Tag Archives: agency

Latina women and the Congress. 2022 Best

Latina women and the Congress.

This assignment focuses on Latina women and the Congress. Explores how Latina women are progressing in Congress. Paper details: Talk Women in Congress but also about the gender gaps that are in between congress women and men.

Latina women and the Congress.

Explores how Latina women are progressing in Congress. Paper details: Talk Women in Congress but also about the gender gaps that are in between congress women and men. Focus on the sociological representation of the broader population. How women are underrepresented in the United States either in the house or the senate. White people are over represented because they are wealthy. Then we can look at wealth, ethnicity and gender gap etc. Another term to use is descriptive representation, Agency representation and term limits.

Latina women and the Congress.

A prominent scholar that studies this topic that can be useful for my research paper is Jennifer Lawless and her work can be found in JSTOR.org. Focus on the California state legislative body, how they can become more diverse and reflect on the growing Hispanic Latino demographic that we see increasing. In 1940 California was 90% white and overtime immigration took root in California Immigration laws made it easier for immigrants from the Pacific Rim and Mexico to migrate to the USA. As demographic change in the state of California our state Legislature remains white and male. https://youtu.be/tcS4nTLXjBA

Latina women and the Congress.

In my research paper the sources should come from scholarly Articles and google scholars. Found in JSTOR.org Include the following sections: introduction, literature review, argument, and a short conclusion. Use headings for each section of your paper. Your thesis statement must be in bold. A reference list should also be included Article that can be helpful: https://www.ppic.org/blog/diversity-in-the-california-statehouse/

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This paper focuses on creating a model police department. s you know, the efforts to improve policing over the past few decades have focused on both the police themselves and the methods they use for policing.


As you know, the efforts to improve policing over the past few decades have focused on both the police themselves and the methods they use for policing. The result has bee a good deal of effort to study tactical methods along with the push to increase the educational levels of officers. Of course, tactical and strategic changes – such as community policing efforts – have required additional consideration on who we need as our police as well. After reviewing the accompanying “Model Police Officer Survey” your assignment is to: Summarize the findings and conclusions of the authors.


Then, Develop a proposal to guide a midsized police agency in its effort to transition to one staffed with “Model” police. This should include: Section 1 – a description of what constitutes a model police officer with an explanation what makes that officer ideal for the agency you are advising, Section 2 – The recruitment and selection process necessary to find and attract such employees, Section 3 – The training that a model officer should have, and Section 4 – How officer performance should be evaluated to verify that they are, in fact, model employees. https://youtu.be/EM1hccKsQLQ

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Recruitment strategy 2022 best

Recruitment strategy

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint slide presentation for the recruitment strategy, process, and procedures that make XYZ Inc. R

Recruitment strategy

Recruitment strategy.  You are a Consulting Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contacted by “State University” to conduct a search to fill a critical position (management level). For this assignment, create a PowerPoint slide presentation for State University that explains, at a minimum, the recruitment strategy, process, and procedures that make XYZ Inc. Recruitment Agency the right choice for this assignment. Your presentation must be comprehensive, including the role of the recruitment agency and the role of the HR team at State University in the recruitment and selection process.

Recruitment strategy

Review the article below for examples of information you may wish to include in your presentation: Maurer, R. (2015). Assessing Your Recruiting Function for Compliance and Best Practices. Submission Instructions: Submit your work as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 10-12 presentation slides. In addition to the presentation slides, you must include a title slide, an introduction slide(s) outlining the presentation objectives, and a reference slide for a total of 13-15 slides. https://youtu.be/sxjgL64czRY

Recruitment strategy

You must support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, and include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (Note: do not use dictionary terms, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, or unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites). Helpful Tips: Your grade will be based upon: Depth and applicability of the research that you conduct. Effectiveness of the recruiting presentation and proposal as a consulting tool.

Recruitment strategy

Critical thought and analysis; APA format (APA, 7th Edition); and Use of the PowerPoint Notes section* *Students will be graded on their use of the Notes section of the slides in formulating the narrative portion of the presentation to minimize lengthy narrative on the slides. This approach will allow the use of bullet points on the slides but demonstrate the depth and scope of the research conducted in the Notes section.

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The Operating Budget 2022 Best

The Operating Budget

This paper explores the  operating budget. For Assignment 2, you are to use your current or home state. From your state’s budget, select an agency, a program, or a department that appears as a budget item.

The Operating Budget

Week 5 Assignment – The Operating Budget.  For Assignment 2, you are to use your current or home state. From your state’s budget, select an agency, a program, or a department that appears as a budget item. Assume you are the new budgeting and finance administrator for your state. Your first responsibility is to become familiar with the state, the budget, the programs, and the capital projects. As the administrator, you are responsible for analyzing and examining the state’s budget. Write a 4–5 page paper, titled Part I: The Operating Budget for the (Agency, Program, or Department Name) in which you separate the content into sections: Examine the phases of the submission process for your current or home state. Title this section Submission Process.

The Operating Budget

Appendix 1F State Budget Office in the textbook lists all state budget offices. Determine the type of budget format used for submitting your selected state agency or program budget, and explain how you identified the budget format used. Title this section Budget Format. Include the agency’s most recent budget or financial plan. Assess the revenue sources for your selected state agency or program. Title this section Revenue Sources. Evaluate 1–2 challenges in managing the budget of your selected state agency or program. Title this section Challenges. Distinguish the similarities and differences between the federal and state budget submission process. Title this section Federal and State Submission Process. https://youtu.be/DDFqlkHs3EQ

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