Low Carbon Heating Technologies to Heat Homes- study

The residential sector is responsible for 15% of UK’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2018 with the main contributor being from gas for heating and cooking ( Gov.UK , 2020).

If we are to meet the government’s 2050 Net Zero pledge it is imperative that new low carbon heating technologies are harnessed and embraced by UK’s homeowners to achieve the 95% reduction in CO2 emissions needed in the residential sector (EST, 2020).

UK has been a pioneer on the global scale in terms of Net Zero goal-setting, and low carbon is a key component in the plan. In fact, the Climate Change Committee unleashed a new pathway to Net Zero that could mean initial goals are reached 15 years earlier than previously thought.

With this in mind, the proposed study is going to evaluate consumers attitudes of embracing new low carbon technologies to heat their homes.


Aims of embracing new low carbon technologies to heat their homes.

To explore households’ appetite for sustainable, low carbon
technologies in their homes to aid in the effort to meet governments net-zero policy.

Objectives of embracing new low carbon heating technologies to heat their homes :

– To explore how domestic heating technologies have changed
over the last 50 years, their efficiency and their carbon outputs.
– Additionally, consider legislation, current policy as well as guidance for changes relating to heating systems in homes over the
– Research modern-day technologies, their costs, and also their efficiencies.
– Furthermore, analyze both pros and cons of modern-day technologies and their
barriers and constraints for homeowners to buy-in to the new
– Lastly, critically analyze homeowner’s appetite to embrace the new
technology in order to aid the government’s net-zero policy.

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