Fall of the Incan Empire. 2022 Best

The Fall of the Incan Empire.

This assignment explore the Fall of the Incan Empire. Paper details: Write a short essay of 3-4 pages in length (single sided, double-spaced). Research the chosen topic using 2 to 3 secondary sources. Sources may include books, journal articles, newspapers, or scholarly websites.

The Fall of the Incan Empire.

Write a short essay of 3-4 pages in length (single sided, double-spaced). Research the chosen topic using 2 to 3 secondary sources. Sources may include books, journal articles, newspapers, or scholarly websites. Encyclopedias or websites intended for high school or elementary school students will not be accepted as sources. Slides or class lectures will not be accepted as sources. The use of unacceptable sources will result in significant point deductions. Sources should be listed in the bibliography and that bibliography will not be included in the page count.

The Fall of the Incan Empire.

Your essay should follow the Chicago style for formatting and citing sources. This means that citations should be provided in footnote or endnote formats. Inline citation format will not be accepted and the use of inline citation format will result in significant point deductions. Sources must be cited – papers that do not include citations will also result in significant point deductions. https://youtu.be/xPm8E-zWwsQ

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