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preliminary care coordination plan 2022 Best

Preliminary care coordination plan

This assignment asks you to develop a 3–4-page preliminary care coordination plan for a selected health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem.

Preliminary care coordination plan

Develop a 3–4-page preliminary care coordination plan for a selected health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. Introduction NOTE: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4. The first step in any effective project is planning. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate the coordination of care for a particular health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem.

Preliminary care coordination plan

Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Care Coordination Planning activity. Completion of this will provide useful practice, particularly for those of you who do not have care coordination experience in community settings. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate engagement. Preparation Imagine that you are a staff nurse in a community care center.

Preliminary care coordination plan

Your facility has always had a dedicated case management staff that coordinated the patient plan of care, but recently, there were budget cuts and the case management staff has been relocated to the inpatient setting. Care coordination is essential to the success of effectively managing patients in the community setting, so you have been asked by your nurse manager to take on the role of care coordination. You are a bit unsure of the process, but you know you will do a good job because, as a nurse, you are familiar with difficult tasks. As you take on this expanded role, you will need to plan effectively in addressing the specific health concerns of community residents.

Preliminary care coordination plan

To prepare for this assessment, you may wish to: Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete. Allow plenty of time to plan your chosen health care concern. Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24-48 hours for receiving feedback. Instructions Note: You are required to complete this assessment before Assessment 4. Develop the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Complete the following: Identify a health concern as the focus of your care coordination plan.

Preliminary care coordination plan

In your plan, please include physical, psychosocial, and cultural needs. Possible health concerns may include, but are not limited to: Stroke. Heart disease (high blood pressure, stroke, or heart failure). Home safety. Pulmonary disease (COPD or fibrotic lung disease). Orthopedic concerns (hip replacement or knee replacement). Cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s disease or dementia). Pain management. Mental health. Trauma. Identify available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. Document Format and Length Your preliminary plan should be an APA scholarly paper, 3-4 pages in length.  https://youtu.be/CSLrCwTn6s4

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Policy factors in care coordination. 2022 Best

Policy factors in care coordination.

This assignment explores ethical and policy factors in care coordination. Instructions:  Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care.

Policy factors in care coordination.

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length. Introduction As coordinators of care, nurses must be aware of the code of ethics for nurses and health policy issues that affect the coordination of care within the context of the community.

Policy factors in care coordination.

To help patients navigate the continuum of care, nurses must be proficient at interpreting and applying the code of ethics for nurses and health policy, specifically, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Being knowledgeable about ethical and policy issues helps ensure that care coordinators are upholding ethical standards and navigating policy issues that affect patient care. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop a presentation for a local community organization of your choice, which provides an overview of ethical standards and relevant policy issues that affect the coordination of care.

Policy factors in care coordination.

Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of ethical issues and policies related to the coordination and continuum of care, and will empower you to be a stronger advocate and nursing professional. It would be an excellent choice to complete the Vila Health: Ethical Decision Making activity prior to developing the presentation. The activity provides a helpful update on the ethical principles that will help with success in this assessment. Preparation Your nurse manager at the community care center is well connected and frequently speaks to a variety of community organizations and groups.

Policy factors in care coordination.

She has noticed the good work you are doing in your new care coordination role and respects your speaking and presentation skills. Consequently, she thought that an opportunity to speak publicly about contemporary issues in care coordination would be beneficial for your career and has suggested reaching out to a community organization or support group to gauge their interest in hearing from you, as a care center representative, on a topic of interest to both you and your prospective audience. You have agreed that this is a good idea and have decided to research a community organization or support group that might be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues related to the coordination of care.

Policy factors in care coordination.

Your manager has suggested the following community organizations and support groups, but acknowledges that the choice is yours. Homeless shelters. Local religious groups. Nursing homes. Local community organizations (Rotary Club or Kiwanis Club). To prepare for this assessment, you may wish to: Research your selected community organization or support group. Review the Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements and associated health policy issues, specifically, the ACA. Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete.

Policy factors in care coordination.

Allocate sufficient time to rehearse your presentation before recording the final version for submission. Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft presentation to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24-48 hours for receiving feedback. Recording Equipment Setup and Testing Check that your audio speaker and PowerPoint software are working properly. You can record audio directly to your slides, using PowerPoint or other presentation software.  https://youtu.be/rOZeNgV3Rfk

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Assessing a faith-based organization 2022 Best

Assessing a faith-based organization

This assignment focuses on assessing a faith-based organization and understand how it is unique. Faith-based organizations play an important role in global health given their holistic approach to serving the whole person and community,

Assessing a faith-based organization

A faith-based organization (FBO) is an organization that has a faith or religious component as its foundation and motivation for its work. The purpose of this assignment is to assess a faith-based organization and understand how it is unique. Faith-based organizations play an important role in global health given their holistic approach to serving the whole person and community, especially among vulnerable groups. Identify an example of a faith-based global health organization or ministry. Research the institution by reviewing annual reports, websites, papers, program documents, or conducting in-person or phone interviews.

Assessing a faith-based organization

The organization should be at least five years old, work in multiple countries, and have an explicit faith-based foundation. Write a 1,000-1,250-word case study on the selected organization in which you assess the following aspects of the organization: Mission Assess how the mission of the organization aligns with its strategies and work: 1. How does the mission of the organization match its strategies and activities in serving vulnerable or low-income populations? 2. How does the organization integrate faith into its public health activities and programs? Comment on how the organization balances its mission to share its faith with its goal to improve health.

Assessing a faith-based organization

3. Are the values of the organization unique compared to other global health organizations? Populations 1. Assess the populations served by the organization or ministry: How does the organization or ministry identify a population or individuals to serve? 2. Does the organization have specific eligibility criteria? Funding Mechanism Review a funding report for the organization. Assess the funding mechanism of the organization: 1. What are the primary sources of support for the organization? 2.Do the local populations being served by the organization help support the organization (time, talents, or treasure)?

Assessing a faith-based organization

Partnerships Assess the partnerships of the organization within public health to develop innovative and appropriate public health models: 1. List the organizations that the selected faith-based organization partners with. 2. How does the organization work or partner with other organizations, churches, or groups in the communities where the organization works? Is this effective in promoting health and environmental stewardship and reducing poverty? 3. Does the organization partner with governmental public health agencies? 4. How could the organization improve the effectiveness of its “aid” and support in the communities within which it works? https://youtu.be/a3mWX8RNrug

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Protected Health Information – 2022 Best

Protected Health Information

This assignment focuses on Protected Health Information (PHI). So, in this assessment, assume you are a nurse in an acute care, community, school, nursing home, or other health care setting.

Protected Health Information

Paper details In this assessment, assume you are a nurse in an acute care, community, school, nursing home, or other health care setting. Before your shift begins, you scroll through Facebook and notice that a coworker has posted a photo of herself and a patient on Facebook. The post states, “I am so happy Jane is feeling better. She is just the best patient I’ve ever had, and I am excited that she is on the road to recovery.” You have recently completed your annual continuing education requirements at work and realize this is a breach of your organization’s social media policy.

Your organization requires employees to immediately report such breaches to the privacy officer to ensure the post is removed immediately and that the nurse responsible receives appropriate corrective action. You follow appropriate organizational protocols and report the breach to the privacy officer.

Protected Health Information

The privacy officer takes swift action to remove the post. Due to the severity of the breach, the organization terminates the nurse. Based on this incident’s severity, your organization has established a task force with two main goals.. Educate staff on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care. Prevent confidentiality, security, and privacy breaches. The task force has been charged with creating a series of inter-professional staff updates on the following topics: Social media best practices.

What not to do: Social media. Social media risks to patient information. Steps to take if a breach occurs. So, you are asked to select one or more of the topics and create the content for a staff update containing a maximum of two content pages. When distributed to inter-professional team members, the update will consist of one double-sided page.

Protected Health Information

The task force has asked team members assigned to the topics to include the following content in their updates in addition to content on their selected topics.. What is protected health information (PHI)? Be sure to include essential HIPAA information. What are privacy, security, and confidentiality? Define and provide examples of privacy, security, and confidentiality concerns related to the use of the technology in health care.

Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information. Also, what evidence relating to social media usage and PHI do inter-professional team members need to be aware of? For example: How many nurses have been terminated for inappropriate social media use in the United States? https://youtu.be/SlC44Bi9DRM

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Excellence in patient care – 2022 Best

Excellence in patient care

For this assignment we will focus on achieving excellence in patient care through value based strategies. The nurse uses clinical imagination coupled with nursing science to detect subtle changes and deviations from expected patterns of being to prevent or control adverse outcomes.

Excellence in patient care

Please refer this also BSN MSN Nurse as Detective: The nurse uses clinical imagination coupled with nursing science to detect subtle changes and deviations from expected patterns of being to prevent or control adverse outcomes. Nurse as Detective: The nurse uses clinical imagination coupled with nursing science to judge and determine the consequence of subtle changes and deviations from expected patterns of being to prevent or control adverse outcomes. Nurse as Scientist: The nurse participates in scientific inquiry to inform healthcare decisions; and critiques, disseminates and implements evidence to influence practice.

Excellence in patient care

Nurse as Scientist: The nurse uses translational science to influence healthcare decisions; to prescribe and also, implement best practice and broadly disseminate the findings. Nurse as manager of the Healing Environment.. The healing environment is global in nature and includes considerations of healthcare policy, finance as well as regulations. Acknowledging this, the nurse creates, coordinates, and advocates for a respectful, interdisciplinary environment. An environment that promotes optimal well-being and affirms the dignity of the human experience.

Excellence in patient care

Nurse as manager of the Healing Environment.. The healing environment is global in nature and includes social, cultural, political as well as economic influences. Acknowledging this, the nurse, as a member of the inter-professional community, influences public policy and also, promotes social justice in the human health experience. Operational Definitions of the Concepts in the Model. The three concentric circles of Knowing, Doing and Being describe the progressive development of a nurse which begins with Knowing, progresses to Doing and culminates in Being. https://youtu.be/zRPM_pqaPp4

Excellence in patient care

Knowing refers to the acquisition of knowledge, information or understanding and extends to the integration of knowledge of the mind, body, environment, community, self, clients, and colleagues. Doing describes the development of skills and abilities essential to the practice of nursing. And the provision of care to patients, families, and communities.

It is the demonstration of skillful and helpful ways of being with patients and includes tasks and processes nurses’ use while providing care. Also, being a nurse describes the development of ‘habitus’ or habits of ethical comportment. And the use of knowledge, skills and abilities in embodying the complex role and intuition of a patient-centered practitioner.

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