Leading in a Changing World. 2022 Best

This assignment is about Leading in a Changing World… The Challenge of Managing Diverse Teams Please respond to the following statement Part 1: “Research has consistently shown that diverse teams produce better results, provided they are well led.”?
Leading in a Changing World.
Question 2: The Challenge of Managing Diverse Teams Please respond to the following statement Part 1: “Research has consistently shown that diverse teams produce better results, provided they are well led.”? (Ibarra and Hansen 2011: 71) Part 2: “The ability to bring together people from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures, and generations and leverage all they have to offer, therefore, is a must-have for leaders” (Ibarra & Hansen 2011: 71). Structure: So, having identified the 2 parts to this theme you can now start to structure your response: We are looking for you to introduce the theme, reference the theory, use real examples and conclude using your own words and views, backed up by the theory.
Leading in a Changing World.
Question: · Part 1: Draw on research, theories(Bruce Tuckman Theory) and team building models to help you explore the advantages and the challenges diverse teams bring to organizations · Part 2: Is the ability to manage a diverse team the most important skill for Singapore construction industry? You must present your argument here and justify your response by making reference to leaders(John Downs, Project Director of the MBS Project, when he had to work with different group of people from different country, different trade ect) Marina Bay Sands Hotel | Singapore Builder (archive.org)
Leading in a Changing World.
“When I checked the construction site, one tower was built by Chinese workers and another tower was built by a Bangladeshi team. It looked like the Tower of Babel,’’ Safdie said during a press meeting held in Seoul last week.” Marina Bay Sands by mark joseph tablizo (prezi.com) Reaching-for-the-Sky_Art-at-Every-Turn-by-Brooke-Hodge.pdf “While the architects and engineers worked closely on-site with all of the Art Path artists, John Downs, the Marina Bay Sands project architect, says that, “figuring out how to install Drift was especially complex and chal – lenging because of its sheer size and many, many individual parts.”
Leading in a Changing World.
Downs and his team worked closely with Gormley and his engineer, Tristan Simmonds, to realize the artist’s vision. Because of the monumental scale of the sculp – ture, its elements were assembled off-site, and Gormley visited often to oversee the process.” (615) Singapores Marina Bay Sands Documentary National Geographic Megastructures Documentary – YouTube (Must watch) 16500 workers hired for this project World Largest site canteen with Western, Chinese, Indian, Bengal and other national Cuisine · How might a manager use the knowledge of diversity to produce better results?
Leading in a Changing World.
Present your discussion drawing on your research and industry leaders. · What are your conclusions from this debate? Caution: Many students spend far too much of their allocated word allowance on the definition of a diverse team. We do not need long definitions of what a diverse team is. Ibarra and Hansen have already provided you with a reference here regarding some of the main components of a diverse team i.e. people from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures and generations. We want you to focus on the research which examines the challenge of team diversity which will lead you to making recommendations for managing diverse teams. https://youtu.be/7vQznLKEfBs
Leading in a Changing World.
Checklist After you’ve written your blog, read it to check if you have …….:1. Made reference to team theory and research, analysing the advantages and limitations 2. Used real-life industry examples to highlight the importance of managing team diversity 3. Made recommendations for managers on how to use knowledge of diversity to produce better results, concluding with advantages and limitations. What you must NOT do. Do not simply gather together a series of quotes from published authors in the hope that this presents your views. Remember Socrates words of wisdom: To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.
Leading in a Changing World.
Marking Rubric Knowledge is fully supported by a range of appropriate academic and professional body sources drawn together in an original and compelling manner and applied to real leadership examples. Originality of thought and analysis is clearly demonstrated in the debate with direct relevance to the author’s field of study and the contemporary issues within key organizations, reflecting both personal and academic research into the stated debate. Clear and concise conclusion with recommendations for future managers.
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