Classical Mythology. 2022 Best

Classical Mythology.

This assignment focuses on classical Mythology. Odysseus was said to be “resourceful,” but many characters exhibited resourcefulness. Discuss the importance of intelligence to the Greeks as seen in The Odyssey. What characters are you examining, who exemplified it?

Classical Mythology.

Paper details: Write a 4 page essay on 1 of these questions pleas Choose ONLY ONE essay question out of 4 to answer. READ ALL DIRECTIONS. Any answer that is shorter than the specified length of 3.5-4.5 pages is insufficient in detail and will not be given full marks. Please type your answer. These are general questions designed to get you thinking about the topic at large; how you deal with each topic specifically is up to you. This is college level work, so analyze your topic, discuss “why,” don’t just start listing examples of things. Use the Cavete post to help. Do NOT merely retell parts of a story; use just enough story details to enhance your discussion and make your point.

Classical Mythology.

Do NOT just launch into any examples without discussing the topic as instructed in each question. 1. The guest/host relationship [xenia] was an important aspect of social custom in the Bronze Age. Discuss its purpose in society and role in Greek society as exemplified in The Odyssey. Why might it exist? What does it seem to do for the Greeks? What does it do for the audience who’s hearing about it? What are the elements of xenia in practice? You can use both positive and negative examples, but don’t get so hung up on details of xenia that you don’t address the questions I’ve posed here.

Classical Mythology.

Take the discussion of xenia to the next level, beyond what was actually done in the household. 2. Discuss the role of women using The Odyssey and The Theogony. You might want to discuss what characteristics they’re supposed to have, how they’re expected to act, what the women themselves feel they can do and be (or not) in this society, or even why they exist (as far as what the Greeks think) in the first place. You should keep in mind the deceptive servility of women in this society.

If you’d like to use goddesses in contrast to mortal women, you’d need to address why strong goddesses exist while mortal women are subservient and stay away from the fact that they can simply “do different stuff.”

Classical Mythology.

Keep this tied to mythology! This is not a history report on ancient women. 3. Odysseus was said to be “resourceful,” but many characters exhibited resourcefulness. Discuss the importance of intelligence to the Greeks as seen in The Odyssey. What characters are you examining, who exemplified it? Why was it employed in particular instances, but most importantly, what is its significance? What does intelligence do for characters and for the audience and what impact does its absence have? Is there any evidence of intelligence being surprising or subtle in some way? So why is it such a big deal, really?

Classical Mythology.

4. Compare the similarities only between The Odyssey and the movie O Brother Where Art Thou? A big bullet list is the best format for this assignment, DON’T DO A REGULAR PARAGRAPH FORMAT, since it allows you to list more items and get more credit by being more impressive. Again, since this is college, be sure to analyze on a deep thematic level about elements in the movie that evoke elements in the poem; you MUST go beyond “John Goodman is the cyclops cuz he only gots one eye.” Seriously. Anything is game from representation of characters to parallel occurrences to cinematography.

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