Creating a project plan – 2022 Best

This assessment entails creating a project plan using MS-Project and submit an individual report. In the report you will describe the key methods used and steps taken to create your project plan (include screen shots to evidence your work).
Creating a project plan
This is an individual assessment that requires students to develop a project plan using MS-Project and submit an individual report. In the report you will describe the key methods used and steps taken to create your project plan (include screen shots to evidence your work). Additionally, you are expected to use a range of academic sources to substantiate explanations of the key techniques used. You will be expected to reference additional sources beyond the core text and class materials. The two components to be assessed are: 1) Report: 2,000 maximum created in MS-Word or PDF .
Creating a project plan
2) Project Plan created in MS-Project After considering your initial scoping and planning documentation from assessment one, the Business Owner of Northampton Taxis has contacted you to run the project for the company. In light of the considerations presented from the initial scoping and planning documentation, the Business Owner has made the following adjustments to the project scope: Project: Northampton Taxis Website Development Project Start Date: 7th of February 2022 Required End Date: 58 working days from the start date Budget: £13,000 Quality Specifications: Website design confirms to established guidelines as well as meeting requirements specified in the Data Protection Act (UK Legislation 1998).
Creating a project plan
You will need to create a project plan starting from the 7th of February 2022. Project task durations and costs allocated to each task can be found in table 1. You are required to consider the resources needed to undertake the project, how much you will spend on material and work resources and to ensure the project is planned to complete within time and on budget. The report will enable you to demonstrate your individual reflections and understandings on the criticality of project planning and monitoring and control.
Creating a project plan
There are four key sections to the report, which are: Section One: Introduction Section Two: Planning (refer to Marking Scheme) Section Three: Monitoring and Control refer to Marking Scheme) Section Four: Evaluation (refer to Marking Scheme) You must include a reference page at the back – remember to cite academic sources. The work must also include a title page (with student name and number clearly specified) and a content page.
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