Colonialism and Gender relations. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on colonialism and Gender relations. REQUIREMENTS Style and length: 1. The essay must be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, paginated. The desired length is between 2,000 and 2,500 words excluding footnotes.
Colonialism and Gender relations.
The final research paper will be based on a topic of your choosing (but relevant to the issues discussed in the course regarding gender, class, nationalism and Japanese modernity).It will be based on your identification in a shortcoming or gap in the existing scholarship about your particular topic. This means that the time period should be between 1600 and 1945 (but can be a very narrow portion of this timeframe). It will be based on your identification in a shortcoming or gap in the existing scholarship about your particular topic, which you should identify as you complete your annotated bibliography.
Colonialism and Gender relations.
REQUIREMENTS Style and length: 1. The essay must be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, paginated. The desired length is between 2,000 and 2,500 words excluding footnotes. Under no circumstances should it exceed 3,000 words. 2. You must include your 10-source annotated bibliography with the essay. Please refer to the annotated bibliography/paper proposal guidelines for further information. The word count for these sources should not exceed 1,500 words. 3. In addition, you must include a works cited page that has all of the sources that you utilized for your paper, including the 10 sources that you annotated.
Colonialism and Gender relations.
This list should be alphabetized even if your annotated bibliography is organized differently. 4. Chicago/Turabian style formatting is required for all components. See for help. Structure: 1. Your research paper should begin with a historical question. What is a historical question? A historical question asks a specific question about a historical event or figure, that begins with asking why, or how someone did something. The question might also include a historical element: either, why did such and such act this way during this time; or, how did someone’s thought change over time, and why.
Colonialism and Gender relations.
The answers to the historical question should be debatable, require analysis, and be argued based on historical analysis and the marshalling of theory. 2. Based on your analysis of primary and secondary sources (compiled in the annotated bibliography), you should come up with a thesis statement. The thesis statement is a one or two sentence answer to the historical question that you posed at the beginning. It should only include things that are relevant to answering the historical question. (In the course of your thinking and writing, you will probably end up revising your thesis statement.) 3. Your paper should have a clearly discernible outline.
Colonialism and Gender relations.
You might want to actually create one in order to assist in the writing process. It can then serve as a roadmap when you write. If necessary, create sub-sections (with their own titles) in the paper. For a paper this length, you should have no more than 2 sub-sections. 4. The introductory paragraph (or two) is your thesis paragraph. This paragraph is used to introduce the historical question that your paper will address, explain the significance of this question (who cares?), define any key words and concepts you will use, and summarize the flow of your argument. Your thesis statement should come at the end of this introductory section. Colonialism and Gender
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