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Tag Archives: Case Study

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis 2022 Best

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis 

This assignment involves writing a cultural competency and research analysis paper that analysis the way circumstances in a case study unfairly impact members of one or more diverse populations.

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis

Paper details Write a 6-8 page assessment of the way circumstances in a case study unfairly impact members of one or more diverse populations, and the cultural competencies psychology, counseling, or medical professionals may use to help resolve such issues. Present research methods and findings that support your thinking and your approach to the developmental and cultural concerns of the case. ****Link for Case Study**** https://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/PSYC4900element20848/wrapper.asp Analyze how the problem described in the case study you selected may unfairly impact members of the populations described in the Introduction to Hays’s ADDRESSING Model document.

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis

Initially, you should brainstorm as many such effects as possible that relate to the case you selected. When you have developed many entries, combine ideas that are similar. Assess each of your remaining entries in terms of importance: In what ways is it inequitable? How great or severe is the effect? How many people may be affected? Take care that you do not allow your own biases to minimize your assessments. Choose the entry that seems to be of greatest importance on the basis of your evaluation, and elaborate on that aspect for your selected case.

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis

Instructions Write a 6–8 page paper in which you examine three main areas as they relate to the specific case you have selected: Theory: Application of theory to the specific case. Research: Understanding of research methods and application of findings. Cultural Competence: Knowledge and application of cultural competency skills. Theory Select a minimum of two theories that are relevant to the case you chose. The theories should help explain concerns for the client, such as developmental or contextual issues. Analyze how those psychological theories point toward potential solutions for a problem.

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis.

Of the theories you select, make sure at least one provides a framework for understanding the cultural issues between the individuals in the case. Explain how these theories help us to understand the individual client or patient in the case and how they can direct the professionals in the case to a potential solution. Note that theory can help us understand where the individual (client or patient) is in her development. For example, psychosocial theory would help explain individual development, or ecological systems theory would help explain the impact of environmental interaction on the individual.

Research Select two original research studies that help us understand the situation in the case you selected and potentially lead to interventions in the case. Cite the research studies, using APA style. Explain the research design and methods used in the research studies. What type of research was conducted, who was studied, and how? https://youtu.be/_VEibZOP01c

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The elements of Freytags pyramid. 2022 Best

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

This is a discussion on the elements of Freytags pyramid. What you need to do: Read through the case study and the accompanying resources. Reflect on what you’ve learned in the course and how the information applies to the scenario.

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

Discussion 1 What you need to do: Read through the case study and the accompanying resources. Reflect on what you’ve learned in the course and how the information applies to the scenario. Select which solution you think is best for the given scenario. Compose a discussion post by clicking on the “Comment” button. Your first post should include the following information: a.  and family. Jeffrey wants to begin reading a work of fiction, and he comes to you for advice on strategies he should use to give him a bet…  Which option you selected (You can say A, B, C, or D.) b. A brief statement as to why you selected that option

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

c. An outside source that supports your conclusion; this can be a reference to a book, website, journal article, etc. Your post can be no more than 800 characters and no fewer than 600 characters. Your post should be in your original words, not in quotes or citations. In-person discussions are short, so your challenge is to be concise and articulate to demonstrate your understanding of the course. You can use additional discussion posts to further support your position if needed. If you go below or over the character limit, you will not be able to post your reply. If you prefer to write your post first in a word processor, check your character counts first.

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

6. Once you have submitted your initial post, read through what others have posted. Find someone who has selected a different solution than you and has really made you think about your choice. Reply to their post with a thoughtful question. These should not be “who, what, when, or where” types of questions. They should be substantive “how and why” types of questions that seek to understand why someone chose the solution they did. Case Study and Resources Jeffrey does not enjoy reading because he has a hard time understanding and remembering what he reads. He also struggles with applying what he reads to various areas of his life.

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

Jeffrey becomes upset when this happens because he wants to be able to absorb the things he reads so he can talk about them with Friendster understanding of the work. He can’t shake the feeling that reading does not have much of a purpose and yields no meaningful benefits for him. Recommend a book that you have read for Jeffrey to try, and use the resources below to inform your decision: Elements of Fiction Guide Freytag’s Pyramid How to Read a Lot More Books (Especially if you don’t enjoy reading).

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

The purpose of this exercise is to use the information you’ve learned in this course to evaluate a scenario and determine a best case solution based on the selections given. To complete this activity, you will need to: (1) post one response about your selected solution, and (2) ask someone else a question about why they choose a solution different from the one you selected. For more information about how to properly engage in online discussions, refer to the lesson on discussions in the orientation course.

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

Using the material you learned in the units on Drama, Prose, and Writing about the Human Experience, how would you best assist Jeffrey? Option A: Elements of Prose Explain to Jeffrey what the seven elements of prose are, and advise him to write down everything he needs to look out for when reading. Use your book recommendation, specifically, to show examples of how the elements of prose can be used for better understanding as he reads. Option B: Freytag’s Pyramid Explain to Jeffrey what the elements of Freytag’s Pyramid are, and how to look out for dramatic structure while reading.

The elements of Freytags pyramid.

Use your book recommendation, specifically, to show examples of how Freytag’s Pyramid adds interest and structure to a work of fiction. Explain to Jeffrey how this may help him to enjoy reading personally. Option C: Love of Reading Explain to Jeffrey that if he wants to develop a greater love of reading, he needs to find what about it interests him. Recommend the book that sparked your love of reading, and explain the elements of plot and structure that made it meaningful to you. Address some of Jeffrey’s issues with reading, and explain why you think this book would help to solve them. https://youtu.be/REma28Zg7r8

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Contemporary Marketing strategy. 2022 Best

Contemporary Marketing strategy.

This assignment involves writing a research proposal on contemporary marketing strategy. The research proposal enables students to identify a problem within marketing in and organisation of their choice or a defined case study and propose an action research plan to address it.

Contemporary Marketing strategy.

The research proposal enables students to identify a problem within marketing in and organisation of their choice or a defined case study and propose an action research plan to address it. The key is to ensure that the focus is on marketing practices and potential problems that might arise for individuals or organisation. The research proposal will prompt the students to not just identify a topic, which they explore at a later date, but rather it will require that students ascertain the scope of their research, its aims, research question and objectives.

Contemporary Marketing strategy.

The submission includes a brief overview of key literature to help illuminate the research question and offers insights into primary evidence based data collection methods and timeline to prompt students’ thinking along the lines if this research is in fact feasible. The purpose of this submission is to enable students to plan their capstone research and to engage with their module tutors in meaningful discussion focused on the chosen pathway focused research topic. https://youtu.be/YK4EKOMl7WA

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Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty. 2022 Best

Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty.

In this case study assignment, we will focus on dealing with risk and uncertainty. The first step is to select a company or organization of your choice that has been dealing with risk and uncertainty within the last six months.

Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty.

Week 10 Assignment – Case Study: Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty. In this case study assignment, you will select a company or organization of your choice that has been dealing with risk and uncertainty within the last six months. Then you will determine solutions to organizational problems that take into account principles of risk management to improve operations and profitability. Instructions Write a 6–8 page paper in which you: Evaluate a selected company’s or organization’s recent (within the last six months) actions dealing with risk and uncertainty. Recommend advice for improving risk management and provide justification for the recommendation.

Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty.

Examine an adverse selection problem the company/organization is facing, and recommend how it should minimize the negative impact of adverse selection on transactions. Determine the ways the company/organization is dealing with the moral hazard problem, and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with moral hazard. Describe a principal-agent problem in the company/organization, and evaluate the tools the company/organization uses to align incentives and improve profitability/efficiency. Examine the organizational structure of the company/organization, and suggest changes to improve the overall profitability/efficiency.

Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty.

Explain why those changes would result in an improvement to profitability. Use five sources to support your writing, including one published within the last six months about the risk and uncertainty the company has faced. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides. https://youtu.be/_7pWVtE9_50

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USA invasions in Iraq. 2022 Best

USA invasions in Iraq.

In this conflict intervention and Development assignment we will examine a case study of the USA invasions in Iraq. The main aims of this exercise are to: 1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and debates concerning complex emergencies and humanitarian intervention since the last decade of the 20th century;

USA invasions in Iraq.

Paper details My teacher’s Instructions: Choose a case study of a conflict or a post-conflict situation. Decide on the focus of your discussion; the focus of your analysis will determine your research question which you are required to state in your essay. Based on the research question you will come up with a title of your essay. In this essay, you are expected to demonstrate an ability to apply critically the knowledge and understanding of the complexities of humanitarian intervention by analyzing the international involvement in a complex emergency or a post-conflict situation of your choice.

USA invasions in Iraq.

The main aims of this exercise are to: 1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and debates concerning complex emergencies and humanitarian intervention since the last decade of the 20th century; 2. show knowledge of a specific conflict or post-conflict situation; 3. critically assess the international response to the conflict/post-conflict situation and its consequences. Format: – Case study – facts – argument – opinion My choice is: the invasion of Iraq. I think USA loses more than wins in the war against Iraq. I need you to Analyze it.

USA invasions in Iraq.

The topic is the question of the advantages and disadvantages of USA invasion of Iraq. Advantage>>> getting rid of saddam while disadvantage>> destabilizing the region. Explain the situation of Iraq now. Critical thinking, the opinion >>that USA has lost more than won. After the war, the usa created a void that now has been filled by terrorist like Isis. https://youtu.be/_tcUogFo9yE

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Designing network architecture 2022 Best

Designing network architecture

This assignment focuses on designing network architecture. The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to apply theoretical understanding about hardware, software and networking concepts when planning and designing IT solutions for a small organisation.

Designing network architecture

Context This assessment task requires to analyze a network scenario, design the network architecture and recommend IT solutions including ethical, security and sustainability considerations. The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to apply theoretical understanding about hardware, software and networking concepts when planning and designing IT solutions for a small organisation. Instructions This is an individual assessment. AT3 has two parts. Each part is 25 marks worth. For the first part, you have to sit for the MS certification exam (Azure Fundamentals). The exam is on-campus (subject to Covid restrictions) and the duration is 90 minutes.

Designing network architecture

The marks you will obtain the exam will be converted accordingly. The exam date will be announced later. For the second part of the assessment, you have to write a design report on the given case study. Please carefully read the following network scenario. Network Scenario: Suppose you are a network administrator of the ABC company. The company has two local departments: HR and Finance. Currently, the departments are running on two separate networks and the network/system performance is very poor. As a network administrator, you are asked to redesign the network so that they are interconnected, and all systems can access the Internet using a single ISP connection.

Designing network architecture

The following details the individual requirements of each department. 1. HR department: This network will have 20 PCs, one IP phone and one wireless printer. All computers must be connected to the Internet. More devices can be added to this network in future. 2. Finance department: This network will have 22 PCs, 2 IP phones, 1 wireless printer and 1 scanner. All computers must be connected to the Internet. The systems must be secure and reliable. More devices can be added to this network in future. https://youtu.be/_IOZ8_cPgu8

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Employee with Mental Health Issues -2022 Best

Employee with Mental Health Issues

This nursing paper is about addressing Employee with Mental Health Issues. Paper Instructions: Students must respond to an ethical issue in professional practice (legal and moral) and present both sides of the issue from their research

 Employee with Mental Health Issues

Nursing paper: Topic –  Addressing Employee with Mental Health Issues. Paper details: Discussion Debate Paper Instructions: Students must respond to an ethical issue in professional practice (legal and moral) and present both sides of the issue from their research (positive aspects of the topic and negative aspects on the topic). Students must then from their research take one stand on the issue from their best judgment. Students must properly cite the source(s) used for their research and the position they took on one particular side of the issue.

The debate topic will be decided by the course professor and is listed below (response should be no more than two (2) pages double spaced): Discussion Debate Topic- Addressing Employee with Mental Health Issues (Case Study) Your Role: You are the Director of Nursing (DON) of your hospital.

 Employee with Mental Health Issues

T.C. is a 38-year-old nurse who graduated three (3) years ago from a BSN program. She maintained a 3.00 GPA while working as a supervisor in a convenient store. T.C. is also a member of the local Nurses Association. T.C. has had several outbursts on the Telemetry unit; a unit that she has worked since graduation. She attributes these outbursts to anxiety and job related stress. She has been reprimanded by the nurse manager on numerous occasions. Additionally, she has had verbal altercations with various physicians as well; all of which she justifies as legitimate. She is a caring and competent nurse. https://youtu.be/t8hl8rkCk6E

 Employee with Mental Health Issues

You received a call from F.J., the nurse manager of the Telemetry unit with a brief scenario of the incident, which he then followed up with the email below: I spoke to T.C., privately in my office this morning and informed her of my assessment that she was not prepared to function on the unit today. She began to cry and would not stop. I was afraid to leave her in the office alone for a minute, in fear that she would do something to herself or me.

I excused her for today, but she continued to cry uncontrollably when I attempted to speak with her. She was unable to listen and she would not leave the unit. I was tempted to call security but I did not want to create a scene.

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