Research Methods for Behavioural Sciences. 2022 Best

This paper explores research Methods for Behavioural Sciences. Paper details Only accept computer typed answers in MS Word (or it could be changed to a PDF file), hand-written answers are not accepted You have to show all relevant steps in by-hand calculations.
Research Methods for Behavioural Sciences.
Paper details Only accept computer typed answers in MS Word (or it could be changed to a PDF file), hand-written answers are not accepted You have to show all relevant steps in by-hand calculations. Only writing down the formulae without showing how you substitute the values into them is not considered as valid. No marks will be given in this case. When answering SPSS questions, show the relevant SPSS output table first. Only accept computer typed answers in MS Word (or it could be changed to a PDF file), hand-written answers are not accepted,,.
Research Methods for Behavioural Sciences.
You have to show all relevant steps in by-hand calculations. Only writing down the formulae without showing how you substitute the values into them is not considered as valid. No marks will be given in this case. When answering SPSS questions, show the relevant SPSS output table first, then write down the conclusion below the table in proper formats, see the following demonstration. Do not include any irrelevant tables, otherwise it would be subject to mark deduction. t, then write down the conclusion below the table in proper formats, see the following demonstration. Do not include any irrelevant tables, otherwise it would be subject to mark deduction.
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Social media on society. 2022 Best

This paper explores the impact of social media on society. The goal of this assignment is for you to persuade an audience of interested but non-expert readers to adopt your stance or perspective. This means clearly establishing the issue as an important topic and clearly presenting an original argument about it.
Social media on society.
Paper details Assignment Prompt: Research Paper, English 1102 This writing project asks you to present an original and researched argument or perspective on the issue you identified in your Formal Proposal. The length of your paper should be at least 6 pages and no more than 7, and should include a minimum of 5 sources. Overview and Usefulness for Work in Other Courses The goal of this assignment is for you to persuade an audience of interested but non-expert readers to adopt your stance or perspective. This means clearly establishing the issue as an important topic and clearly presenting an original argument about it.
Social media on society.
By itself, this assignment addresses each of our 4 learning outcomes. In short, all of the skills you have developed this semester will be on display in this piece of writing, with the addition of your personal, reasoned stance on an important topic. I see this assignment as the culmination of your work this semester. Due to the complexity of this assignment, you longer to work on it than our other major assignments; take advantage of this extra time and start working early. Use of Research and Citation Format It is important to recognize that there are multiple ways to use sources for an assignment like this.
Social media on society.
A source could exemplify or embody the issue you are studying, serving as an example of the issue you are studying. A source might also be used as evidence to support part of your argument, as a counterpoint or complicating factor for your argument, and more. It is crucial to evaluate your sources as you undertake research: you want credible sources to support your own argument, and ideally also credible sources that make arguments contrary to yours (how useful is it to poke holes in counter arguments that are not themselves represented by well-reasoned and researched arguments?). Think about not just what each sources says, but what it does in your paper: how will you use it?
Social media on society.
Format your paper and cite your sources using MLA format. Originality of Argument You must present an original argument or perspective in this paper; however, this does not mean you need to reinvent the wheel. This requirement is a way of asking you to present your original thoughts as part of the ongoing conversation around your chosen issue. Ask yourself this question as you begin drafting: what will a reader get from your paper that they will not get from your sources? What have you added to this conversation? You should feel free to use the first person, or I, to help differentiate yourself and your views from those of your sources.
Social media on society.
Checklist for Successful Work 6 pages (no more than 7) with at least 5 sources A clear identification of both the issue you are studying and your argument about that issue An brief introduction to the issue being studied An lengthier analysis of the issue in the context of your argument, with the inclusion of sources Engagement in scholarly conversation to defend original perspective An arrangement (organization of ideas) appropriate for a persuasive piece:
Social media on society.
Introduction, body paragraphs in a logical order, and a conclusion; sections with headings may be used if you find them appropriate Demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic and sources Integration of your voice throughout: it should be clear, likely through the use of first-person writing, when your audience is reading your original ideas and when they are reading those from your sources Clear identification of your sources for all paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting, using MLA format, along with a Works Cited page in MLA format.
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The work of Galileo and Darwin. 2022 Best

For this assignment wee will compare and contrast the role that religion played in evaluations of the work of Galileo and Darwin. What did Galileo and Darwin propose and why, and how did the Church and/or its representatives react to their discoveries and theories?
The work of Galileo and Darwin.
All submissions will be automatically reviewed by Any similarity rating over 25 percent, and this includes quotations that are cited, will automatically be graded as a “zero,” as per the policies on the syllabus. Overuse of quotations is also considered plagiarism, because it means that you did not do enough of your own work. Do your own work for the exam. Turnitin also checks between student submission for similarities. Set aside a two-hour block of time to complete the exam. Study before hand and then write your responses and submit them.
The work of Galileo and Darwin.
Please write a paragraph that identifies and explains the significance of four of the following terms. Be sure to include important facts, dates, events, and other important information that helps to explain the significance of the term. Aristotle, On the Heavens Galileo, The Starry Messenger Index of Prohibited Books Decree of the Council of Trent, 1546 On the Origins of the Species William Paley The Voyage of the Beagle Essay topic Write a well-organized, coherent essay on the topic below.
The work of Galileo and Darwin.
Cite as many facts, dates, events, and primary sources as possible to support your response. A paragraph or two will not be a sufficient level of detail for this assignment. (60 points) Compare and contrast the role that religion played in evaluations of the work of Galileo and Darwin. What did Galileo and Darwin propose and why, and how did the Church and/or its representatives react to their discoveries and theories? What role does religion continue to play in discussions of modern scientific discoveries?
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Computation and Decision-Making. 2022 Best

This assignment entails project computation and decision-Making. Paper details Bob Mackey is the principle owner of Fuels Inc. Bob has been able to increase his salary by a factor of over 100. At the present time, Bob has to remain competitive in his industry, so he has the following alternatives regarding fuel equipment purchases.
Computation and Decision-Making.
Paper details Bob Mackey is the principle owner of Fuels Inc. Bob has been able to increase his salary by a factor of over 100. At the present time, Bob has to remain competitive in his industry, so he has the following alternatives regarding fuel equipment purchases. Equipment Favorable Market Unfavorable Market Panther $200,000 $100,000 Knight $300,000 $75,000 JB Billow $50,000 $12,000 Compose a paper in which you make a recommendation to Bob and Fuels Inc. In your paper, be sure to include the following components:
Computation and Decision-Making.
an explanation of the type of decision Bob is facing, ◾a discussion on the decision criteria that should be used, ◾a description of how you will apply the six steps of the decision-making process and, ◾a recommendation for which alternative is best for Fuels Inc. Why? Your completed paper must be at least two pages in length. You must integrate your textbook and at least two other academic sources. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion section in your paper.
Computation and Decision-Making.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. If you need more practice on the math skills that are required in this assignment, the CSU Math Center created this Decision Analysis Example recording that might help you when completing this assignment. A transcript and closed captioning are available once you access the video.
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Kate Spade New York 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on Kate Spade New York fashion company. So, to complete the project students will assume the role of a consultant tasked with evaluating the selected brand.
Kate Spade New York
Instructions for the course project are found in the course text listed in the syllabus on page 527. Although the Brand Report Card assignment described in the text requires the evaluation of two brands, students will ONLY evaluate one brand for the course project. (The Brand Is: “ Kate Spade New York ”) To complete the project students will assume the role of a consultant tasked with evaluating the selected brand. In the process of researching the selected brand, if students are unable to find data for a specific component of the brand report card, students are to recommend what the brand should do.
Kate Spade New York
The project must be completed in MS PPT format. The project must not exceed 10 slides, additional commentary to support the content of each slide must be added in the “notes” section of each respective slide. Each slide must include a rating between 1-10 and rating must support the rationale provided on each slide. SLIDE FORMAT EXAMPLE: Slide #1 (Heading) Managers understand what the brand means to customers Score: 9 •The brand demonstrates a clear understanding of the needs, wants, functional and emotional benefits specific to the target segment.
Kate Spade New York
This indicates that managers have engaged in research driven methodologies to collect rich insights about customer preferences of the selected target segment(s). Provide an example. •The brand mantra for Nike is “Authentic Athletic Performance”. Examples of how this mantra permeates the brand strategy of Nike Women’s apparel are demonstrated by its tagline “Just Do It”, and across product development, customer experience and engagement. Examples include: •The brand has identified and outlined customer-driven boundaries for brand extensions that resonate with target segments.
Kate Spade New York
However, further analysis and development is needed to expand boundaries in the minds of female target segments as it relates to the development of plus-sized athleisure lines and….. The course project will be submitted in the final week of the course.However, students should work on the project each week so that the project can be submitted by the deadline. Ideally, to stay on course with the project relative to weekly course content, students should aim to complete sections 1-5 by week six and sections 6-10 in subsequent weeks. All sections (1-10) of the Brand Report Card are to be submitted in the final week of the course on the date indicated on the syllabus.
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Supreme Court case of Cruzan 2022 Best

This paper focuses on the United States Supreme Court case of Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health. The full text of this case, along with numerous case briefs, commentaries, summaries, etc., may be found by simply entering the full name of the case into any major online search engine
Supreme Court case of Cruzan
Paper details Review all materials in Chapter 52 and conduct research on the United States Supreme Court case of Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990). The full text of this case, along with numerous case briefs, commentaries, summaries, etc., may be found by simply entering the full name of the case into any major online search engine of your choosing. Alternatively, you may use Westlaw, Lexis or any other professional legal research databank in your research, however, use of such is not required.
Supreme Court case of Cruzan
Following your research, review the following questions: • What was the ultimate numerical vote of the court? • When and how can life support be withdrawn? • How does death by refusal of treatment differ from suicide? • How does a living will work and when does it become of legal effect? • What is a health care directive and how does it work? After completing your research, summarize your answers, and, along with any other sources, if any, address and support your particular position/view on the following specific issues, and, specifically, how you would apply the Saint Leo University Core Values of Community, Respect, and Integrity into your actions.
Supreme Court case of Cruzan
Be sure to use proper APA format for citations. 1. What are the potential foreseeable financial, psychological, and medical, yet unintended, harmful consequences to one’s family and friends in failing to provide a properly executed will and living will prior to one’s final illness and death? 2. What are the fundamental distinctions between recuperative medical care and palliative care? Who should be included in the decision to modify care from recuperative to palliative? When, if ever, is the right to refuse any and all medical care appropriate when such virtually ensures the death of the patient?
Supreme Court case of Cruzan
3. What professionals, medical or otherwise, should be involved in advising decisions concerning end-of-life wishes? How does euthanasia differ from a simple cessation of treatment? Who should make end of life decisions for those who are without a family member to take on such a role? 4. What measures can be taken to ensure the quality of ongoing family and social relationships, individually and as a group, to end-of-life patients? What pitfalls are to be avoided in ensuring maintenance of these relationships? What actions may be taken to ensure the spiritual and existential dimensions of the process are respected and integrated?
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Collaborative Organizational Relationships. 2022 Best

This paper focuses on building Collaborative Organizational Relationships. Assignment Overview As a human services professional, you will need to develop the skills and processes to analyze the strengths and capacity of the partner organizations with whom you might work.
Collaborative Organizational Relationships.
Assignment Overview As a human services professional, you will need to develop the skills and processes to analyze the strengths and capacity of the partner organizations with whom you might work. Through consideration of an organization’s mission, goals, history, patterns of work in context, and utilization of resources, you will be able to ascertain the organizations’ suitability and capacity for projects at any given time.
Collaborative Organizational Relationships.
Instructions In the Unit 3 assignment, you identified at least three agencies or organizations that address the human service need for the social justice intervention you chose to study for your course project. In a 4 page paper, further elaborate on the three agencies or organizations you identified in the Unit 3 assignment. In your paper, address the following: Analyze and describe each of the selected organizations, using at least one organizational theory and a framework for organizational assessment that is presented in the course reading materials.
Collaborative Organizational Relationships.
Assess similarities and differences in the organizations’ missions and goals. Analyze each collaboration, negotiation, and mediation need between organizations. Present challenges for collaboration. Examine the system’s capacity for change. Define a plan of action for enhancing a collaborative relationship among the organizations for the benefit of diverse populations. Include a list of specific steps (at least five) that would result in building support for change in the macro environment. Your paper must be based on at least three scholarly sources and formatted according to APA style.
Collaborative Organizational Relationships.
Submission Requirements Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA style: Use APA style in citations and references. Include a References page at the end of the paper. Length: 4 pages, not including the References page. References: Use at least 3 scholarly resources. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. SafeAssign: You are required to submit a draft of your assignment to SafeAssign prior to submitting it for grading. Submit your work as a draft to check for any necessary edits.
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Exercise Immunology 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on exercise Immunology, the purpose of this project is to review the “current” literature on a topic of your choice related and relevant to Physiology of Sport and Exercise.
Exercise Immunology
Paper details The purpose of this project is to review the “current” literature on a topic of your choice related and relevant to Physiology of Sport and Exercise. The topic does not necessarily need to be related to one of the areas discussed in class or in the textbook; however, your chosen topic must be approved by me prior to embarking on this endeavor. In your literature review, concentrate primarily on articles that are not more than 10 years old. It may be, however, that a classic research article more than 10 years old needs to be included in your review.
Exercise Immunology
The library does subscribe to several relevant online journals for downloading articles; although, you may end up needing to use the interlibrary loan service. Therefore, it means that you should develop your topic and begin to research it relatively soon so you can get your interlibrary loan requests processed and the articles back to you as soon as possible. The format (particularly for referencing) of the paper will need to follow the guidelines utilized in the ACSM journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (MSSE). You can find the “Information for Authors in a copy of MSSE or on the ACSM’s web site ( [].
Exercise Immunology
Specific formatting please follow NLM Style ( The review should contain at least 7 primary references (i.e., refereed, scientific journal articles). Secondary references (i.e., textbooks) can also be used but please do not use more than 3. Understand that a literature review is usually presented as a “comparison/contrast” of the results and interpretations concerning your project. We will discuss specific format items in class.
Exercise Immunology
In general, the assignment will be typed, double spaced throughout, and pages numbered consecutively on the top, right side of each page. The assignment should be structured with a title page, an abstract, (neither of which count toward the 6-page requirement), an introduction, a body of the review, a summary, and references (also not counting toward the 6-page requirement). You are expected to use correct grammar. You will be penalized for improper grammatical construct such as typographical errors, subject/verb disagreement, comma errors, sentence fragments, etc.
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PTSD on children in war. 2022 Best

This paper focuses on the Shabbat, Chickamauga, and PTSD on children in war. Paper details 1. Declare and support a thesis that presents your opinion concerning some aspect of one or more short stories
PTSD on children in war.
Paper details 1. Declare and support a thesis that presents your opinion concerning some aspect of one or more short stories 2. Use at least TWO secondary sources — articles or notes published in academic journals. Additional sources from academic/society web sites (e.g., The Poe Society) may be used as long as they are deemed reliable (NO blogs, student essays, or story summaries). 3. Reveal your proficiency of MLA documentation (via parenthetical citations and Works Cited entries).
PTSD on children in war.
Content I am most interested in YOUR ideas about the fiction; however, these ideas may be informed or further supported by research you have conducted (secondary sources: other writers’ opinions). Have faith in your own ideas and support them with your own logical reasoning and evidence from the primary source (the short story or stories you are analyzing). The use of other sources is intended to bolster your authority, NOT replace it.
PTSD on children in war.
Quotes from the primary and secondary sources should be used sparingly and only when essential to proving a point. Refrain from using long passages. Turn-It-In will give you an originality report. None should have >10 percent borrowed words. You have to relate these two stories with children that suffered from PTSD after war traumas, and talk a little bit about PTSD.
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Writing a Business plan. 2022 Best

This assignment entails Writing a Business plan. The plan has the following components and sub-headings: • Title page (with Your Name and Company Name as approved) • Company Description o This section provides information on what your company does, a description of your Product/Service
Writing a Business plan.
Paper details Your Business Plan must have the following components and sub-headings: • Title page (with Your Name and Company Name as approved) • Company Description o This section provides information on what your company does, a description of your Product/Service line o 1-2 pages • Market Analysis o This section provides information on your business industry and the general market for your Product/Service line o 1-2 pages • Cultural Environment of Market o This section provides information on the society within which you plan to operate.
Writing a Business plan.
The focus here will be on the cultural practices and norms of the people that you will serve. o Between 2-4 pages. Business Suitability for Cultural Environment o This section provides an assessment of the suitability of your business venture, product/service, and practices to the cultural milieu of your business domain. o Between 2-4 pages. Formatting style for Business Plan: Use MLA documentation style. Business Plan must be between 8 and10 pages (excluding title page, illustrations [not required], and references).
Writing a Business plan.
All pages must be numbered. • 1” margins, Times New Roman 12 point font-type and size, and double-spaced • Final Business Plan must have no less than fifteen academic references (articles from peer-reviewed journals and books). • Business Plan must be submitted as a Word document. • You will be penalized for not meeting any of these requirements 1.) This assignment requires 10 academic sources.