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Gun control laws. 2022 Best

Gun control laws.

This paper explores gun control laws. This paper will be an argument, so it is important that you advance an arguable claim on a debatable subject. You will simply need to choose a subject that interests you and then find some scholarly sources on it.

Gun control laws.

Your final paper will be a six- or seven-page, double-spaced research paper that demonstrates the ability to enter into and contribute to a scholarly conversation, which is typically defined as an issue, problem, or topic around which scholars offer their perspectives in academic writing such as peer-reviewed journal articles and books. This paper will be an argument, so it is important that you advance an arguable claim on a debatable subject. You will simply need to choose a subject that interests you and then find some scholarly sources on it. If you are unclear about your argument, communicate with your instructor about it.

Gun control laws.

This paper will be similar to Papers 1 & 2 in that you will need to respond to scholarly sources with an argument of your own. It differs from these, however, in that you must engage a minimum of four sources. You will not need to summarize the sources in a full page, as you did on the first paper, but, of course, you will need to say something about them in your introduction and body paragraphs so it is clear to the reader how you are entering the conversation. Like the first two papers, this one calls upon you to advance an argument, so it is important that you articulate an arguable claim on a debatable subject. https://youtu.be/SsqcYHeVv0o

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