Future technology in policing. 2022 Best

In this criminal law assignment we will explore future technology in policing. Paper details: drone are currently being used by the military and federal law enforcement agencies, should local police departments use this technology?
Future technology in policing.
Paper details: drone are currently being used by the military and federal law enforcement agencies, should local police departments use this technology? what are some of the pros and cons of using these devices? recently, after the new york officers were assassinated on the streets, a few individuals began to post on their social media pages that they” wanted police officers to die” and some went as far as saying they” will kill police officers when they see them”. should these individuals be prosecuted for these posts on their social media pages?
Future technology in policing.
Is there a 1st amendment right to freedom of speech and expression? many police departments are using social media to look for criminals in their jurisdiction doing illegal acts (example: suspects posting their drugs and illegal activities). should police departments be able to prosecute these individuals, who say they are only expressing themselves? what are your views on the use of body cameras for police officers? should we force police departments to purchase these cameras for all officers on their departments? why or why not. https://youtu.be/8jGAYPv_a5Y
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