Educational Technology: Contemporary education technology


Educational technology refers to implementation of both computer software and hardware tools to facilitate teaching and learning in schools. It encompasses several domains including learning theory, computer-based training, online learning, and M-learning. Additionally, educational technology is a term for both the computer tools and the theoretical foundations for supporting learning and teaching. Educational technology is based on theoretical knowledge from various disciplines.

Contemporary educational technology

The learning materials today have greatly expanded because of the various technological advances. Instructional materials include more conventional materials, such as the blackboard, overhead projectors, televisions, VCRs, overhead projectors, slide projectors, and opaque projectors, as well as newer materials, such as the computer, various software applications, LCD projectors, camcorders, digital cameras, scanners, the Internet, satellite, interactive TV, audio and video conferencing, artificial intelligence, and so on. Teachers in the public schools and faculty at universities need to understand what types of materials are available, how to use them, why they should be used, when they should be used, and how to integrate them into the teaching/learning environment in order to meet the ultimate goal of improving education. Teachers also need to seriously consider how these newer materials can affect what and how we learn and teach.

Implementation of Educational technology

Instructional technology can also a process of solving educational problems and concerns, which might include motivation, discipline, the drop-out rate, school violence, basic skills, critical thinking, and the whole list of educational concerns. First, is the problem is identification, an analysis of the factors of the problem is made, and then presentation of possible solutions to the problem . Then, analyzation of the student population and the curriculum . The next step is to select the most appropriate instructional strategies for the particular situation. Next, is to select instructional materials and resources that are suitable for the curriculum and the mode of instruction chosen. Finally, is the program implementation, evaluation, and revision in order to meet the goals for school improvement.

Suitable improvements or alternative designs in educational technology

The issue of what these materials are and how to use them is a first step. But we must quickly begin to discuss how these materials should be used and how they affect the curriculum and instruction in our schools. Technology can be of use to perpetuate a teacher knowledge-base learning approach .Further, it can  help us implement a student-center, constructivist, and progressive approach. We need to help teachers to understand the bigger picture of how technology can revolutionize education. Just teaching teachers how to use the technology will lead to enhancing a knowledge-level educational system. Teaching them the real potentials of technology will lead to promoting higher-level thinking, independent learning, and life-long learning.

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