

Effective Learning Strategies.

In what ways has school been rewarding for you as a learner? In what ways has it not been rewarding? What aspects of school do you find most challenging? How do you feel about reading? Do you enjoy it? Is it something you have been forced to do? How do you feel about your own writing? Have you written anything this week? What are the types of writing you usually do? How did you feel about your previous English classes (either in high school or at LBCC)? Were there any aspects you found particularly interesting? Are there any areas you wish you had more time practicing material from?

Effective Learning Strategies.

What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in this course and college as a whole? Your reflection will be graded using the following rubric: Refers to information presented, ideas, insights, critical thinking & appropriate expression of messages. Document meets minimum word count (400 words). Structure: References the order of ideas (sentences, paragraphs, multimedia, etc.) and cohesion of ideas MLA: Correctly formatted MLA document Style: Language, sentence types, word choice, voice Mechanics: spelling, grammar, punctuation, surface errors. https://youtu.be/aCxykTz2-ig

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Communication and Conflict Assessment 2022 Best

Communication and Conflict Assessment.

In this communication and conflict assessment we will focus on the following: Step 1: Communication to Avoid and Handle Conflict Background For this class, you can consider yourself as being employed by the company of your choice.

Communication and Conflict Assessment

Paper details Here is a link for all the class info https://hodges.instructure.com/courses/5533/files/4111625/download?wrap=1 Read Page 3 to 101 should all be in there or you can look up and do your own search and make up your own business. just make it look good apa style format Interview Step 1: Communication to Avoid and Handle Conflict Background For this class, you can consider yourself as being employed by the company of your choice. Within your company, you are being considered to lead a large workplace project (you can imagine the project as whatever you want it to be for the purposes of your answers to the assignments in this course).

Communication and Conflict Assessment

Your supervisor is conducting a series of in-depth interviews to identify who is the best fit to lead this project – from communication ability, to leadership, to listening skills. Your Assignment The first part of your interview, your supervisor has asked you to come up with a with a communication plan to help prevent issues during this project, as well as how you would handle potential conflict on your team. Answer the following questions in a Word Document with 1-2 paragraphs for each of the four prompts below: Write a sample email to your team demonstrating your ability to establish expectations for the project in addition to demonstrating your ability to be a respectful and encouraging leader.

What is the significance of intercultural communication in a workplace environment?

Communication and Conflict Assessment

What is the most important thing you can do as a leader when there is conflict on your team? What are ways to avoid miscommunication? If you unintentionally insult a team member and they are visibly upset with you, but do not directly approach you about the insult because of your position as the team lead, what would be your next steps? Please follow these guidelines: Your assignment submission should be 800-1000 words in length (quality over quantity). Submit your assignment using a Word document or PDF (you can save Google Docs as either a .docx or .pdf – please never submit .txt files). It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking.

Communication and Conflict Assessment

To reflect critical thinking in question 1, be concise and demonstrate conscientious communication skills. To reflect critical thinking in questions 2-4, draw from real-world experiences and cite relevant references. References should be cited using APA Style. Rubric M1 Rubric M1 Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Email Sample email to team demonstrates ability to establish expectations for the project in addition to demonstrating ability to be a respectful and encouraging leader. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ2 Answer to question 2 is strong and provides details and examples. https://youtu.be/PV_3wMgtFbw

Communication and Conflict Assessment

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ3 Answer to question 3 is strong and provides details and examples. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ4 Answer to question 4 is strong and provides details and examples. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Submission / Quality Submission is on time; no grammar and spelling issues; assignment is high-quality. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCLO1: Communication Skills Identify and employ communication skills that can be used to resolve conflict in personal and professional settings.

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Industry Research and Analysis. 2022 Best

Industry Research and Analysis.

This assignment is about industry research and analysis. To identify potential areas for innovation within your industry through the use of a specific process. Begin: Establish the industry for your specific research process.

Industry Research and Analysis.

Paper details Objective: To identify potential areas for innovation within your industry through the use of a specific process. Begin: Establish the industry for your specific research process. It is best if this is aligned with your current employment and/or firm. Requirements: Research articles regarding your healthcare industry and what challenge it is currently experiencing or will soon experience. Using Richard van de Lagematt’s Model for Critical Thinking from this week’s reading, create a report to analyze the situation.

Industry Research and Analysis.

Conclude by identifying what additional information you think needs to be gathered in order to have a complete understanding. Professional Report Writing format: 3 – 5 pages double spaced Include headers, charts, graphs or pictures if needed. Include at least 3 researched sources outside of text. Title page and Reference Page in APA format In text citation of references as required in APA format. https://youtu.be/apm0wH9HU0Y

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Philosophy Bites series. 2022 Best

Philosophy Bites series.

For this assignment we will focus on the Philosophy Bites series. The host of Philosophy Bites, Nigel Warburton, interviews a variety of practitioners in the fields of ethics.

Philosophy Bites series.

Paper details: The following outlines the two options for the 100-point essay assignment. The aim of this assignment is to encourage the student to explore/interact with a topic in ethics that is of interest and to engage in critical thinking in regards to it. Here are the options: 1) Find a podcast related to Ethics from “Ethics Bites” (a sub-grouping in the Philosophy Bites series): https://philosophybites.com/ethics/ This link is also useful as it takes the viewer to categorized lists. The Ethics-related categories are further down the list so be sure to scroll down a bit: https://philosophybites.com/325-bites-interviews-arranged-by-theme.html

Philosophy Bites series.

The host of Philosophy Bites, Nigel Warburton, interviews a variety of practitioners in the fields of ethics. You are asked to find a topic/podcast of your choice, communicate with the instructor (directly or electronically) about the one that you have selected in order to get it approved, and then listen to the approved interview and complete a written assignment that will address the following: 1) Summarize the salient ideas/arguments in the interview. Be sure to address the major positions discussed and/or taken by the thinker being interviewed 2) If the author is taking any specific positions, be sure to explain those as well as any arguments and/or principles that the speaker seems to be appealing to (either explicitly or implicitly)

Philosophy Bites series.

3) Finally, provide your own views and thoughtful insights concerning the position taken by the speaker. For example, consider if you agree/disagree and why. While the length of the student’s essay will be dependent upon the complexity of the particular essay, a good guide for this assignment is 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced and in 12-point font. The essay will be evaluated based upon the following criteria and out of 100 points: 1) Demonstrate an understanding of the topic(s) being addressed 2) Clarity of expression. This includes use of good grammar and spelling 3) Logical coherence of arguments and/or explanations 4) Sound organization of ideas

Philosophy Bites series.

5) Original and thoughtful insights This is the second of the options: Find two essays from the moral problems portion of the textbook related to a topic that you have an interest in further exploration. The plan is that the two essays take different positions on the safe general issue. This may be from any of the topics found in the text; however, it is imperative that you consult the instructor for approval and guidance. In the essay, the following should be done: 1) Briefly summarize the salient ideas in the essays. Be sure to address the major arguments and include the main theses and supporting reasons.

Philosophy Bites series.

For the in-class portion, it is acceptable and appropriate to use and audiovisuals that you believe to be useful and I will be glad to provide advice and assistance 2) Discuss the ethical theories that the authors seem to be viewing the issue through and justify why you believe this type of framing is present 3) Be sure to compare/contrast the arguments and their ethical approaches and it is also a good way to isolate strategies for critical analysis 4) Finally, please assess the arguments. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments?

Philosophy Bites series.

What alternative ways of framing the issues may have been overlooked or may have been appropriate? While the length of the student’s essay will be dependent upon the complexity of the particular essay, a good guide for this assignment is 4-6 pages in length, double-spaced and in 12-point font. Note that if you are using nothing other than the textbook, no sources page will be necessary. However, if any outside sources are consulted those must be cited and MLA source citations will be fine. https://youtu.be/unvPF7FwaMw

Philosophy Bites series

The essay will be evaluated based upon the following criteria and out of 100 points: 1) Demonstrate understanding of the essay and associated theories 2) Clarity of expression. This includes use of good grammar and spelling 3) Logical coherence of arguments and/or explanations 4) Sound organization of ideas 5) Original and thoughtful insights

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