Developing leadership skills 2022 Best

This is the culminating assignment for BHMC 433, a comprehensive plan for developing leadership skills with healthcare managers. Students will create a PowerPoint (PPT) that presents a hypothetical leadership development proposal for managers in a healthcare organization.
Developing leadership skills
This is the culminating assignment for BHMC 433, a comprehensive plan for developing leadership skills with healthcare managers. Students will create a PowerPoint (PPT) that presents a hypothetical leadership development proposal for managers in a healthcare organization. This may be for a hospital, large clinic, long-term care organization, insurance company or other healthcare-related organization. Provide a brief, 1-slide overview of the organization in order to put the presentation into context. In the leadership development proposal, you should present topics that you think are critical topics that will help managers become better leaders.
Developing leadership skills
We’ve discussed several possible topics throughout the course, but you should also examine other areas of leadership that have not been explicitly discussed in your hypothetical leadership development proposal. Structure your presentation like an outline. Your main topics will be the headings for your main content slides. Subtopics will be the bullet points under the main headings. Include an appropriate level of detail for your audience to understand the key topics that you think should be included in a leadership development plan.
Developing leadership skills
Use the Notes Pages in PowerPoint to explain and interpret your slides. No voice-over is required. Maximum 12 slides. Not including the title, overview and reference slides. APA format is required. A minimum of 4 academic references is required. Remember, if you are doing the assignment justice, you’ll be bumping up to the 12-slide limit.
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