Tag Archives: Action
Wieners Uncanny Valley 2022 Best

In an essay of at least 1,200 words (about 4-5 pages), chose a topic from Wieners Uncanny Valley about which you can make an argument based upon a claim of value.
Wieners Uncanny Valley
In an essay of at least 1,200 words (about 4-5 pages), chose a topic from Wiener’s Uncanny Valley about which you can make an argument based upon a claim of value. You MUST use one of the topics in her book as your focus. Based upon the topic you have chosen, make a judgment that is based upon standards that measure the worth of an action, belief, performance, or object associated with that topic. You will need to use at least three outside sources in your final draft. One of those sources will, of course, have to be Wiener’s book. Use MLA format when introducing and citing sources.
Wieners Uncanny Valley
You will also need to include a Works Cited list that includes all of the outside sources you used in your final draft. The Works Cited list does not count toward the minimum word count. For the Thesis and Rough Draft Workshop, you will need to have made a tentative selection of a possible topic and located at least one outside source other than the assigned book. You should have also considered what standards and/or criteria are appropriate for making your claim of value related to the topic or issue you’ve chosen. And you should have considered what an opposing viewpoint to your claim might be. https://youtu.be/0CxOK5nbIhA
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The text and genre from TTTC – 2022 Best

This assignment asks you to show your understanding of the text and genre from TTTC with a work of non-fiction by Tim O’Brien.
The text and genre from TTTC
Show your understanding of the text, genre, and truth by comparing / contrasting specifics from TTTC with a work of non-fiction by Tim O’Brien. ABOUT THE THINGS THEY CARRIED (book) AND THE VIETNAM LINK IN FIRST PARAGRAPH OF DIRECTIONS The Vietnam in Me.pdf download(this is a version of the below website that has been turned into a PDF by your teachers, which means that it should be cited with the page numbers published on the PDF document) (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.nytimes.com/books/98/09/20/specials/obrien-vietnam.html&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1620935615179000&usg=AOvVaw1Hh_OoPG2EhouklgAHDwnx) LINK Read and annotate “The Vietnam in Me” (use “command” and click to open so it opens in a separate tab for you to print or open in Kami…
The text and genre from TTTC
OR a PDF is avail in Canvas– can use page citations): a nonfiction essay written by Tim O’Brien, paying special attention to things that you notice that remind you of things you’ve read in The Things They Carried. Consider annotating for similarities/differences in elements of fiction: Setting Characters/people Action, plot, and conflict Style: Use of language (specifically the terms we have used and noted during this unit) Ideas about: war, stories, memories, relationships, etc. https://youtu.be/coBbC8j-eTA
The text and genre from TTTC
Complete the following chart (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google.com/document/d/11L0I54zxdsLRheGgjpw-OeAb6fg3sot608TKsN7tNzg/copy&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1620935615180000&usg=AOvVaw1t0CYHNd1sFuBa53yoIh4N) LINK (“command” + click to get your own copy in another tab), using quotations from both texts and explaining the substance/importance of the similarity or difference that you see. Make sure that you put accurate page numbers for every quote! Write a paragraph that examines what you notice is important in Tim O’Brien’s treatment of fiction and nonfiction, using specific evidence from the chart.
The text and genre from TTTC
Paragraph must have: Thesis statement/claim (draft three separate ideas, and then choose one to revise and use: you may do these on your own sheet of paper)… remember these must be NARROW: Draft/Idea 1: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draft/Idea 2: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draft/Idea 3: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Specific evidence from both works (including at least one properly cited quote from each, and additional specific detail as needed to prove your claim) A complete analysis/discussion of why it matters (consider the essential questions for the unit– they may guide your ideas/analysis) How will I be graded? Projects will be graded on an A-B-C-D-F scale according to your understanding of the key objectives tested along with depth and detail of your analyses and explanations. You should focus your energy on these things.