Evil taken by Milton and Coleridge. 2022 Best
This paper compares and contrasts the approach to depicting evil taken by Milton and Coleridge. After reading Books I and IX of Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” compare and contrast the approach to depicting evil taken by Milton and Coleridge,
Evil taken by Milton and Coleridge.
Compare and contrast the approach to depicting evil taken by Milton and Coleridge. Paper details After reading Books I and IX of Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” compare and contrast the approach to depicting evil taken by Milton and Coleridge, respectively. Your essay should have a clear thesis, well-developed paragraphs that support your thesis, textual evidence cited from the Norton Anthology in MLA style, and a strong conclusion that summarizes your points and speculates on the significance of your argument.
Evil taken by Milton and Coleridge.
No outside research is allowed for this assignment. It should be a full five to six double-spaced pages in 12-point Times New Roman font with a title page. Number your pages (but not the title page, which doesn’t count as a page, and not your first page); only put your name on the title page, which should also feature a creative title for your paper, your name, the class title, and the date. Books: Norton Anthology English Literature, Volumes 1&2. https://youtu.be/QGoUAQOvZow
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The El Paso Attack. 2022 Best
This assignment focuses on the El Paso Attack. We will discuss the environmental, political, economic, and sociological impact of the event and the response at all levels of government.
The El Paso Attack.
For this assignment you will write a research paper that reports on a terrorist event that has happened in U.S. history. ( The El Paso Attack ) Refer to the annotated bibliography that you submitted in Unit III ( The El Paso Attack ), and review your instructor’s feedback. Review the research that you already conducted on your specific event, and address the issues listed below in your paper. Summarize what happened in the terrorist event. Describe the environmental, political, economic, and sociological impact of the event and the response at all levels of government.
The El Paso Attack.
Identify the type of response partners and agencies involved with the response and recovery of the event as well as after actions and lessons learned from the event. Provide information about the critical infrastructure that was impacted and how the role of protecting this infrastructure was forever changed due to this event. Discuss the national strategies for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as it relates to this event. https://youtu.be/vjhimnmmz8s
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Analysis Essay on the book Venus. 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing an analysis essay on the book Venus. For this final assignment you will conduct research and use it to support an analysis of one or more of the texts we’ve read since Sunset Boulevard
Analysis Essay on the book Venus.
Analysis Essay on the book Venus or The Lady Matadors Hotel. For this final assignment you will conduct research and use it to support an analysis of one or more of the texts we’ve read since Sunset Boulevard. You should research something that interested you in particular. We talked about many different topics, but there was a lot that we weren’t able to cover in class, too. Find a general area and begin to narrow. Ask yourself the question “why” until you arrive at a deep analysis of your topic; then, begin to search for sources that address your issue—either the specific, narrowed focus you’ve arrived at or the more general issue you began with.
Analysis Essay on the book Venus.
Use your deep analysis to construct an argument that could fit in, and add to, the discussion that already exists about your topic in the academic community (and possibly beyond). Use the research you find to support your argument, both by utilizing source material that supports your claims and by citing and arguing against material that stands against your argument. You want to clearly state your argument AND clearly acknowledge that there is (or could be) another side to your argument. You want to explain to your reader why your argument is sound and logical and why the other side of the argument is not as substantial.
Analysis Essay on the book Venus.
Your reading/analysis of the text and your sources should support your claim and prove that your thesis is believable, reasonable, and (in the end) better than any counterargument. The close reading you’ve done for the first two essays and the additional research you conducted for your revision have helped you to build toward this assignment. Now, you will use the skills you’ve been developing during the semester to think deeply about one of our final texts and come up with an argument that can be supported in an academic way. https://youtu.be/NbU0ERhF96Q
Analysis Essay on the book Venus.
You must do more research for this paper (in comparison to Essay #3). You will need to have at least four total sources—your primary text does not count for one of these sources. Of your four sources, at least two must be academic sources (although, of course, more of your sources can be academic sources). Your primary text does not count as an academic source.
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Argumentative essay on Jane Eyre. 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing an argumentative essay on Jane Eyre. You are going to write about this book on the website called “värt att läsa”. The other writers on the website questions if this book really is a classic. They invite you as a guest writer.
Argumentative essay on Jane Eyre.
You are going to write about this book on the website called “värt att läsa”. The other writers on the website questions if this book really is a classic. They invite you as a guest writer. The framework for the work is: – Write a text that is 600 – 800 words long where you argue for or against the book’s status as a classic. You may dispose the text at your own discretion, however, the following point must be included somewhere in the text: * Briefly about the book (plot, environment, people, theme, motifs, etc.) I suggest you do this in the introduction part of the text.
Argumentative essay on Jane Eyre.
Tell us about the era it was signed during. Also this in the beginning somewhere. * Describe what is realistic/naturalistic in the novel. Select an episode or quote from the book that has made an impression, positive or negative. Of course, justify what impression the quote/ episode made. * Introduce the author: Do not include too many dry facts, but try to find something different about the novel’s author. Remember source! * Argue for or against the book’s status as classic. Is it worth its place in world literature? https://youtu.be/Y0F-odUoWd4
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Critical Analysis of Dante 2022 Best
This is a critical analysis of Dante, The Inferno of Dante”. Paper should include: o Summary (no more than two pages) o Some kind of analysis of important themes/arguments (more than one, 2 to 4 is best) of the book.
Critical Analysis of Dante
Paper details Critical Analysis of “Dante, The Inferno of Dante”. 4-5 pages double spaced. Include main themes, arguments, summary of the text, assess the value of the work. MLA format is fine. I included pictures of the book. It is called “Dante The Divine Comedy Volume 1: Inferno” There are chapter summaries online. This book is translated by Mark Musa. Professors instructions: • Paper should include: o Summary (no more than two pages) o Some kind of analysis of important themes/arguments (more than one, 2 to 4 is best) of the book.
Critical Analysis of Dante
Assessment of the value of the book (was it good, bad, what worked and did not work, etc.) o An introduction (with a thesis) and a conclusion • Other things to remember o Citations – all quotes must be cited, any examples you pull from the text, even if they are summarized or paraphrased must be cited o You can use outside information, but you have to cite it where you use it and include those sources on a bibliography/works cited page o Try not to use first person (I, we) or second person (you) in your writing. https://youtu.be/-_xdcS66fKU
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Creative Writing 2022 Best
For this activity, you will write a story following the Creative Writing Prompt of “What If…?”. 1. Creative Writing: Fiction Fictional work is anything that is not based on facts. It is not a real person’s life story, a how-to book, or a self-help series of novels.
Creative Writing
This Unit pushed you to think about stories complexly: from their elements to their literary devices, all the way to their symbolisms. If anything, you now have a grasp on what it takes to read, write, and analyze stories. Now, we flip the switch. Apply the story writing elements and techniques you learned from this unit to your very own creative writing. For this activity, you will write a story following the Creative Writing Prompt of “What If…?”. 1. Creative Writing: Fiction Fictional work is anything that is not based on facts. It is not a real person’s life story, a how-to book, or a self-help series of novels.
Creative Writing
Fiction is your Harry Potter books, your Holes, and even your The Fault In Our Stars. While you can derive inspiration from real world feelings and events, fiction, at its core, is non-factual prose meant to entertain audiences. In order to make a riveting and entertaining story, descriptive text is very important. Learn more about it in this TED-Ed video. From there, you can take the next step in this Assessment. 2. Writing Prompts Writing prompts are tiny pieces of questions or events that nudge your imagination in the right direction. These are not a one-size-fits-all situation; what inspires one may not always inspire another.
Creative Writing
For this exercise, there is a list of writing prompts to choose from. The main theme of all of these is that they are “What If…?” questions. Choose from this list of prompts: ● What if we are actually the descendants of another planet, brought here long ago? ● What if an executioner was suddenly granted the ability to bring people back from the dead? ● What if the dream world is the actual world? ● What if World War I never happened? ● What if the oceans began to dry up? ● What happens if dinosaurs are still alive somewhere? ● What if you had the powers of God for one day? ● What if you could relive your childhood in exchange for your life?
Creative Writing
What if someone unlocked the secret to immortality? What if you could stop time at will? What if someone from Oz was left in Kansas after a tornado? ● What if a cow could talk? What if rooms in a huge mansion were portals to people’s nightmares? ● What if someone woke up in a remote forest with no recollection of how they got there? What if video game consoles could control real soldiers? If these prompts still aren’t sparking your imagination, feel free to suggest your own “What If…?” question! 3. Creative Writing Expectations: Short Story While creative writing is borne out of freedom and creativity, there are specific expectations, still, of your output.
Creative Writing
Note that this is only the beginning of your story, so you have the freedom to develop or tweak it however you want to even after this exercise! Your output must: ● Have a Title ● Be around 500 – 1,000 words long. ● Answer a specific “What If…?” question. Have an identifiable plot, atmosphere, characterization, and setting. Have at least 2 emerging themes (that you will identify after writing). Use figurative language (at least 5). Have a symbolic item/event/person—-add any symbols however you want! (You will also identify this symbol after writing). https://youtu.be/6Y2_oQobo_0
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Recovering deleted Macintosh files. 2022 Best
This assignment describes the capabilities of three tools that can help in recovering deleted Macintosh files. Scenario: One of your clients is a small music production company. One day you receive a phone call from Andrea, the owner and president of the music company.
Recovering deleted Macintosh files.
Assignment # 16: Macintosh Forensics. Learning Objectives and Outcomes§ Describe the capabilities of three tools used to recover deleted Macintosh files. Recommend one of the tools for use in a given scenario. Assignment Requirements You are an experienced digital forensics specialist for DigiFirm Investigation Company. One of your clients is a small music production company. One day you receive a phone call from Andrea, the owner and president of the music company. Andrea believes one of her employees, a sound technician, has been stealing intellectual property from the company.
Recovering deleted Macintosh files.
She thinks he is copying original music scores and then selling them to upstart musicians, claiming that he wrote them. Andrea checked the employee’s computer the previous night and thinks he has been deleting the files to cover his tracks. He uses a Macintosh computer. There are several tools available for recovering files that have been deleted from a Macintosh computer, including:§Mac Keeper Files Recovery, http://mackeeper.zeobit.com/§Mac Undelete, http://www.macundelete.com/
Recovering deleted Macintosh files.
§Free Undelete Mac, http://www.freeundeletemac.com/ For this assignment:1.Research three specific tools that can aid in recovering deleted Macintosh files.2.Write a report about the capabilities of the tools.3.Recommend one of the tools for use in this case and justify your recommendation. Required Resources§§Internet access. https://youtu.be/3pOi139ONwA
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codification research case. 2022 Best
In this FASB Research paper we will focus on a codification research case. In light of the full disclosure principle, investors and creditors need to know the balances for assets, liabilities, and equity as well as the accounting policies adopted by management to measure the items reported in the balance sheet.
Codification Research Case.
In light of the full disclosure principle, investors and creditors need to know the balances for assets, liabilities, and equity as well as the accounting policies adopted by management to measure the items reported in the balance sheet. Instructions If your school has a subscription to the FASB Codification, go to http://aaahq.org/asclogin.cfm to log in and prepare responses to the following. Provide Codification references for your responses. (a) Identify the literature that addresses the disclosure of accounting policies. (b) How are accounting policies defined in the literature? (c) What are the three scenarios that would result in detailed disclosure of the accounting methods used?
Codification Research Case.
(d) What are some examples of common disclosures that are required under this statement? Chapter 6 Codification Research Case At a recent meeting of the accounting staff in your company, the controller raised the issue of using present value techniques to conduct impairment tests for some of the company’s fixed assets. Some of the more senior members of the staff admitted having little knowledge of present value concepts in this context, but they had heard about a FASB Concepts Statement that may be relevant. As the junior staff in the department, you have been asked to conduct some research of the authoritative literature on this topic and report back at the staff meeting next week.
Codification Research Case.
Instructions If your school has a subscription to the FASB Codification, go to http://aaahq.org/asclogin.cfm to log in and access the FASB Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts. When you have accessed the documents, you can use the search tool in your Internet browser to respond to the following items. (Provide paragraph citations.) (a) Identify the concept statement that addresses present value measurement in accounting. (b) What are some of the contexts in which present value concepts are applied in accounting measurement? (c) Provide definitions for the following terms: 1.Best estimate. 2.Estimated cash flow (contrasted to expected cash flow). 3.Fresh-start measurement. 4.Interest methods of allocation. https://youtu.be/NPBnzvqTtkY
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Black and white medium in film. 2022 Best
This assignment focuses on the effectiveness of the black and white medium in film. It is also a preparation for the final film assignment, which is in a similar format.
Black and white medium in film.
Film Study Paper details: This assignment focuses on the effectiveness of the black and white medium. It is also a preparation for the final film assignment, which is in a similar format. DO NOT repeat scenes. Choose a different one for each application. In the first paragraph identify the film chosen and present a brief subjective statement regarding that film. Include the name of the director underlined. In the second paragraph begin with a general comment regarding the mise en scene. How does it reinforce the story the characters, etc.? Then, choose a significant scene and apply one mise en scene term (underline that term) that exists and that supports that significance.
Black and white medium in film.
In the third paragraph begin with a general comment regarding the music; include the name of the composer. How does it reinforce the story the characters, etc.? Then, choose a significant scene and apply one music function (underline that function) that exists and that supports that significance. In the fourth paragraph begin with a general comment regarding the editing; include the name of the editor(s). How does it reinforce the story the characters, etc.? Then, choose a significant sequence and apply one editing term (underline that term) that exists and that supports that significance.
Black and white medium in film.
In the fifth paragraph begin with a general comment regarding the cinematography; include the name of the cinematographer(s). How does it reinforce the story the characters, etc.? Then, choose a significant scene and apply one cinematography term (underline that term) that exists and that supports that significance. In the last paragraph discuss the effectiveness of the black and white medium. Then present a two sentence conclusion that reflects the substance of the paper. https://youtu.be/qdPCNaffGv8