The Gospel of John 2022 Best

The Gospel of John

For this assignment we will explore the Gospel of John – Becoming Children of God. Compare translations. What words are so different across translations that it is essential to know the original Greek word? *Narrative context. a) Where does this particular piece of narrative fit within the immediate section of the Gospel

The Gospel of John

*Compare translations. What words are so different across translations that it is essential to know the original Greek word? *Narrative context. a) Where does this particular piece of narrative fit within the immediate section of the Gospel (i.e., Book of Signs or Book of Glory) ? b) How does this piece of narrative fit within the flow of plot, scene and other elements of the immediately surrounding narrative? *Details within the passage. What do you notice about how a) the characters are portrayed; b) characters engage with each other;

The Gospel of John

3) setting(including place, time of day, season of year) shapes the story; 4) surprise, twists or other plot elements generate a response in either the characters or you as a reader? *Insights from the assigned readings. What from your reading of Becoming Children of God shapes your understanding? *Insights from your chosen, additional reading. What from your supplied reading resource shapes your understanding?

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Disease analysis paper 2022 Best

Disease analysis paper

For this Disease analysis paper assignment, you will select a disease of your choice and conduct a detailed analysis of that disease, exploring it from a balanced traditional and alternative health perspective.

Disease analysis paper

Disease analysis paper. For this assignment, you will select a disease of your choice and conduct a detailed analysis of that disease, exploring it from a balanced traditional and alternative health perspective. Begin by searching the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website Diseases and Conditions Index to choose a disease or condition of interest to you. Next, review the website for Healthy People 2020 for information related to the disease or the disease category (e.g., mental health for ADHD). In your paper, discuss the following: Prominent aspects of this disease Current data and statistics related to the disease,

Disease analysis paper

Health disparities related to the disease Prevention strategies including complementary and alternative health therapies Contemporary research and clinical studies related to the disease An analysis of the pathophysiologic effects of stress related to the disease Evidence-based stress management interventions that might help with prevention or cure The paper should be between 3–4 pages. Incorporate at least three scholarly sources within the paper. Sources should be no more than three years old. Use proper APA format to cite and reference sources.

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Human Resources at Alaska Airlines 2022 Best

Human Resources at Alaska Airlines

“The ‘People’ Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines”. Paper details Prompt: Review and respond to the three questions presented in the “The ‘People’ Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines” case at the end of Chapter 10.

Human Resources at Alaska Airlines

“The ‘People’ Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines”. Paper details Prompt: Review and respond to the three questions presented in the “The ‘People’ Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines” case at the end of Chapter 10. requirements: A 250-word minimum, APA compliant paper addressing all three questions. Regarding Question 2 –is there a biblical basis for employee empowerment? The final section is to include an analysis of how you see the approaches stated either aligning with or going counter to Scripture. How do Genesis 1:26-27 and 1 Peter 5:2-3 apply to this case? My current textbook is Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2020). Operations management: Sustainability and supply chain management (13thed.).

Human Resources at Alaska Airlines

Pearson. see below for a case study: The “People” Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines With thousands of employees spread across nearly 100 locations in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, building a committed and cohesive workforce is a challenge. Yet Alaska Airlines is making it work. The company’s “people” focus states: While airplanes and technology enable us to do what we do, we recognize this is fundamentally a people business, and our future depends on how we work together to win in this extremely competitive environment.

Human Resources at Alaska Airlines

As we grow, we want to strengthen our small company feel . . . We will succeed where others fail because of our pride and passion, and because of the way we treat our customers, our suppliers and partners, and each other. Managerial excellence requires a committed workforce. Alaska Airlines’ pledge of respect for people is one of the key elements of a world-class operation. Effective organizations require talented, committed, and trained personnel. Alaska Airlines conducts comprehensive training at all levels. Its “Flight Path” leadership training for all 10,000 employees is now being followed by “Gear Up” training for 800 front-line managers.

Human Resources at Alaska Airlines

In addition, training programs have been developed for Lean and Six Sigma as well as for the unique requirements for pilots, flight attendants, baggage, and ramp personnel. Because the company only hires pilots into first officer positions—the right seat in the cockpit, it offers a program called the “Fourth Stripe” to train for promotion into the captain’s seat on the left side, along with all the additional responsibility that entails (see exterior and interior photos of one of Alaska Airlines’ flight simulators on the opening page of this chapter). Customer service agents receive specific training on the company’s “Empowerment Toolkit.”

Human Resources at Alaska Airlines

Like the Ritz-Carlton’s famous customer service philosophy, agents have the option of awarding customers hotel and meal vouchers or frequent flier miles when the customer has experienced a service problem. Because many managers are cross-trained in operational duties outside the scope of their daily positions, they have the ability to pitch in to ensure that customer-oriented processes go smoothly. Even John Ladner, Director of Seattle Airport Operations, who is a fully licensed pilot, has left his desk to cover a flight at the last minute for a sick colleague. Along with providing development and training at all levels, managers recognize that inherent personal traits can make a huge difference.

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Low self Esteem 2022 Best

Low self Esteem

This paper focuses on low self Esteem.  Having self-esteem issues can be detrimental to your health and negatively affect your personal and professional relationships. There are many reasons why you may have low self-esteem — your genes, how and where you grew up, and other life circumstances all play a role.

Low self Esteem

Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about making mistakes or letting other people down. Having self-esteem issues can be detrimental to your health and negatively affect your personal and professional relationships. There are many reasons why you may have low self-esteem — your genes, how and where you grew up, and other life circumstances all play a role.

Low self Esteem

A major factor of low self-esteem, however, comes from your own mental state. Your inner voice, or the thoughts in your head, can be constantly telling you that you are not good enough or worth anything, even if there is evidence to the contrary. Negative thinking in general is linked to low self-worth and low self-esteem. Sensitivity to Criticism If you have low self-esteem you may be extra sensitive to criticism, whether from others or yourself. You see it only as reinforcing your flaws and confirming that you are incapable of doing anything right.

Low self Esteem

Social Withdrawal Declining invitations to go to a party or meet up with friends, canceling scheduled plans last-minute, and generally not wanting to be around others are signs of low self-esteem. You may not have any desire to hold a conversation or talk about your life because it will only reinforce the depression and anxiety you are already experiencing. Identify Troubling Conditions and Situations Take a moment to think about certain conditions and situations in your life that seem to always deflate your self-esteem. It could be giving a work presentation, dealing with a difficult family member or friend, or facing a life-changing event, like a job loss or a move.

Low self Esteem

Dealing with Low Self-Esteem You can overcome low self-esteem with the right support be with someone who values you and encourages you to be a better person, mindset and very importantly you need to change the way you see yourself from a devalued person to a person of purpose and integrity also never let any negative words from people have a meaning in your life, and change in behaviors relating to your mindset when your mindset changes your behavior should. Start with these steps to begin improving your self-esteem.

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Observational Cubesat. 2022 Best

Observational Cubesat.

This paper focuses on observational Cubesat. Learning Outcomes The Module Learning Outcomes are to: · Integrate a wide and mission driven knowledge base of multi-disciplinary space engineering for developing and analyzing space missions (SM1p, SM3p, EP4p)

Observational Cubesat.

1. Learning Outcomes The Module Learning Outcomes are to: · Integrate a wide and mission driven knowledge base of multi-disciplinary space engineering for developing and analyzing space missions (SM1p, SM3p, EP4p) · Conceive, define and evaluate space missions (EA4p) · Use a variety of simulation tools for mission and vehicle design from concept to operation (SM2p, EA3p) · Validate and analyze designs created in the operating space environment and in planetary atmospheres. (EA2p, D3p, ET4p) 2. Background/Context The aim of the project is to provide some experience of designing a mission for outer space.

Observational Cubesat.

Space missions are complicated with many disciplines involved and often rely on the expertise of a large number of engineers and scientists, often across various countries. In this module we look at one experiment as the payload on a CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit using accepted professional system engineering methods, and industry standard technical approaches. The experiment should be the use of a chosen sensor to observe either the ground or the atmosphere. The information gathered should be relayed back to Earth. 3. Requirements You are required to study an aspect of planning an Earth observational mission of a 2U/3U CubeSat from concept to compliance (i.e. end of mission).

Observational Cubesat.

The payload is a sensor. It is recommended to concentrate on the initial parts of the cubesat mission including the orbit and the sensor. In order to map out what is required for this assignment, you are strongly advised to talk with the lecturers supporting this module before you start and to maintain contact during the work. You must decide on the following: · The CubeSat must be 2U or 3U · The equipment used should be “Commercial off the shelf” as much as possible. · The CubeSat is assumed to be launched on a typical commercial rocket. · What your payload is. Depending on what aspect you are taking on to study, aspects to consider are:

Observational Cubesat.

How the Cubesat works and what it needs to function, · What systems and materials your payload is comprised of, · How it is contained in the CubeSat, · For how long your experiment will last, · When the CubeSat will switch on and when it finishes, · What trajectory you want it to take, · How it will be launched, · An estimate of how much it will cost, · How it will be disposed of after its mission is completed in a legal and safe fashion. Also consider whether the following are applicable to your aspect. For example the need to prove the cubesat: · will successfully reach orbit, · will operate successfully and not get too cold or too hot, ·

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Ethical Research. 2022 Best

Ethical Research.

This assignment involves ethical Research. Scenario: Your neighbor and close friend has shared with you that he and his family have been asked to take part in a research study by a local University.

Ethical Research.

Your neighbor and close friend has shared with you that he and his family have been asked to take part in a research study by a local University. He is Native American, his wife is Hispanic, and their children are of course of mixed ethnic decent. The study involves the family meeting with researchers repeatedly throughout the first year, and then twice a year for five years to follow. The researchers have explained that the study focuses on the mental and physical health of ethnic minorities in the region. They will analyze how education attainment, employment status, and immigration status impact the health and well-being of children in California.

Ethical Research.

You neighbor has told you that he is unsure if his family should participate in the study. On the one hand, they will earn money over the next five years that will help the family pay bills and save for college for his three children. On the other hand, they are unsure if they can trust the researchers and the University. They are particularly concerned about telling the truth about past chemical dependency and incarceration issues in the family as well as the fact that they have two relatives who are undocumented and living in the area. Your neighbor asks you for your advice. In a 3- to 5-page paper, write a response to your neighbor. Cite and reference your response.

Ethical Research.

Before you provide a response, read the sources below. Be sure to share with your neighbor what makes research with human subjects “ethical” and which ethical codes a study will need to follow if they are legitimate. Make sure you also mention why the inclusion of informed consent is critical (not just “consent”). In your response, share with him what you know about past research that has been unethical, so he knows what to look for, and tell him what he should make sure is involved in the research to be comfortable with his family’s participation.

Make sure you have explained under what conditions he should agree to participate, if any, and under what conditions he should refuse to participate, if any.

Ethical Research.

Readings – please read in this order: Robbers Cave study - Tuskegee Syphilis experiment – Ethics in Research – NIH ethics in research –

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International business principles 2022 Best

International business principles

The purpose is to learn how to apply international business principles to specific situations. we will describe, analyze, and evaluate the drivers of changes in business environments around the world

International business principles

International Business Government Intervention Case Study. Paper details The purpose is to learn how to apply international business principles to specific situations. Limit the written assignment to two double-spaced pages. Answer the question: – Describe, analyze, and evaluate the drivers of changes in business environments around the world, and the implications they have on the success and failure of Airbus. -If the WTO rules against Airbus and tells it to stop accepting subsidies and soft loans, how should Airbus management respond?

International business principles

What new approaches can management pursue to maintain Airbus’s lead in the global commercial aircraft industry? A response that simply rehashes the case facts and narrative is not satisfactory. Your answer must demonstrate a clear understanding of the salient issues characterizing the case, critical analyses, and evaluations of the issues and recommendations or proposed solutions as appropriate. Please write your answer in an essay format.

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Management Memo. 2022 Best

Management Memo.

This assignment entails writing a management Memo. Paper details Length: No more than 1,000 words. Be concise and to the point. Write enough to convince your boss that you know what you are doing and need to do the research, but not so much that they do not read the entire memo.

Management Memo.

Assignment 1.2: Management Memo.  Paper details Length: No more than 1,000 words. Be concise and to the point. Write enough to convince your boss that you know what you are doing and need to do the research, but not so much that they do not read the entire memo. Much of this course is about building an information-based case for the public relations or communications plan you recommend and then evaluating the success of that plan after it has been executed. The information is of no use to you or anyone else if you cannot marshal it to make the argument that your communications plan will help your organization achieve its business objectives.

Management Memo.

Every organization suffers from resource constraints, so in order to gather the information you need to develop your communications plan, you need to make the case to your management that having this information will increase the probability that your program will succeed and that your organization will achieve the germane business objective. I’m asking you to do this because this is what you likely will need to do to get research approved at your organization. But no matter where you work or what you do, you will need to make these written or oral arguments to influence the people with whom you work and to drive events.

Management Memo.

In the best of all worlds, this exercise will help you to be not only a more effective communications manager, but a more effective manager in general. Now, on to your Management Memo Consider a high-impact business issue your research topic organization faces, and imagine you are the PR/PA director. (If you want to use an organization you are close to, but are uncomfortable using its actual name, feel free to rename it. But be sure to meet all requirements of the assignment and do not use material you already have done for work or school.

Management Memo.

However, I would be pleased if you could actually use your memo for this course at work to get funding for a real, work-related, campaign-driving research project. A number of my past students have done this, which I think is grand.) Write a memo ( 1,000 words) to your boss laying out why it’s important to spend some of the organization’s limited funds on communications research. Your memo must include the following elements: An objective statement for your research. What is the specific, critical knowledge that you hope to develop, and how will that drive important decisions for the organization?

Management Memo.

Try to tie this directly to your organization’s business objectives. What topics your research will need to explore and why. Relevant communications expert knowledge and benchmarking that supports your argument for research. Your planning process for developing the research. View the Management Memo Grading Criteria to help with your project. Attached are successful Management Memo examples for your review. Management Memo Larson (Word) Management Memo PR (Word) Public Relations Research Memo (Claflin University Health and Wellness Center) (Word) Robbins Management Memo (Word).

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TQM practice in Government 2022 Best

TQM practice in Government

This paper focuses on investigating the mediating role of leadership effectiveness in relationship between agility and TQM practice in Government Sector.

TQM practice in Government

Brief In your assignments you have to introduce your topic to the reader, explain the aim/objectives, the problem of the study and the rationale of the study. You then have to perform a detailed literature review using refereed journal articles that have addressed same or similar issues/challenges/ advantages/problems/solutions you are dealing with, in your research. At least 15 articles no older than 5 years that show a connection to your work should be cited in the assignment.

TQM practice in Government

Based on this literature review you need to demonstrate logically, what approach you are going to take and describe your methodology for applying and validating your approach, e.g. developing clear hypotheses. You may use some textbooks, books, newspapers… etc when discussing the theoretical concepts related to your assignment. Following this step, you discuss the methods you adopted, such as the sample, variables, measures and tests and analyze your data, get them presented and discussed. Finally, you end up with conclusions and recommendations.

TQM practice in Government

Your recommendations, for both practitioners and researchers, must be drawn from your findings and related well to the purpose/aim and problem of the assignment. Guide Your assignment should include the following sections: 1. Abstract 2. Introduction (background, problem, aim, objectives, rationale … etc) 3. Literature Review including a Conceptual Framework 4. Methodology: (sample, measures, variables … etc) 5. Data Analysis must include at least “two” multivariate data analysis approaches using SPSS. 6. Findings and Discussion 7. Conclusions and Recommendations 8. References 9. Appendices if needed.

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Reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel. 2022 Best

Reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel.

This assignment entails writing a reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel, Middle Sex Part 1: Biochemistry and Endocrinology behind the narrative: From the opening paragraph in the first chapter of the novel, it is clear that Cal has 5-alpha-reductase deficiency.

Reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel.

Middle Sex: reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel.  Paper details Read Jeffrey Eugenides Novel, Middle Sex Part 1: Biochemistry and Endocrinology behind the narrative: From the opening paragraph in the first chapter of the novel, it is clear that Cal has 5-alpha-reductase deficiency. He describes himself as being born twice, first as a baby girl in 1960 and then as a teenage boy in 1974. Explain the biochemistry and endocrinology behind this story, describing the consequences of the 5-alpha-reductase deficiency that would lead to the apparent birth of a baby girl and then to the changes that Cal experiences upon reaching puberty (what are described in the three assigned chapters).

Reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel.

Consider Dr. Luce’s observations in the write-up that can be found near the end of the chapter, “Looking Myself up in Webster’s.” See how much of this you can explain in terms of biochemistry and endocrinology. Write your explanation at a level that would be appropriate when communicating to one of your classmates. Draw upon your knowledge from lectures you have had during the current year, knowledge you acquired from reading, other classes you had previously, etc. You may of course research the matter further, but one of the purposes of this exercise is for you to evaluate the extent of your knowledge. Are you confident of this information?

Reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel.

Do you know the evidence behind it? Your answer to the latter two questions do not necessarily have to be included in your essay. Their main purpose is for considering what is asked in 3) below. Part 2: Interview to determine gender identity: A major purpose of Dr. Luce’s extensive interview of Cal is to determine his sense of gender identity. This is a critical part of Dr. Luce’s decision in determining the treatment for Cal’s condition. Evaluate from your perspective what Dr. Luce gets right and what he gets wrong in this process and explain why you think so.

Reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel.

Keep in mind that the story takes place in 1974, and you are viewing this from the perspective of attitudes, experience, and body of knowledge that has accrued over 47 years since that time. In addition, you have the added advantage of knowing the Cal’s thoughts and descriptions from his narration of the story. Use these advantages you have to describe how you would have conducted this evaluation and explain why you think this would have been effective in evaluating Cal’s gender identity. You can of course use methods for interview that you may have learned about in other classes, but the important part of your answer is why you think this procedure would have been effective for Cal specifically.

Reflection of Jeffrey Eugenides Novel.

Drawing on your understanding of him from his narrative. 3) Consider carefully what you wrote for 1) and 2) above, especially in terms of the confidence you have in the information you provided such as the evidence on which it is based and the appropriateness of the procedure you propose for the interview. Write two or more self-defined learning objectives of your own for this exercise—reflecting your interests, personal goals as a medical doctor, and/or learning style—that will help you further explore issues raised by items 1) and 2) above and helping you to fill gaps in your knowledge.

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