Tag Archives: Abortion Staffing ratios
The legislative process 2022 Best

This assessment requires you to describe the legislative process and the role of the nurse as a healthcare policy advocate. Part 1: A clear and complete discussion of the legislative process
The legislative process
This assessment requires you to describe the legislative process and the role of the nurse as a healthcare policy advocate. Your paper will consist of two parts: Part 1: A clear and complete discussion of the legislative process Part 2: You will choose one of the political issues listed in Burkhardt & Nathaniel on pages 392-393 (see atached) Tie that political issue to current legislation being debated in your own state’s house or senate Describe both sides of that issue – for and against – clearly and thoroughly Explain your own position, and explain why using research-based fact, not just your own opinion.
The legislative process
Make sure you also include a clear, separate introduction and conclusion as a part of this assignment, as these are worth separate points on the grading rubric. NOTE: Please avoid the following topics, as these do not demonstrate research into current legislation in health care and are more “hot button” issues that do not often result in a strong paper: Abortion Staffing ratios/mandatory overtime Physician assisted suicide Objectives This assessment is aligned with the the course objective 4 and the following module objective: Students will be able to examine legislative and regulatory processes relevant to the provision of healthcare.
The legislative process
Discuss the role of the nurse as a healthcare policy advocate. Points: 40 Due Date: Sun, June 28 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US. References Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information) Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines.https://youtu.be/E1CIWwu6KdQ
The legislative process
Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases. Style Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references.