Foreign language learning 2022 Best
How can an understanding of multilingual perspectives help improve foreign language learning at private language school in Taiwan?
Foreign language learning
This task is designed to enable you to engage in a critical discussion of a topic that has personal significance for your practice. The essay is about understanding and supporting language learning (this is NOT an essay about ways to teach). In the essay module participants will be expected to display the following module specific skills • a critical understanding of major issues in second language acquisition and educational psychology • an ability to apply the principles of SLA and educational psychology to the participants’ specific teaching context.
Foreign language learning
The ability to engage in critical analysis and discussion of an area of study in SLA and educational psychology. Reference Outline: 1) Introduction (ca 700 words): In this section you set out your plan and explain why it is of interest to ask the essay question you propose. • Introduce the topic of the essay, what is this essay about? Say why you are interested in this topic (rationale) – e.g. what have you observed in your context, or experienced in your own learning?). • Introduce the context you are familiar with (mention the learners in a differentiated way and your role) • Introduce the essay question based on the above.
Foreign language learning
Outline the structure of the essay (short flow text paragraph, not bullet points) 2) Literature review (ca. 3000 words): This section needs to be based on literature, including recent literature (2010-2019 where available). Here you can demonstrate that you are familiar with the field (e.g. of language learning strategies) and that you are able to establish what we know and what we don’t know, what the debates are related to this, or any gaps in the literature. • Introduction – explain what type of literature you will review in this section, and how this section is organized.
Foreign language learning
Provide definitions used in the field, and perhaps decide which one(s) may be suitable to think about your problem. Provide a sense of what is known (and not known) in your chosen field (your topic). Try and summarise literature (avoid providing a list). Highlight any studies that are particularly relevant to your context (level, country, private/public, etc.). Evaluate (critically discuss) similarities/differences between approaches and definitions, etc. • Come up with a summary of points (theoretical/conceptual framework) that you will use to discuss the problem, e.g. a list of language learning strategies.
Foreign language learning
3) Discussion (ca. 1500 words): In this section you can reflect on the issue/problem you raised with the help of the conceptual/theoretical framework. • Explain the purpose of this section: to work towards answering the essay question by bringing together theories and your experience. • Explicitly answer the essay question. Explain, e.g. in what way different learners display different language learning strategies, and how the teacher might be able to support the learners in acquiring/using these. This is likely to be complex, different for different learner groups and not black and white.
Foreign language learning
Make a recommendation of how the problem/issue could be addressed/understood in your context based on the theory, and explain what might make sense in your context and perhaps is unlikely to work and why. Give references again in this section when you refer to theories/literature. 4) Conclusion (ca. 200 words): In this section summarise your discussion and highlight important bits • Summarise what you did in this essay in 1-2 sentences. • Say to what extent was the theoretical framework was useful (or limited) to address/understand the problem you identified in your context?
Foreign language learning
To what extent may your insights from this essay be helpful for you, or other language teachers in similar contexts? • What further research needs to be done