Leadership Reflection: Authentic and Positive Leadership

You are required to analyze yourself in relation to the notions of authentic leadership OR an aspect of positive leadership reflection. Using scores from relevant psychometric scales, your observations of yourself at work, and insights from George (2015) OR from Dutton and Spreitzer (2014), write a reflection on your leadership capacity to be an authentic leader or positive leader.

Questions that you may consider in your leadership reflection include:


In what domains of your life do you find it easy/more difficult to be authentic?
What factors hinder your ability to be authentic?
What factors support your ability to be authentic?
How does your authenticity influence your ability to lead others?
What happens to those around you when you are authentic?
What happens when you are not authentic?
How does your authenticity help (or hinder) you to meet the Australian Professional Standard for Principals?


In what domains of your life do you find it easy/more difficult to lead positively?
What factors hinder your ability to lead positively?
What factors support your ability to lead positively?
How does your leading positively influence your ability to lead others?
What happens to those around you when you lead positively?
What happens when you are not leading positively?
How does your leading positively help (or hinder) you to meet the Australian Professional Standard for Principals?

In your Leadership reflection you are required to:


Provide a brief description of an authentic OR positive leadership approach (approx. 500-750 words).

Self-reflect on your capacity to be an authentic OR positive leader (the questions above may help you further with this). Weave the theory and evidence of the models and aspects into your writing so that your leadership reflection integrates your personal and professional experiences with your scholarly reading and understanding.

Additionally, you need to make deliberate and explicit links with the readings in this subject and beyond by relating relevant quotations, themes or research findings to your personal and professional experience.

Provide personal, professional as well as organizational evidence/examples in your leadership reflections. Outline the evidence you have used in forming your self-reflection and how this was obtained. You can use both standard instruments (e.g. psychometric scale; e.g., VIA survey) and other sources (e.g., 360 feedback) to measure and validate your self-assessment.

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