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This paper focuses on creating a model police department. s you know, the efforts to improve policing over the past few decades have focused on both the police themselves and the methods they use for policing.
As you know, the efforts to improve policing over the past few decades have focused on both the police themselves and the methods they use for policing. The result has bee a good deal of effort to study tactical methods along with the push to increase the educational levels of officers. Of course, tactical and strategic changes – such as community policing efforts – have required additional consideration on who we need as our police as well. After reviewing the accompanying “Model Police Officer Survey” your assignment is to: Summarize the findings and conclusions of the authors.
Then, Develop a proposal to guide a midsized police agency in its effort to transition to one staffed with “Model” police. This should include: Section 1 – a description of what constitutes a model police officer with an explanation what makes that officer ideal for the agency you are advising, Section 2 – The recruitment and selection process necessary to find and attract such employees, Section 3 – The training that a model officer should have, and Section 4 – How officer performance should be evaluated to verify that they are, in fact, model employees. https://youtu.be/EM1hccKsQLQ