Speech Development Process 2022 Best

Speech Development Process

This assignment focuses on speech development process . After completing the reading and viewing assignments associated with the PowerPoint Speech, follow the key steps below to complete your PowerPoint Speech Worksheet and design and present your speech.

Speech Development Process

After completing the reading and viewing assignments associated with the PowerPoint Speech, follow the key steps below to complete your PowerPoint Speech Worksheet and design and present your speech.  Note: You will film yourself presenting the “speaking” part of your presentation and post this to your Group Discussion Board. You will upload your PowerPoint slides to your Group Discussion Board. 1. Consider your audience. For this assignment, your audience is made up of college graduates.

Speech Development Process

You must keep this audience in mind throughout the speech-making process.  2. Select and narrow your topic. For this assignment, you will present on the topic of the most significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years. 3. Determine your general and specific purposes. The general purpose of this PowerPoint Speech is to inform. The specific purpose of this speech will explain a significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years you want your listeners to remember.  4. Develop your central idea. The central idea summarizes your speech in a single sentence and previews your main ideas.

Speech Development Process

The central idea of your PowerPoint Speech will identify a popular culture product or personality and state why this is the most significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years.

5. Generate the main ideas. The main ideas are the key points in a speech; these are derived from the central idea. https://youtu.be/mmU56vZs72A

Speech Development Process

Your PowerPoint Speech will have two main ideas. The first main idea will identify and explain the pop culture product or personality. The second main idea will explain why this is the most significant pop culture product or personality from the last five years. 6. Gather supporting material. Supporting material includes facts, examples, definitions, and quotations from others. For this speech, your sources will come from the list provided to you of U.S. newspapers. Remember that sources must be acknowledged in the speech. An oral source citation typically includes the author, title, and year of publication. 7. Organize your speech. Every speech should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Speech Development Process

The introduction gains audience attention, previews the major ideas in the presentation, and provides audience members with reasons to listen to the presentation. The body presents and supports the main ideas. The conclusion summarizes the main ideas and restates the central idea.
8. As you are organizing the presentation, you should also be developing the slides for the PowerPoint presentation. See information below.
9. Rehearse your speech. Your speech must be delivered from limited speaking notes (a maximum of three 3×5 notecards written on one side only).

Speech Development Process

DO NOT READ YOUR SPEECH. Practice your speech several times from your notecards, preferably with a partner, before you record the speech. Be sure to time the delivery of your speech to make certain it falls within the 4-5 minute time limit. DO NOT READ YOUR SPEECH.
10. Audience Requirement:  All speeches must be recorded in live video format; audio-only recordings are not allowed.  Your audience may either be live and in-person or live and digital.  In either configuration, your audience must experience your speech live and in real-time.

When recording your speech, make sure you are well-lit and not washed out with light from behind you.  Ensure you record your speech on a tripod or solid surface.  https://youtu.be/mmU56vZs72A

Speech Development Process

You must deliver your speech from a standing position, unless otherwise approved by your instructor.  Your audience and your instructor must see you on camera at all times.  Students will be required to show the in-person audience at the beginning and end of each recorded in-person presentation.  Students will not cut-in the audience to the recording; rather the recording will flow from showing the audience at the beginning of the speech, to the delivery of the speech, then back to the audience at the end of the speech with no breaks in the video.
Digital audiences must be viewable on-screen for the entire recorded presentation.

The recording of the speech must display the student presenter and the complete digital audience for the entirety of the speech.



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