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Organizational risk 2022 Best

Organizational risk

Identify an organizational risk that can be evaluated through data analytics. Select risk analysis techniques appropriate to an identified risk. Justify the results found by executing a risk analysis plan.

Organizational risk

Unit 6 Assignment: Culminating Assignment PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!!!! Outcomes addressed in this activity: Unit Outcomes: Identify an organizational risk that can be evaluated through data analytics. Select risk analysis techniques appropriate to an identified risk. Justify the results found by executing a risk analysis plan. Course Outcome: I Recommend proactive measures to address ethical pitfalls to risk analytics activities. PC-6.2: Communicate the critical thinking process by which one arrives at a conclusion. Purpose Unit 6 is intended to be a culmination of your learning in .

Organizational risk

To this point in the academic term, you have been directed in your risk analytics work and have been given data to work with to practice skills and demonstrate learning. This unit’s Assignment is your opportunity to be self-directed in identifying risk, mapping that risk to data, analyzing the data, and reporting your results. It is intended that your experience in Unit 6 will be comprehensive in nature, challenging you to follow a risk analysis project of your choice through from beginning to end. Assignment Instructions Scenario: Identify a business that is of interest to you. It can be real or fictitious, but it should be a realistic business.

Organizational risk

Think of one specific risk that your chosen business could face, and consider how and where you will get data that can be analyzed to address that risk. Complete the following steps: 1. Create a Word document to contain all components of your Unit 6 Assignment. Add a title page and table of contents. 2. Write an introduction to your chosen topic. Describe the business that you have chosen, identify the risk you selected, and briefly describe how you expect analytics to help you address that risk. Label this section Introduction. 3. Perform a SWOT analysis for your business. Ensure that you have at least one element with a description in each of the four quadrants of a SWOT table.

Organizational risk

Label this section SWOT Analysis. 4. Identify which quadrant of a risk matrix your selected risk would fall into (High Probability/High Impact; High Probability/Low Impact; Low Probability/High Impact; or Low Probability/Low Impact. Provide a rationale explaining why you have classified your chosen risk in the way you did. Label this section Risk Classification. 5. Obtain or create a data set that you can use to address your risk. You can use built in data sets in R, data sets from the Internet, or data sets from a company with appropriate permission. It is acceptable to create your own data set if you wish.

Organizational risk

Keep in mind that you will need to use one of the risk analytics techniques you have learned in this class, so the data you use and the outcome your produce must be aligned with a valid technique: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Discriminant Analysis, Time Series, Expected Payoff, or Decision Trees. Make a screen capture of a representative sample of your data. Place it in your document and label this section Data. 6. Create a model for your data that will allow you to address your selected risk. This will most probably be in R, but if you select Expected Payoff as your technique, it will be in Excel. https://youtu.be/KcCmCZoQVvE

Organizational risk

Note that you are not permitted to simply re-package one of the Assignments that you did earlier in this class. Your work must be novel, even though you are using analytic techniques that generally always stay the same. In your Word document, provide evidence by way of labeled screen captures and written descriptions of your model building. Label this section Modeling. 7. If your chosen technique is anything other than Time Series or Expected Payoff, apply your model to make predictions for a representative data set to illustrate how your chosen business would actually use your risk analytics model.

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