Supreme Law of the Land – 2022 Best
The United States Constitution was ratified is 1789. Since that time it has served as the supreme law in the United States of America.
Supreme Law of the Land
The continuing viability of the US Constitution as the “Supreme Law of the Land.”. Paper details The United States Constitution was ratified is 1789. Since that time it has served as the supreme law in the United States of America. Obviously significant changes have occurred since the ratification of that unique document. This country has gone through a Civil War, participated in many other wars, including two World Wars, has gone through an industrial revolution, endured a Great Depression and has seen many significant changes including the expansion of voting rights, civil rights, privacy rights, gay rights and numerous other constitutional rights and protections.
Supreme Law of the Land
Many scholars now say that the United States Constitution drafted in the 1790’s by exclusively wealthy white men is an outdated document that is no longer viable in today’s modern racially, ethnically and culturally diverse America. On the other hand, many other scholars marvel at the flexibility of the United States Constitution and of the forward thinking attitude of our founding fathers who created a roadmap for governance that is able to accommodate the various racial and cultural changes that have taken place in this country since 1789.
Supreme Law of the Land
Your task is to discuss and analyze whether the United States Constitution should be maintained and continued as our guiding force in national governance or if it should be replaced by a new form of national document more reflective of the times in which we live. You will be expected to fully brief your position and be able to articulate with examples, cases, laws or personal experiences the reasons for your conclusion. If you decide to replace the Constitution, what will that new document look like?