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patient-doctor confidentiality 2022 Best

patient-doctor confidentiality

This assignment uses hypothetical situations as examples,  to discuss the circumstances that require patient-doctor confidentiality to be maintained, and the circumstances under which the mental health practitioner has a “duty to warn.”

Patient-doctor confidentiality

Discussion 1. Using hypothetical situations as your examples, discuss the circumstances that require patient-doctor confidentiality to be maintained, and the circumstances under which the mental health practitioner has a “duty to warn.” Support your discussion with clear references to your textbook’s explanation of the ethical dimensions of this “duty to warn.” 2. Imagine that one of your relatives has recently retired. While he denies any discomfort, you observe that he shows signs of feeling anxious and agitated, and he complains about physical symptoms (e.g., reflux, headaches, sore muscles).

patient-doctor confidentiality

He also has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, so he now has to watch his diet more closely. According to what you have read in Chapter 14, how do you think the changes in his life might be putting him at risk for the development of an anxiety disorder? 3. It has become commonly accepted, at least in psychology, that children should never receive positive punishment (e.g., a spanking). Instead, parents should use negative punishment (e.g., a timeout) and then redirect their child’s behavior in positive ways. How does this compare to how you were punished, and do you agree that this is always true?

patient-doctor confidentiality

4. Two of the components necessary for modeling to be effective, according to Bandura, are attention and retention. What aspects of commercial advertisements are most likely to catch your attention? What do you tend to remember about advertisements? Can you think of situations in which the way an advertiser gets your attention also helps you to remember the product? https://youtu.be/rgfAGqgy5dM

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