The American Dream 2022 Best

This paper focuses on the American Dream. Paper details The Great Gatsby, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, On the Road, The Sunset Limited, and Housekeeping. Directions: Answer all of the following questions in well-thought out paragraphs.
The American Dream
Paper details The Great Gatsby, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, On the Road, The Sunset Limited, and Housekeeping. Directions: Answer all of the following questions in well-thought out paragraphs. Your paragraphs should be at least five to seven sentences each. All of your answers should also include at least one quotation from two different texts (books in this class). These quotations will count for one sentence each within your paragraph sentence count. You should not have to consult outside sources to answer these questions. Questions: 1. Discuss what you believe the American Dream to be.
The American Dream
How is it exemplified in the books we have studied. How do they conflict with each other and work together to explain what the American Dream is or what it could be? Do you think the underlying spirit of the American Dream is the same today as it was years before? If so, why? And if not, why and how do you think it has changed? 2. What does it mean to be an American? What do you feel makes you American or not? How do you see this supported or challenged within the books we have read? 3. What do you feel is the most recurring lesson, topic, or theme in the books we have read this year?
The American Dream
How has it changed or stayed the same from book to book? 4. Also, what is the most common theme or topic you have encountered within these books? Why do you feel it is so prominent? What does that tell us about the way people think and relate to stories? 5. Which character do you think is most truthful from all of the books we have read? What makes someone truthful, and how does it set that character apart from those around him or her? Do you feel, based on this character, that being truthful is worthwhile? If so, why? If not, why not? How can truth help and hurt a person or a situation?
The American Dream
6. What was the most difficult book to read this semester and why? Discuss what made it a struggle, what the author could have done differently to make it more enjoyable to read, and how you would approach writing a story to avoid those same issues. them! Make sure there is variety and style to your writing. Address the questions and respond sufficiently. Your response needs to stay on topic and follow through with each of the questions. If you stray from the topic or fail to completely address it, there will be a point deduction.
The American Dream
Textual evidence. with page numbers You must directly cite and correctly incorporate at least two quotations in each of your answers. All of your answers should also include at least one quotation from two different texts. These quotations will count for one sentence each within your paragraph sentence count.
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Demographics and Technology Chart 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on the demographics and Technology Chart of a chosen company. Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation showing your analysis and recommendations. Your presentation should use speaker notes to convey the details you would give if you were presenting.
Demographics and Technology Chart
Paper details Review the demographic and technological information about your company. If the information is not public, base your decisions on a similar company and research. This information will assist you as you complete your Organizational Presentation in Part 2 of this assessment. Create a 350- to 525- word outline that conveys the information in the following format: Demographics What are the current demographics? (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, etc) What was a recent change? How did the company handle it? Was the change handled ethically? If not, how should they have handled it?
Demographics and Technology Chart
If it was, what stands out as something to emulate in your future business endeavors? Technology How does the company utilize technology in day-to-day business? What types of technology are used? How does a change of technology affect the organization? Cite all sources. Part 2: Organization Presentation You have become a trusted resource for your organization, and they have asked for your advice on gaining a competitive advantage in the field. More specifically, they would like your analysis and recommendations on ways to bring their company culture, demographics, and technologies up to current industry practices and beyond.
Demographics and Technology Chart
Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation showing your analysis and recommendations. Your presentation should use speaker notes to convey the details you would give if you were presenting. The slides themselves should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Include the following elements in your presentation: An analysis of the organization’s current culture (e.g., beliefs, expectations, values, and norms). Address how managers influence the organizational culture An evaluation of the impact of demographic forces (e.g., age, ethnic origin, race, social class, gender, and sexual orientation) of your selected organization and what it could be.
Demographics and Technology Chart
Note: This is a good place to use your outline from Part 1. An examination of the impact of technological forces (e.g., changes in the technology managers use to design, produce, or distribute goods and services) of your selected company Consider how this can contribute to innovation within the industry. An examination on how the organization has complied with ethics and social responsibility behavior Recommendations of ways to innovate based on analysis Summary References.
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CRAC legal analysis tool 2022 Best

This assignment involves applying CRAC legal analysis tool to a sample question. Sample Question: Pattie set her dresser on the curb for pick-up by the garbage company. A police officer found her diary in the dresser.
CRAC legal analysis tool
CRAC is an acronym that stands for: C=Conclusion R=Rule A= Analysis C= Conclusion Sample Question: Pattie set her dresser on the curb for pick-up by the garbage company. A police officer found her diary in the dresser. In her diary, she confessed to multiple counts of identity theft and listed the names and the account numbers of the persons whose identities were stolen. Is the police officer’s conduct a search under the 4th Amendment? Sample Diagramed Answer: No, this does not constitute a search. [Conclusion] In determining whether a search is subject to Fourth Amendment protection, Courts apply the expectation of privacy test.
CRAC legal analysis tool
The expectation of privacy test is a two-part test: 1) “Subjective: an individual exhibits a personal expectation of privacy; and 2) objective: Society recognizes this expectation as reasonable.” {Rule]. Here, Pattie set her dresser out on the curb for pick-up by the garbage company. By so doing, she did not exhibit an expectation of privacy because the dresser and the contents therein were left on the curb and anyone happening upon the dresser could have opened it and discovered the diary. Moreover, an expectation of privacy in a dresser left on a curb is not one that society is prepared to recognize because people frequently leave belongings on the curb, which is widely communicated as fair game for any passerby to claim.
CRAC legal analysis tool
Lastly, these facts are similar to California v. Greenwood, where the Supreme Court held that there was no expectation of privacy in sealed garbage bags left on the curb for pick-up. In this case, however, Pattie did not even try to conceal the dresser, it was open to the public’s view. [Analysis} Thus, the police officer’s conduct is not a search under the Fourth Amendment because Pattie had no reasonable expectation of privacy in the dresser that was left out on the curb and exposed to the public. [Conclusion]
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Argumentative research essay. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an argumentative research essay. For this essay, you will take a position on a topic that’s important to you, make a strong claim, and argue for that position.
Argumentative research essay.
Paper details For this essay, you will take a position on a topic that’s important to you, make a strong claim, and argue for that position. You must support your claim with valid reasoning, and with outside sources (your research sources). You must also effectively acknowledge potential counter-arguments, and address them. Begin with an introduction that provides enough background for your reader to understand your position or subject. Your introduction should end with a clear thesis statement, which presents your central claim and summarizes your supporting reasons.
Argumentative research essay.
The body of the paper will go into detail on those supporting reasons, backing your claims up with the evidence gathered throughout your research. Here are the guidelines for this assignment. Your finished essay should: Be 5-7 pages, properly formatted according to MLA guidelines & carefully proofread. Your Works Cited page is not included in this page count. Present a strong central claim that is clearly stated in a thesis statement. Provide the background information necessary for your reader to understand your argument: Support your central claim with good reasons, utilizing outside sources when appropriate.
Argumentative research essay.
Include properly formatted MLA in-text citations each time a source is used. Address potential counter-argument(s). Maintain a credible, academic tone throughout. Have an interesting and appropriate title Cite a minimum of five (5) research sources. All sources must come from academic databases, unless your instructor has approved an exception. Include a Works Cited page which lists all sources. Citations must be complete and correct, in MLA 8 format. See Chapter 52 of the textbook for templates and other guidance. Your argument should present good reasoning along with outside sources (a minimum of five) to support your central claim and address potential counter-arguments.
Argumentative research essay.
You should strive for an academic, authoritative tone in this paper to assure your reader of your credibility. You must use correct and complete MLA citations, both in-text citations and a correct Works Cited page. Since this is the final essay for the course, there will be no revision period in place – keep this in mind, and take extra care with this paper. Composing a careful, well-structured argument and being meticulous about source use will serve you well here! If you would like to see sample essays, you will find one in the Lecture and Readings folder for this section and additional examples in Chapter 64 of the textbook.
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Transnational crime and illicit goods 2022 Expert

This paper explores transnational crime and illicit goods issues that policy makers face in regard to Afghanistan and Central Asia. On the other hand we will discuss the similarities and differences that exist among different transnational organized crime groups
Transnational crime and illicit goods
Instructions Choose two (2) questions from those listed below and submit 4 pages addressing of the questions you select. Focus on the required class readings for your answers, but you may supplement with other information as needed. What, if anything is unique about the transnational crime and illicit goods issues policy makers face in regard to Afghanistan and Central Asia? Define terms and provide examples. Are illicit goods (not human) smuggling a victimless crime (why or why not)? Define terms and provide examples. What are some of the similarities and differences that exist among different transnational organized crime groups? Why are these significant?
Transnational crime and illicit goods
Define terms and provide examples. What is the difference between crime, terrorism, and anarchy? Why are these significant? Define terms and provide examples. What is an appropriate role for the U.S. (and allied governments) in addressing the trafficking of illicit narcotics OUTSIDE their own borders? Don’t forget to address state sovereignty. Define terms and provide examples. Why is cyber crime such a lucrative criminal venture? Submit and defend one technological advance or policy course of action that would address a specific cyber crime.
Transnational crime and illicit goods
Define terms and provide examples. What is the relationship between poverty and human smuggling/trafficking? Can states and NGOs (or the UN and other IGOs) fix the former to eliminate the latter? Why or why not? Define terms and provide examples. Name one terror group and one transnational crime group who have failed. Explain why they failed. Don’t forget citations. Technical Requirements Your paper must be at a minimum of 8 pages, or 4 pages for each question you select (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit). Scholarly and credible references should be used.
Transnational crime and illicit goods
A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content. Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space. Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc. All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
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Motivations for United States expansion 2022 Best

In this American history assignment we will discuss the social, political and economic Motivations for United States expansion, and intervention abroad between the Early Republic and the Vietnam War.
Motivations for United States expansion
Paper details Below is the essay prompt for your final assignment. Answer as completely as possible. Your response should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins, and must be typed. Please include page numbers on all pages. It should be written in grammatically correct prose. Anytime you use words not your own—including words from the textbook and from web sites—those words must be placed within quotation marks and must be accompanied by a citation. You may use any form of citation you want (in-text citations or footnotes). Failure to do so is plagiarism and will result in failure of the course.
Motivations for United States expansion
You should use your lecture notes, class discussions, readings, films, podcasts, and/or websites to help formulate your answer. These essays should be argumentative, meaning you should have a thesis statement that makes your argument clear. This thesis statement should appear within the first paragraph of your paper. The rest of the essay should provide evidence and analysis that helps you prove your argument Thomas Jefferson described the United States as an Empire of Liberty. Explain what he meant by this phrase.
Motivations for United States expansion.
Discuss the social, political and economic motivations for U.S. expansion, and intervention abroad between the Early Republic and the Vietnam War. Given this history, do you think it is fair to call the United States imperialist? In your response, be sure to address the following: Settler colonialism, Territorial expansions during the 1890s, The Cold War.
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Police report for a fictional crime. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing a Police report for a fictional crime. Paper instructions: Choose a crime from a television show or movie that contains a good amount of detail.
Police report for a fictional crime.
English- Police Report…. Paper details Paper #3–The Police Report English 201 (Spring 2021) Alison Perry 1-2 pages for the report/at least 1-2 pages of reflection, double spaced (reasonable font) PART I: The Police Report Choose a crime from a television show or movie that contains a good amount of detail. Using the template provided alongside this assignment in Blackboard, complete a police report for the fictional crime you chose as if you were the reporting officer. PART II: The Reflection Please provide detailed, thoughtful answers to the following questions: Rationale: Why did you choose to write a police report about the fictional crime that you did?
Police report for a fictional crime.
Genre: In what specific ways does your police report conform to the police report genre, as you’ve come to understand it during this unit? Please quote from Seawright (with page numbers in parenthesis) and from your own police report in your answer to this question. Audience expectations: In what specific ways does your police report address the competing expectations of different readers? Use the Seawright to define the needs of different readers (provide page numbers) and quote from your own police report in your answer.
Police report for a fictional crime.
Stance and Bordieu’s Capital: How does the stance you take in your police report reflect the type of capital (cultural, social, symbolic) you are trying to convey? Use the Seawright (with page attributions) in your discussion of Bordieu’s three types of capital, and quote from your own police report in your answer.
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poverty within an at-risk population. 2022 Best

This assignment involves developing a policy for addressing poverty within an at-risk population. The goal should be specific and measurable. (a good framework is SMART goals (Links to an external site.)).
poverty within an at-risk population
Paper details This will be a 5 page paper. Students will write in APA format and include a title and reference page. This paper should have a minimum of 5 sources. Words in Bold should be your headings. Students will develop one Goal for addressing poverty within an at-risk population. The goal should be specific and measurable. (a good framework is SMART goals (Links to an external site.)). Using a minimum of three sources students will provide three possible or proposed Policy Solutions which have already been explored. From these three possible policies students will identify the single Best Policy option and explain your rationale.
poverty within an at-risk population
Based upon one of these policies students will work to develop Policy Improvements or means for implementation. This might mean addressing intersectionality, broadening scope, making a federal proposal one that will work locally (or vice versa), this improvement could also focus on how to get public support for said policy. This does not have to be your own idea. You may find something written by an advocacy group or researcher, etc and support that improvement. Be sure to cite. Elaborate on your policy proposal by further describing Implementation for Improvement (chose 3 to outline and explain why): Who would be eligible? Would your eligibility rules be selective? Universal? Means tested?
poverty within an at-risk population
Who are the intended beneficiaries? The unintended beneficiaries? What would those who are eligible receive? Intangible or concrete benefits? Limited scope or diversified? Cash? In-kind? Vouchers? Where and by whom would services be delivered? Would they be centralized or decentralized? Professional providers, paraprofessionals, or lay? How would the program or service be financed? Categorical or block grants? Entitlements or discretionary funds? Federal, state or local?
poverty within an at-risk population
Voluntary contributions, general revenues, fee for service, sliding fee scale, matching funds, dedicated tax, prior contribution, private contract? After working on this project and taking this course, what do you think is the biggest Barrier to Policy Solutions for poverty in the United States (or California if you focused more locally)? What role do you believe your future profession plays in regards to this goal (in what ways do you think change is encouraged or impeded)?