Poverty in Nevada. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore poverty in Nevada. Paper details REQUIRED FORMAT: Page Length: 3 full pages of written content Font Size: 12 Spacing: Double – Spaced (please check for spelling and grammar issue prior to submission)
Poverty in Nevada.
Paper details REQUIRED FORMAT: Page Length: 3 full pages of written content Font Size: 12 Spacing: Double – Spaced (please check for spelling and grammar issue prior to submission) Margins: 1” References: 1 to 4. You should automatically include your SOC textbook as a reference as you should include sociological ideas to discuss your topic. If you refer to other published work which describes your topic or the culture of social media, you must include those sources at the end of your document. Social Media Sources: You must list each user’s handle you follow at the end of your document.
Poverty in Nevada.
Use of Social Media and its impact on contemporary social issues along with its ability to “move” an issue has risen to the place of significant impact. Political leaders, celebrities, and organizations alike have all felt the pressure of social media once they’ve stepped “out of bounds” by commenting on an issue in a way that could be perceived as socially irresponsible. Remember this paper is specifically about addressing the SOLUTIONS to your topic via social media. Instructions: 1. Create/Login to your social media account. Please include which social media platforms used (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat).
Poverty in Nevada.
You are welcome to observe your topic using multiple platforms OR you can just stick with one. (*If you choose to discuss your observations of more than TWO platforms, your paper will need to go beyond the required 3 pages.) 2. Follow a combination of individual people, organizations, and media sources whose posts will more or less reflect the nature of your social issue area. (Feel free to follow whomever else you choose! AND Watch out for Spammers!!) Look specifically for any posts that address solutions or helped to inform the public or raise awareness! 3. Your paper MUST include responses to the following: a. What is your social issue topic and why did you choose it?
Poverty in Nevada.
(2 paragraph minimum) b. Which social media platform did you observe for your topic. (Can be more than one) c. What was this experience like? Please include examples of trending topics, hashtags, direct quotes about your topic from other users. (2 paragraph minimum) d. What is your analysis for how social media is used as a vehicle to address (or bring awareness to) your social issue? (4 paragraph minimum) e. What are the current methods (you observed) being used to address this issue via social media? In your opinion, are these methods effective? Why or why not? (2 paragraph minimum). https://youtu.be/xuU8xtSU9No
Poverty in Nevada.
f. What solutions would you propose to help address this social issue to expand its exposure via social media? (2 paragraph minimum) Grading Rubric 10 points = following the required format (length of paper, use of sources, inclusion of @usernames, grammar & spelling proofed) 10 points = Addressing questions “3a thru 3e” 5 points = Addressing question “3f” In your discussion be specific with how you talk about your topic and all social media platforms you reference. Make use of sociological terms and ideas from the textbook to help support your observations (when applicable).
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