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Fair Minded Reasoning assignment – 2022 Best

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment. Your paper should include the following elements: Introduction (approximately 150 words) Introduce readers to your topic. Include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper.

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

.  Paper details Your paper should include the following elements: Introduction (approximately 150 words) Introduce readers to your topic. Include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper. First Argument (approximately 200 words) Present the best argument on one side of the issue. Put your argument in standard form, with the premises listed one by one above the conclusion. You may put the premises into your own words, or you may quote a source. If you use words directly from a source, then they must occur within quotation marks (in addition to the citation).

This argument can be based on the scholarly sources you analyzed in Week 3, but it can also include evidence from other sources you have found (in addition to your own improvements).

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

It is to represent what you take to be the best argument you have found for this side of the issue. Cite sources that support your premises. Refer to the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) resource to structure the citations. Opposing Argument (approximately 200 words) Present the best argument on the other side of the issue (same as above, but on the opposite side). Develop your argument in standard form, with sources cited to support your statements (as above). Analysis of the Arguments (approximately 300 words) Evaluate the quality of the two arguments given above.

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

This can include addressing whether key premises are true (or well supported) and how strongly the conclusion logically follows from them. Explain any fallacies, biases, or rhetorical tricks committed by any of them. Analyze why one is stronger than the other. Justify your position not with opinion but with your analysis of the quality of the arguments. Presentation of your own argument on the topic (approximately 200 words) Construct your own argument on the topic. Present your argument in standard form. Of course, this argument will be influenced and supported by the research you have done, but this is to be your own argument in your own words supporting your thesis. https://youtu.be/4oOkldIqhDg

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

For any premises that are based on research, include a citation of the relevant source (even though the premise is in your own words). Addressing an objection to your argument (approximately 300 words) Present what you would consider to be the best possible objection to your argument (you may address more than one if you prefer). Present what you would take to be the best reply to this objection and defense of your argument. Cite a scholarly source in this section as well (either in your presentation of the objection or in your response to it). Conclusion (approximately 150 words) Summarize the evidence for all points of view. Evaluate how controversial topics should be addressed by critical thinkers

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