Tag Archives: article
Service Management. 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing responses to articles talking about service Management. Here is what you need to do: 1) Use the template provided below: a. Name of article: b. Link to article from the web: c. Chapter from our textbook that you will relate to the article:
Service Management.
Paper details Need to write 10, 2 to 3 page responses to articles. Not all have to be three pages long. Minimum is two per article. See below for format etc. Here is what you need to do: 1) Use the template provided below: a. Name of article: b. Link to article from the web: c. Chapter from our textbook that you will relate to the article: d. Describe how you would improve the service to deal with the problem your article describes. Be specific and give examples! 2) Find one article for chapter’s 3-12 for a total of 10 articles.
Service Management.
Find 10 different web articles about a service operation. Each article and completed template from (1) above are worth 2 points of your course grade. Make sure the articles deal with services! 3) Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1-inch margins all around, with page numbers and your name on the front page. I expect 2-3 pages per article, with a minimum of 2 pages per article. 5) I expect “d” to be about at least two pages in length. This is where you are performing as a consultant and advising on how to improve the situation with what you learned in the course. https://youtu.be/BTdsP4WOgVE
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An annotated bibliography. 2022 Best
This assignment entails creating an annotated bibliography. For the final annotated bibliography you need to find contemporary information that relates to your archival document.
An annotated bibliography.
All of the sources you use for the final annotated bibliography must have been published within the past ten years. In other words, you are looking at a modern day equivalent to what happened in the past. To do this you will be looking to more contemporary sources of information that go beyond traditional books and articles. To fulfill this final assignment you will need to consult specific news sources from the liberal and conservative point of view and the following databases:
An annotated bibliography.
One interview with an individual involved with your topic conducted by a news organization. This can be an audio interview on Opposing Viewpoints or a written interview found on any of the other databases. • One article from a biased source from the Left: Mother Jones The Nation The New Republic Dissent Harper’s Magazine The New Yorker The American Prospect The Progressive • One article from a biased source from the Right: American Conservative The National Interest Commentary The Cato Journal The American Spectator National Review Reason The Weekly Standard.
An annotated bibliography.
As with the midterm annotated bibliography, you will receive five possible points for each of your six annotations. Your annotated bibliography must include the following: source 1: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/larison/muzzling-doctors-and-nurses-is-dangerous/ source 2: https://www.motherjones.com/coronavirus- updates/2020/04/nurses-ppe-white-house-protest-trump/ source 3: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/icu-nurse-life-changed-battle-zone/story?id=70207389. https://youtu.be/R0Hsnx0l1q4