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Utilitarianism Textual Analysis 2022 Best
Assignment Instructions: Utilitarianism Textual Analysis Outline Assignment Read all the assigned sections from J.J. C. Smart, pp.9-30, 42-57 (Every student needs to first complete all of the readings, or else it will be difficult to understand the context of the text you choose to outline.
Utilitarianism Textual Analysis
Assignment Instructions: Utilitarianism Textual Analysis Outline Assignment Read all the assigned sections from J.J. C. Smart, pp.9-30, 42-57 (Every student needs to first complete all of the readings, or else it will be difficult to understand the context of the text you choose to outline. Also, you will be able to identify which section of text you find most interesting before choosing from the 6 textual analysis/outline options listed above.) Choose one of the 6 textual analysis/outline options listed above. After choosing the section of text you want to analyze, download the document file to modify the outline on your own computer and re-save the document by replacing ‘page outline’ with your last name in the file name.
Utilitarianism Textual Analysis
After completing the textual analysis outline, you will submit the assignment by uploading your modified document to the assignment submission portal. Read the document “How to Read PHIL” for additional recommendations on how to read and annotate complex philosophical texts, which should help you take notes on your section of text for your outline. For your chosen section of text to analyze and outline: reread the section carefully, flag important claims, note the relationship between ideas, annotate the text, and utilize your reading notes to develop a useful outline of the section
Utilitarianism Textual Analysis
Your completed textual analysis outline should clearly and accurately summarize Smart’s analysis, arguments, and examples discussed in the section of text that you choose to outline. (See rubric for assessment criteria.) Tips & Guidelines for Successful Textual Analysis Outlines: Do try to summarize Smart’s analysis in a clear manner accessible to your peers. Try to express the complex analysis in your own words. Don’t oversimplify to the extent that the important details from Smart’s analysis are lost or completely obscured. Do include an occasional brief quote from Smart, cite it, and offer a charitable interpretation of the quote. https://youtu.be/-a739VjqdSI
Utilitarianism Textual Analysis
Don’t simply quote Smart without citation or interpretation. (A quotation is not self-explanatory; it never interprets itself.) Do make multiple smaller additions to the outline with clear organization representing the relationships between the concepts/examples/arguments under discussion in the text, providing concise and useful reconstructions. Don’t fill your outline with huge paragraphs of text; the end product is supposed to be useful reading notes analyzing the text (long paragraphs of textual interpretation are not very user-friendly in an outline. So, keep this in mind.) Do your best to maintain a consistent format in your outline.
Utilitarianism Textual Analysis
Don’t make a mess of outline formatting. Rubric Textual Analysis Outline Rubric Textual Analysis Outline Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTextual Analysis 10 pts Proficient (i) Articulates and defines key concepts in the text, (ii) clearly interprets particular passages from the text, (iii) explains relationships between ideas in the text, (iv) attempts to clarify complex arguments, distinctions, or explanations in the text, (v) identifies important details in examples found in the text, or provides own detailed examples to illustrate abstract ideas found in the text.