Tag Archives: audience
Visual Analysis on a work of art.

This assignment involves carrying out a visual analysis on a work of art. A visual analysis does not require any research. The assignment is an exercise in using your eyes and previous knowledge to understand any given art object.
Visual Analysis on a work of art.
Paper details A visual analysis does not require any research. The assignment is an exercise in using your eyes and previous knowledge to understand any given art object. It is NOT a mere written description of the object. Try to determine why the object was made and for whom. The artist created the object for a specific reason and with a specific audience in mind. The object itself provides clues for the answers to these questions. The object must come from a culture and time period to be covered in class. (Early Buddhist Art in India or Early civilization in India)
Visual Analysis on a work of art.
All museums now have some sort of online exhibition available to the public. You will select the object of your analysis from an online museum virtual exhibition that includes artwork from anywhere but Europe or the United States. Since you will not be able to experience the object in person, go to an online museum outside of the Los Angeles area, preferably one on another continent. You will need to cite the online museum exhibition that includes the object of your analysis. Before submitting the assignment, be sure to look at the rubric. You can find the rubric by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of this assignment.
Visual Analysis on a work of art.
Directions The visual analysis is to be written as a formal essay. It is to be typewritten, double-spaced, 12 point Arial or Helvetica font, and no longer than three pages of text with one-inch margins. The attached rubric for grading the final paper. Plagiarism will result in ZERO POINTS for the entire assignment. It may also be cause for expulsion, suspension, or probation. The visual analysis is due online on Thu Apr 29 at midnight. Note! You must include at least two photographs of the object you are analyzing as the last pages of your submitted paper.
Visual Analysis on a work of art.
One photo shows a full view of the artwork, the other photo shows the scale of the artwork. Either find an interior shot of the where the piece is on display, or find a photo of the artwork next to people/furniture, etc. You must cite the sources of your photos or you will be committing plagiarism. You will have to include a cover/title page. You should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) formatting. For citations, you are to use the NB (Notes Bibliography) Style as outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style (Links to an external site.) for form.
Visual Analysis on a work of art.
You will need to cite all sources including the exhibition and the photographs used in your paper. This is the reason for the Citation Form assignment due Thursday, April 08. Form: Form includes punctuation, spelling, grammar, incorrect word choice, sentence structure, mechanics of documentation, style, paragraph structure, and general organization of the formal essay format. You must include a photograph of the object you are analyzing as the last page of your submitted paper. A simple printout of a cell phone photo is fine.
Visual Analysis on a work of art.
If you use a photo from any other source, you must cite that source or you will be committing plagiarism. Content: Content deals with how much analysis was provided and whether that analysis was logical and methodologically presented. Did you present the issue and then proceed to cover all parts of it? If you claimed that an object is “beautiful,” did you explain how the object expresses that beauty? https://youtu.be/sM2MOyonDsY
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Analytical Essay on the Farewell movie. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an analytical essay on the Farewell movie. In this assignment, there will be two parts. The first half will summarize then analyze the reading. When analyzing, keep the following questions in mind:
Analytical Essay on the Farewell movie.
Analytical Essay In this assignment, there will be two parts. The first half will summarize then analyze the reading. When analyzing, keep the following questions in mind: how did the writer construct his/her argument? How did he/she open the piece? How did he/she end it? What sort of evidence/support did the writer use to make his/her claim? Why did the writer make these choices? How did these specific choices influence the argument? Who was the audience of this piece?
Analytical Essay on the Farewell movie.
What role do you think the audience played in the choices the writer made? The second half of this piece is focused on your specific reaction to the piece. As you discuss your reaction, try to put this piece in conversation with your own life. What concepts/ideas/choices that the writer made could you relate to in some way? And why? Or, do your experiences conflict with this piece? Do you disagree? How does this piece speak to your own experiences?
Analytical Essay on the Farewell movie.
Analytical Paper • debrief explanation or reflection: 2-3 pages Evaluation Your work will be evaluated by how successfully you are able to gather and synthesize information as well as how effectively you are able to remediate this information in an analytical essay. In addition, your essay will be evaluated on how useful or convincing it is in an academic setting as well as how pervasive the information could be beyond an academic setting (i.e. policy). You can put three research or academic research. https://youtu.be/Kwy8fSn5fks
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Writing an argumentative Essay. 2022 Best

This assignment is about writing an argumentative Essay. Paper instructions: Argument Essay Argument requires you to choose a controversial issue, make a clear and specific claim that takes a position on the issue, and give reasons and evidence to support the claim that will appeal to your audience.
Writing an argumentative Essay.
Paper instructions: Argument Essay Argument requires you to choose a controversial issue, make a clear and specific claim that takes a position on the issue, and give reasons and evidence to support the claim that will appeal to your audience. Assignment For your argument essay, you’ll write a 2,000- to 2,200-word research paper on an issue related to your field of study and future career. Please note that there is no graded prewriting for the argument essay, but you should still follow the steps in the writing process to plan, organize, draft, and revise your essay before you submit it for evaluation.
Writing an argumentative Essay.
Topic In your opinion, what is the biggest problem facing your future profession, industry, or market? In your essay, you will present the problem, clearly define and explain the issues, and then identify the best possible solution. You should use the third-person point of view. You are writing for an audience unfamiliar with your topic, so your goal is to use language your readers are familiar with and can relate to; be sure to define any technical terms you use. Research You are required to use six to eight reputable secondary sources. Evaluate your sources to ensure that the information you are using and passing on to your readers is accurate and reliable.
Writing an argumentative Essay.
Incorporate evidence from your secondary sources into your plan for your essay. You’ll need to use parenthetical citation and include a list of references on the last page of your exam. Refer to the APA style section in your textbook and the APA style guide in the Writer’s Block. Exam Format Format your prewriting and essay exams according to the following instructions. Refer to the sample APA-style essay in your textbook. Start with a title page that includes your Title Name Student ID Address Email address Use the header function to insert your page number in the top right margin of your document.
Writing an argumentative Essay.
You do not need to include your essay title in the header. Begin your document on page 2 after the title page. Start page 2 with your title Do not include abstracts in your essays. Use transitional words, phrases, and sentences to guide your reader through your essay. Do not use headings in your essay. Include your references list on the last page of your document. Do not submit it separately. https://youtu.be/lXtORS10Fys
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Public Health Legislation. 2022 Best

This assignment is about Public Health Legislation. This assessment addresses the following course objective(s): Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.
Public Health Legislation.
This assessment addresses the following course objective(s): Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration. Instructions Throughout this course, you have learned about the importance of political advocacy: how legislation can impact healthcare delivery, quality of care, patient outcomes, and various healthcare professional’s roles and practice. For this final assignment, you will research current legislation related to public health (Unit 7 topics are a great place to start). Identify a piece of legislation you feel passionately about.
Public Health Legislation.
You will complete parts I and II below, to illustrate your understanding of the legislation, state your position, call for action, etc. Audience: Politicians who will be voting on your identified legislation. Submit This assignment has 2 deliverables for upload. Please review carefully. Part I Multimedia Presentation: Use one of these techniques to create your multimedia presentation. Part II – Written support: Prepare a professional paper, summarizing the legislation itself, your position, call for action, etc. Cite relevant sources, which may include industry leader’s perspectives, or scholarly research. Minimum length of five pages. https://youtu.be/b0Qy2p1J5jk
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Our Sense of Self 2022 Best

This paper explores our Sense of Self. Paper details Now, pretend that you have been asked to speak to a group of middle school students on the topic of bullying as it relates to self-concept, self-esteem and self-presentation.
Our Sense of Self
Paper details Now, pretend that you have been asked to speak to a group of middle school students on the topic of bullying as it relates to self-concept, self-esteem and self-presentation. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following: – Keeping in mind your audience of 12-14 year olds, define self-concept, self-esteem and self-presentation. – Analyze and explain the possible causes of bullying in the context of these three concepts. – Analyze and explain the impact of bullying (on the victim and aggressor) of these three concepts.
Our Sense of Self
Provide specific actions or behaviors kids in your audience can use to stop or respond positively when they see bullying, are bullied, or are tempted to bully. As you complete your presentation, be sure to: Use speaker’s notes to expand upon the bullet point main ideas on your slides, making references to research and theory with citation. Proof your work – Use visuals (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in your presentation and to reinforce your content.
Our Sense of Self
Do not just write a paper and copy chunks of it into each slide. Treat this as if you were going to give this presentation live to a group of middle school kids – be relevant, engaging, and focused. – Font should not be smaller than size 16-point – Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style – References slide (a minimum of 3 outside scholarly sources (American) plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome) – Title and introduction slide required. https://youtu.be/tGdsOXZpyWE
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Summary and Reviewing a Text – 2022 Best

This assignment is about writing a Summary and reviewing a Text. An important element of studying language and improving our writing skills involves understanding texts and accurately informing others about what those texts mean.
Summary and Reviewing a Text
Writing Assignment – Writing a Summary, Reviewing a Text. Purpose An important element of studying language and improving our writing skills involves understanding texts and accurately informing others about what those texts mean. Reading critically and carefully is an essential skill for any strong writer. In addition, accurately summarizing someone else’s arguments is equally important for a good writer. Thus, for this essay you will pick an audience of your choice and you will summarize for your audience a text by analyzing and mapping a writer’s argument, understanding the specific details in a text, and informing your readers about the text’s evidence and arguments. https://youtu.be/LbO3lRXT0ww
Summary and Reviewing a Text
You will also review the same text by either recommending or not recommending the text to your readers. Task Write a 2-3 page essay in which you summarize and review a text, based on careful reading of the writer’s argument. First, make sure you fully understand the writer’s argument and all the details of the text. Then, summarize accurately and succinctly the writer’s claims. Finally, conclude with your review and a recommendation for your audience. The point of this paper is not to simply agree or disagree with the author, but rather to use careful reading strategies to understand what a text is trying to convey. Then, you will evaluate the text for your own audience.
Summary and Reviewing a Text
Include these specific steps: Provide relevant information about the text, the author, and the subject. Carefully read and break down a text so you fully understand its points and its structure. Pick a specific audience to whom you wish to address your paper and pay attention to the audience’s needs and expectations. Include a main take-away (thesis) that indicates how your paper is structured and what it is about. Carefully and accurately summarize the writer’s main points and how exactly the writer argues and develops these main points.
Summary and Reviewing a Text
Explain the writer’s logic (logos) and the sort of evidence, data, stories, or descriptions the writer uses. Effectively integrate quotations, and paraphrase from the text into your own essay. Include a clear review, or recommendation, of the text, as well as your criteria for the evaluation: do you want your readers to read the text, or do you find it is not worth their time? Why or why not? Support your recommendation with clear examples. Be aware of the ethics of reviewing as you consider the effects of your judgments.