Tag Archives: African American voice.
Rhetoric Devices and its effect 2022 Best
This assignment explores rhetoric devices and its effect on the strength of African-American Literature. Prompt: Write an essay that analyzes two to three authors’ rhetorical choices in texts of your choosing and argue how and why the choices make their texts stronger or weaker.
Rhetoric Devices and its effect
Prompt: Write an essay that analyzes two to three authors’ rhetorical choices in texts of your choosing and argue how and why the choices make their texts stronger or weaker. The research element of this essay will focus most on scholarship that examines African American rhetoricians’ historical use of various devices to communicate in a distinctly African American voice. My thesis statement is that Charles W. Chesnutt’s and Phillis Wheatly’s individual use of rhetorical strategies make their texts stronger.
Rhetoric Devices and its effect
The articles I would like you to use to support my thesis are going to be displayed in the files section. Use the information from the articles as evidence to support my claim. -Use passages from “The Marrow of Tradition” by Charles W. Chestnut’s (found here: https://docsouth.unc.edu/southlit/chesnuttmarrow/chesmarrow.html) and “On Being Brought from Africa to America” (found here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45465/on-being-brought-from-africa-to-america) and “On Virtue” (found here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45466/on-virtue) by Phillis Wheatley’s to support my claim especially.
Rhetoric Devices and its effect
These are the URLs of some of the articles I used. Use all of these for reference in the paper: –https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED328920.pdf –https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2234&context=etd-project –https://blog.bham.ac.uk/clic-dickens/2019/10/14/dialect-and-the-dead/ –http://l-adam-mekler.com/balkun_wheatley.pdf. https://youtu.be/qFRciL2P4s4