film/cultural production 2022 Best

Complete a 2-3 pages critical analysis (or close reading) paper for one book/film/cultural production from class and one cultural production of your choice that demonstrates your own critical thought and analysis related to theoretical frameworks and topics discussed in class.
Film/cultural production
Critical Analysis. Paper details You will be expected to complete a 500-750 word (2-3 pages) critical analysis (or close reading) paper for one book/film/cultural production from class and one cultural production of your choice that demonstrates your own critical thought and analysis related to theoretical frameworks and topics discussed in class. These papers should integrate topics covered during lecture as well as the assigned readings alongside your personal reflections on a theme of your choice covered for that particular book.
Film/cultural production
These papers should provide you with opportunities for you to both dialogue with the author(s)/director(s)/artist(s) and with me to demonstrate your understanding of course topics. Prompt: Viet Thanh Nguyen asserts that “All wars are fought twice, the first time on the battlefield, the second time in memory.” Respond to the following question: Is it necessary to (re)visit histories and narratives of the Vietnam War, to continue to “fight” this war in memory, nearly 45 years after the end of the Vietnam War on April 30th, 1975?
Film/cultural production
Why or why not? How might (re)visiting histories of the Vietnam War create opportunities to seek reconciliation with legacies of intergenerational trauma? Draw from The Best We Could Do and at least one additional book/movie/TV show/poetry/cultural production of your choice to address this prompt.
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