Tag Archives: constitutional forms
Processes of self determination – 2022 Best

What political and constitutional factors explain the differences between processes of self determination in the Scottish (UK) and Catalan (Spain) cases?
Processes of self determination
What political and constitutional factors explain the differences between processes of self-determination in the Scottish (UK) and Catalan (Spain) cases? You should: – The essay should be unbiased and not side with a specific argument or author – Strictly focus on the political and constitutional factors of self-determination only. And be clear with the factors in the introduction. Don’t forget to discuss National Self Determination before comparing the cases – I want the essay to be comparative; and show how comparison of the cases reveals the importance of constitutional forms and institutional (including party-system type)affect the stability of multi-national states.
Processes of self determination
Harvard style citation – No footnotes please; in text citation only – Please use the resources mentioned below only; try to use all of them if not ATLEAST 9 SOURCES (I will upload them aswell): – Falk, Richard, ‘Self-Determination Under International Law: The Coherence of Doctrine Versus the Incoherence of Experience’ in Wolfgang Danspeckgruber (ed.) The Self-Determination of Peoples (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner, 2002). – Taras, Raymond C. and Ganguly, Rajat, ‘Ethnic Conflict and International Norms’, Ch.2 in their Understanding Ethnic Conflict pdf below – Erk, J. and Anderson, L. (2009), The Paradox of Federalism: Does Self-Rule Accommodate or Exacerbate Ethnic Divisions? Regional and Federal Studies, Vol.19, No.2, pp.191–202.
Processes of self determination
Anderson, L., (2016), ‘Ethnofederalism and the Management of Ethnic Conflict: Assessing the Alternatives’, Publius, 46 (1): 1-24. Link below – McGarry, John and O’Leary, Brendan, ‘Federation as a Method of Ethnic Conflict Regulation’, in Noel, Sid (ed.), From Power Sharing to Democracy (London: McGill/Queen’s University Press, 2005). – Keating, Michael, ‘What do the Nations Want? Nationalist Aspirations and Transnational Integration’ in Keating, Michael, Plurinational Democracy: Stateless nations in a Post-Sovereignty Era (Oxford: OUP, 2001), ch. 3. Nicola Mc Ewen, Nicola, Nationalism and the State: Welfare and Identity in Scotland and Quebec (Peter Lamng, Brussels, 2006)
Processes of self determination
ch.4 – Durr, G. (2015) ‘The European Economic Crisis and Rising Secessionism: New Demands on the European Social Model in Scotland, Flanders, and Catalonia’ in S. Romano and G. Punziano (eds.) The European Social Model Adrift: Europe, Social Cohesion and the Economic Crisis, 1st Ed. (London: Routledge). – Greer, Scott,(2007) Nationalism and Self-Government: The Politics of Autonomy in Scotland and Catalonia (State University of New York UP) E-book – Brendan O’Leary ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’ in Power-Sharing in Deeply Divided Places (University of Pennsylvania, 2013. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/gmul-ebooks/reader.action?docID=3442148&ppg=1 – Cinalli, Manlio, https://youtu.be/jsy2AZZIw50
Processes of self determination
‘Below and Beyond Power Sharing: Relational Structures across Institutions and Civil Society’, in O’Flynn, I. and Russell, D., (eds), Power Sharing: New Challenges for Divided Societies (London: Pluto, 2005). – Ghai, Yash, ‘Ethnicity and Autonomy: A Framework for Analysis’, in Ghai, Yash (ed.), Autonomy and Ethnicity: Negotiating Competing Claims in Multi-ethnic states (Cambridge: CUP, 2001) ch. 1. – Keating, Michael, ‘Plurinational Democracy’, ch. 6 in Plurinational Democracy: Stateless nations in a post-Sovereignty Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).