Rhetorical analysis of an article from a mainstream, print news.

This assignment entails writing a 1000-word rhetorical analysis of a written, reputable source (an article from a mainstream, print news source or a scholarly publication).

Rhetorical analysis of an article from a mainstream, print news.

Based on what you have read in the textbook and what we have discussed in class about rhetoric and the rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos), this assignment asks you to think about how and why a written text works (or doesn’t work) rhetorically. This is similar to what you did on your essay about movie posters and/or social media profile pics, except now you’re analyzing a piece of writing.  In addition to being well written and organized, the most successful responses to this assignment will do the following (these are not listed in order): Firstly, describe the rhetorical situation (purpose and target audience) surrounding the text under analysis and accurately summarize the argument presented in the text.  Secondly, include a clear and precise thesis statement (a claim about what the text is trying persuade its audience of & the specific ways it tries to accomplish this task) .

Rhetorical analysis of an article from a mainstream, print news.

Thirdly, explain and analyze how the author builds and presents his/her argument. Also,  explain and analyze how the author connects with (or fails to connect with) the audience. Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of how rhetorical appeals are working in the text. Audience
Your audience for this assignment is your classmates and me.  Citation and Documentation.  you quote/paraphrase from your chosen source (and you should), you must include proper MLA in-text citation and a works cited entry. (See your handbook and/or the Purdue OWL link on Moodle for directions on how to do this).
Tips for Doing a Rhetorical Analysis
·    The first thing to do is read and study the source you’ve chosen to analyze. Based on your reading, you must pinpoint the argument in the text. In other words, you must decide what you think the author is trying to persuade the audience to think or do.

Rhetorical analysis of an article from a mainstream, print news.

·    Then, try to develop an interesting and specific claim about the text itself. You are not telling me your viewpoint on the writer’s topic. Instead, you should think about how the text is working, what types of appeals it relies on, what types of language it uses. How it establishes logos, ethos, and pathos, and the ways it engages with the issue at hand.
·    Next, identify those places in the text that speak directly to your thesis. What parts of the essay made you argue what you’re arguing in your analysis? How and why did they make you come to your claim or conclusion? At this point you might also want to think about organization. How might you best incorporate these points into your rhetorical analysis? In what order should they go?

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