Tag Archives: Argument

Logical reasoning and validity 2022 Best

Logical reasoning and validity

This paper explores logical reasoning and validity of an argument. Argument #9: Today I’m going to defend the idea that love is the highest ethical principle we have. First, I think love is the most important value there is. No value can be more important in helping us make our ethical decisions than love.

Logical reasoning and validity

Argument #9: Today I’m going to defend the idea that love is the highest ethical principle we have. First, I think love is the most important value there is. No value can be more important in helping us make our ethical decisions than love. Second, it feels good to act on the basis of love. And feeling good is important. Third, when we love other people, they feel good. And feeling good is important. Fourth, think of that Beatles song, “All You Need is Love.” I think the Beatles knew what they were talking about. So, in conclusion, love is the most important value there is.

Logical reasoning and validity

a)Provide a rational reconstruction of the argument, reducing it to a series of numbered premises understood to necessitate a logical conclusion. b)Assess the logical validity of the argument as rationally reconstructed. Is the conclusion logically necessitated by the premises? c)Assess the factual truth of the argument’s premises. Categorize each of the premises as one of the following: wholly uncontroversial, potentially controversial, controversial, or factually false. Identify the premise you find to be most controversial and assess its factual viability.

Logical reasoning and validity

d)Provide a restatement of the premise in order to render it less controversial and assess how successful this restatement is in improving the argument. Postulate a possible interpretive shortcoming of the argument. Make the strongest case you can for why this shortcoming might obtain, formulating it explicitly as a counter-argument with a series of numbered premises necessitating a logical conclusion. Then assess whether your counter-argument suffices to render the original argument false. https://youtu.be/NTSZMdGlo4g

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Police Brutality among African Americans. 2022 Best

Police Brutality among African Americans.

This paper explores police Brutality among African Americans. Paper details After receiving approval from your instructor to research a topic of local concern, use the resources located on Canvas as well as your textbook to create an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your paper topic.

Police Brutality among African Americans.

Paper details After receiving approval from your instructor to research a topic of local concern, use the resources located on Canvas as well as your textbook to create an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your paper topic. Be sure to utilize full APA citations and annotations for six sources, at least four of them academic or scholarly. Your annotations should each be 150-200 words and accomplish the following: 1) Identify the central argument of the source. If the source is primarily informational, its argument might be implied rather than explicitly stated. 2) Identify the main type of evidence used to support the argument.

Police Brutality among African Americans.

3) Evaluate the quality of the argument by referencing types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, analogical), the use of concessions and qualifiers, and/or logical fallacies. 4) Identify and explain one important counterargument, concession, or qualifier within the source. 5) Discuss how the source will be used in your research paper (to advance your position, as an example of a counterargument/concession, etc). Do not plagiarize your annotations from article abstracts or from the source texts themselves. https://youtu.be/8RYdItBIuOU

Police Brutality among African Americans.

Assignments with plagiarized material will not receive a passing grade. Before your annotations, you must provide a working title, topic description, and working thesis for your research paper. An example with citations formatted in APA edition follows these instructions. No cover sheet is required. Use the heading as indicated on the example.

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Public Universities in the United States 2022 Best

Public Universities in the United States

This assignment explores whether public universities in the United States be Free.  In this paper, you get to demonstrate the skills you have learned in this class as you strive to manifest the ability to arrive at conclusions based upon a fair-minded analysis of the best reasoning on both sides of issues.

Public Universities in the United States

Fair-Minded Reasoning – Should Public Universities in the United States be Free.  In this paper, you get to demonstrate the skills you have learned in this class as you strive to manifest the ability to arrive at conclusions based upon a fair-minded analysis of the best reasoning on both sides of issues. This includes presenting and evaluating the best arguments on each side, followed by a presentation of your own argument for your thesis. You will go on to support this argument using evidence from scholarly sources and addressing the strongest objection to it. Integrate the work you did in the Week 3 Scholarly Arguments on Both Sides assignment.

Public Universities in the United States

For an example of how to complete this paper, take a look at the Week Five Example Paper. Your paper should include the following elements: Introduction (approximately 150 words) Introduce readers to your topic. Include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper. First Argument (approximately 200 words) Present the best argument on one side of the issue. Put your argument in standard form, with the premises listed one by one above the conclusion. You may put the premises into your own words, or you may quote a source. If you use words directly from a source, then they must occur within quotation marks (in addition to the citation).

Public Universities in the United States

This argument can be based on the scholarly sources you analyzed in Week 3, but it can also include evidence from other sources you have found (in addition to your own improvements). It is to represent what you take to be the best argument you have found for this side of the issue. Cite sources that support your premises. Opposing Argument (approximately 200 words) Present the best argument on the other side of the issue (same as above, but on the opposite side). Develop your argument in standard form, with sources cited to support your statements (as above). Analysis of the Arguments (approximately 300 words) Evaluate the quality of the two arguments given above.

Public Universities in the United States

This can include addressing whether key premises are true (or well supported) and how strongly the conclusion logically follows from them. Explain any fallacies, biases, or rhetorical tricks committed by any of them. Analyze why one is stronger than the other. Justify your position not with opinion but with your analysis of the quality of the arguments. Presentation of your own argument on the topic (approximately 200 words) Construct your own argument on the topic. Present your argument in standard form. Of course, this argument will be influenced and supported by the research you have done, but this is to be your own argument in your own words supporting your thesis. https://youtu.be/42uDxNa7no0

Public Universities in the United States

For any premises that are based on research, include a citation of the relevant source (even though the premise is in your own words). Addressing an objection to your argument (approximately 300 words) Present what you would consider to be the best possible objection to your argument (you may address more than one if you prefer). Present what you would take to be the best reply to this objection and defense of your argument. Cite a scholarly source in this section as well (either in your presentation of the objection or in your response to it). Conclusion (approximately 150 words) Summarize the evidence for all points of view.

Public Universities in the United States

Evaluate how controversial topics should be addressed by critical thinkers The Fair-Minded Reasoning Final Paper, Must be five to seven double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references) and formatted according to APA Style. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper in bold font Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

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Critical Thinking 2022 Best.

Critical Thinking and Evaluating Information.

This paper focuses on Critical Thinking and Evaluating Information.  So, in this reflection, we’ll do two things: You’ll help your readers see the essays the way that you see them You’ll reflect on your development as a critical thinker, reader.

Critical Thinking.

Critical Thinking and Evaluating Information. In this reflection, you’ll do two things: You’ll help your readers see the essays the way that you see them You’ll reflect on your development as a critical thinker, reader. RUBRIC ON EWRAP Look at the Criteria of Writing Proficiency (click on “How is EWRAP Evaluated?”). Then, tell us which essay best demonstrates the criteria. In a substantial paragraph, explain why you chose this essay, and how this essay best represents your capabilities as a writer.  Specifically:  Tell us the position that you take in this essay, and why you took this position.

Critical Thinking.

Tell us what was the most convincing evidence you used in support of that position and why. Tell us any other aspect of this essay that you’re proud of. Then, in another paragraph, explain how the essay you discussed is different from the other essays in your portfolio. You might consider:  Are these differences the result of a different audience, purpose, or context for the essays?  Are some differences because these are different types of essays? https://youtu.be/Cum3k-Wglfw

Critical Thinking.

Do the differences represent changes in your writing skill? In a separate paragraph for each paper:  Tell us how these essays demonstrate your growth as a writer. Or, if you’d prefer, tell us how these essays reveal to you what you’d still like to work on as a writer. Either way, refer to specific examples within your essays to help you explain this. Finally, feel free to discuss what factors (tutors? professors? peers? a new-found commitment to writing?) have aided your growth as a writer.  If there’s anything else you want to tell us about your writing, please include it in your reflection.

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War and Peace 2022 best

War and Peace

For this assignment we will focus on understanding War and Peace  relating to Tolstoy’s War and Peace.  Length: 6-8 pages. Format: Please submit your paper as a Word doc (preferred), or PDF.

War and Peace

Length: 6-8 pages. Format: Please submit your paper as a Word doc (preferred), or PDF. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1-inch margins. Your paper should be double-spaced EXCEPT for block quotations (which should be single-spaced and indented ½ inch from the left margin). If you are using a web-based program to write your paper (e.g. Google docs), please double check the formatting before you submit. Don’t forget to spell-check! Your paper will be evaluated using the same rubrics as for Short Papers 1 and 2.

You should build directly on the skills that you practiced in those papers, using your close readings of specific passages and specific scenes to explore a concrete argument about the novel as a whole.

War and Peace

Remember to include: – Your name, the course name, and the date, plus a title for your paper. – A “Work(s) Cited” section, in correct MLA bibliography format. For a reminder, consult https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/, or the Powerpoint slides posted on the home page of our course site. – A statement of academic integrity, as follows: “I certify that this assignment represents my own work. I have not used any unauthorized or unacknowledged assistance or sources in completing it.” Without this statement, your work will not receive credit.

War and Peace

– You are also encouraged to include an “Acknowledgements” section to indicate any consultations with a classmate (or tutor, parent, roommate, etc.), or any other informal resource that helped you write the paper. Here, as in all of your papers for your course, you are strongly discouraged from using any secondary sources. If you find that you have broken this rule, keep scrupulous records of any Internet searches or other research, and cite and/or acknowledge any sources that contribute to your final paper. Please do not undo your hard work this semester by including the uncited ideas, opinions, or words of others in your final paper. https://youtu.be/H-BCmUeHE5c

War and Peace

Suggested Topics Choose ONE of these topics to guide your initial thinking about your paper. As you are beginning to think about your paper, remember: – All the following topics are starting-points. It’s your task to narrow them down so that you can arrive at a specific question you’d like to address, and eventually, the specific argument of your paper. – A 6-8-page paper may feel long – but it’s not as long as you think! A specific, focused topic is better than a broad and general one.

You will need to use your space in the paper efficiently to make an argument that explores concrete passages and details from the text(s) you are discussing, and you almost certainly will need to write more than one draft to arrive at an argument that you can lay out in the space you have.

War and Peace

After reading your paper, a reader should be able to answer the question: what has your paper revealed that helps you and us understand War and Peace better? 1. Design your own topic related to Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Other works we have discussed in class (“Sevastopol in May,” What Is Art?, “Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet…,” various film or TV adaptations, etc.) could also be a focus of your paper, though your topic must be directly related to Tolstoy’s War and Peace in some way. You are welcome to draw on ideas that you’ve explored in a short paper and want to expand further; or on themes that have been raised in class or in reading questions.

War and Peace

Note: If you plan to formulate your own topic, I recommend that you e-mail me about your ideas well before the April 22 deadline for your topic proposal and outline. This will give you the time to revise your topic if necessary. 2. Write a paper making a specific argument about the character you have been tracing through War and Peace (or a different character, if you prefer!). Your paper should both: – reflect on the character’s path and development through the novel. (

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5G and COVID 19 Vaccine 2022 best

5G and COVID 19 Vaccine 2022 best

This assignment entails writing an argumentative essay on why 5G and COVID 19 Vaccine are not related (conspiracy theory). The traditional/classical argument should be about 1500-1700 words, use pathos and logos, and demonstrate ethos.

5G and COVID 19 Vaccine 2022 best

The traditional/classical argument should be about 1500-1700 words, use pathos and logos, and demonstrate ethos. The argument should have an engaging introduction with an explicitly stated claim, topic sentences that prepare the reader for what is to follow in the corresponding paragraphs, and a conclusion that answers the “so-what” question. The primary purpose of this assignment is to convince a hostile audience to believe your point of view, find the merit in your point of view, or take some action. This argument should include your opponents’ view, your response to the opponents view, and logical support of your claim. A conspiracy will be the basis of your argument.

5G and COVID 19 Vaccine 2022 best

Your argument will either debunk (refute/disprove/rebut) or support a conspiracy/alternative theory of a historical or current event based on credible, authoritative sources. Your job is to 1) find the generally accepted story surrounding a controversial historical or current event/story,  2)  identify a conspiracy/alternative theory/versions of an event, 3)  examine and weigh the evidence surrounding both versions of the event, 4) arrive at your own conclusion about the event. Topic: 5g and COVID-19 vaccine theory. https://youtu.be/45U8b4gX-kY

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The Vegetarian by Han Kang. – 2022 Best

The Vegetarian by Han Kang.

For today’s assignment we will focus on the Vegetarian by Han Kang.  Requirements: The essay should be approximately 1000-words (about four pages double-spaced); try not to go over 1200 words.

The Vegetarian by Han Kang.

Requirements: The essay should be approximately 1000-words (about four pages double-spaced); try not to go over 1200 words. Narrow your topic so you have room to go into it in some depth. Make sure your essay contains an identifiable thesis statement and that your paragraphs are structured around clear topic and concluding sentences. Quote liberally from the text to support your analysis. We will talk about how to do this effectively in class Goal of the Assignment: Craft an original argument about The Vegetarian based on your own interpretation or opinion of evidence found in the text.

The Vegetarian by Han Kang.

Have a clearly defined thesis statement that reflects on the larger significance of the novel according to you. Use evidence from the text to support the claims your thesis statement (or main argument) is built on. Organize your argument in a manner that is logical and easy to follow–including direct topic and concluding sentences. Write a conclusion that reflects on the greater significance of your argument/opinion in terms of other existing conversations about the text. Practice correct citation format according to MLA guidelines. Checklist: ❏ Essay formatted according to MLA guidelines ❏ Creative Title ❏ Works Cited Page which sites YOUR edition of the novel. https://youtu.be/H8Njmv8DB9k

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Fair Minded Reasoning assignment – 2022 Best

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment. Your paper should include the following elements: Introduction (approximately 150 words) Introduce readers to your topic. Include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper.

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

.  Paper details Your paper should include the following elements: Introduction (approximately 150 words) Introduce readers to your topic. Include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper. First Argument (approximately 200 words) Present the best argument on one side of the issue. Put your argument in standard form, with the premises listed one by one above the conclusion. You may put the premises into your own words, or you may quote a source. If you use words directly from a source, then they must occur within quotation marks (in addition to the citation).

This argument can be based on the scholarly sources you analyzed in Week 3, but it can also include evidence from other sources you have found (in addition to your own improvements).

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

It is to represent what you take to be the best argument you have found for this side of the issue. Cite sources that support your premises. Refer to the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) resource to structure the citations. Opposing Argument (approximately 200 words) Present the best argument on the other side of the issue (same as above, but on the opposite side). Develop your argument in standard form, with sources cited to support your statements (as above). Analysis of the Arguments (approximately 300 words) Evaluate the quality of the two arguments given above.

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

This can include addressing whether key premises are true (or well supported) and how strongly the conclusion logically follows from them. Explain any fallacies, biases, or rhetorical tricks committed by any of them. Analyze why one is stronger than the other. Justify your position not with opinion but with your analysis of the quality of the arguments. Presentation of your own argument on the topic (approximately 200 words) Construct your own argument on the topic. Present your argument in standard form. Of course, this argument will be influenced and supported by the research you have done, but this is to be your own argument in your own words supporting your thesis. https://youtu.be/4oOkldIqhDg

Fair Minded Reasoning assignment

For any premises that are based on research, include a citation of the relevant source (even though the premise is in your own words). Addressing an objection to your argument (approximately 300 words) Present what you would consider to be the best possible objection to your argument (you may address more than one if you prefer). Present what you would take to be the best reply to this objection and defense of your argument. Cite a scholarly source in this section as well (either in your presentation of the objection or in your response to it). Conclusion (approximately 150 words) Summarize the evidence for all points of view. Evaluate how controversial topics should be addressed by critical thinkers

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