Tag Archives: Aristotle
The work of Galileo and Darwin. 2022 Best
For this assignment wee will compare and contrast the role that religion played in evaluations of the work of Galileo and Darwin. What did Galileo and Darwin propose and why, and how did the Church and/or its representatives react to their discoveries and theories?
The work of Galileo and Darwin.
All submissions will be automatically reviewed by Turnitin.com. Any similarity rating over 25 percent, and this includes quotations that are cited, will automatically be graded as a “zero,” as per the policies on the syllabus. Overuse of quotations is also considered plagiarism, because it means that you did not do enough of your own work. Do your own work for the exam. Turnitin also checks between student submission for similarities. Set aside a two-hour block of time to complete the exam. Study before hand and then write your responses and submit them.
The work of Galileo and Darwin.
Please write a paragraph that identifies and explains the significance of four of the following terms. Be sure to include important facts, dates, events, and other important information that helps to explain the significance of the term. Aristotle, On the Heavens Galileo, The Starry Messenger Index of Prohibited Books Decree of the Council of Trent, 1546 On the Origins of the Species William Paley The Voyage of the Beagle Essay topic Write a well-organized, coherent essay on the topic below.
The work of Galileo and Darwin.
Cite as many facts, dates, events, and primary sources as possible to support your response. A paragraph or two will not be a sufficient level of detail for this assignment. (60 points) Compare and contrast the role that religion played in evaluations of the work of Galileo and Darwin. What did Galileo and Darwin propose and why, and how did the Church and/or its representatives react to their discoveries and theories? What role does religion continue to play in discussions of modern scientific discoveries? https://youtu.be/9qJut0CBs5w
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Utilitarian view of happiness. 2022 Best
this assignment we will explore the Utilitarian view of happiness. Section I: Plato 1. Socrates always aimed at finding good definitions of things. What makes for a good definition? Give an example of a bad definition and of a good definition, and explain.
Utilitarian view of happiness.
Summary: The material has three sections: Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas & Others. Each of these sections has 4 questions in it. I will select 2 of the questions from each section, and you will pick 1 from each to write on. That means you will write 3 essays in total, and that the questions that will appear on the exam will be chosen from those in this guide. I’m expecting that you will write about ½ to 1 page for each of your 3 answers. Best of luck in your preparations. Section I: Plato 1. Socrates always aimed at finding good definitions of things. What makes for a good definition? Give an example of a bad definition and of a good definition, and explain.
Utilitarian view of happiness.
2. In the Republic, Socrates identified the parts of the soul. What were these parts? How does justice relate to these parts? 3. What is virtue, and how does it relate to function? Give examples of different types of things, and explain what their virtues would be. 4. One of our readings from the Republic included a story about someone finding a magical ring (the “ring of Gyges”). What does this story say about justice and injustice, and how should we respond to it? Section II: Aristotle 1. Explain what happiness is and what virtue is. What is the connection between happiness and virtue? How do we achieve virtue?
Utilitarian view of happiness.
2. Explain the virtues of courage and temperance — what are they, what makes them different from each other, and what are their associated vices? 3. Explain the different types of justice, and provide examples of each. What makes justice different from virtues like courage and temperance? 4. For Aristotle, why do we study ethics? How does ethics differ from subjects like mathematics or physics? Does studying ethics make us good? Section III: Aquinas & Others 1. (Aquinas) How does Aquinas distinguish between perfect and imperfect happiness? https://youtu.be/-a739VjqdSI
Utilitarian view of happiness.
How can we achieve perfect happiness? 2. (Mill) What is the Utilitarian view of happiness? What makes an action right or wrong, for a Utilitarian? 3. (Kant) Explain the notion of a “good will” in Kant. What makes an action wrong, in his view? Is happiness the goal of life? 4. (Aquinas) What is the Natural Law? How do human laws relate to the natural law