An IT software solution 2022 Best

This assignment asks you to use appropriate tools to produce an IT software solution for a given scenario. Scenario: The research and development team you work with have asked you to look into programming skills.
An IT software solution
1.1 Use appropriate tools to produce a design solution for a given scenario. 1.2 Produce a testing rationale, test plan and test data for the given design. 2.1 Implement an IT solution based on a given design. 2.2 Test and debug an IT solution according to a plan. 3.1 Produce documentation to support the maintenance of an IT software solution. 3.2 Produce documentation to support the users of an IT software solution. 3.3 Evaluate an IT software solution, identifying strengths and weakness, and suggesting improvement. Title: Creating a Computer Program Scenario: The research and development team you work with have asked you to look into programming skills.
An IT software solution
They have asked you to write a report based on your findings, using one of the problems below to support your research: 1. Write a program that examines three variables (x, y, z) and prints the largest even number among them. If none of them are even, it should print the smallest value of the three. (Covering Criteria are the point A-E below) 2. Write a program that print the prime numbers and the sum of the prime numbers between the starting number (start at 0 or more) and ending number (end at any number – starting number). (Covering Criteria are the point A-E below) 3. Write a program that tests if an int – 2 is prime.
An IT software solution
If not, print list of divisors. (Covering Criteria are the point A-E below) 4. Write a program that prints the perfect cube between two integer numbers. (Covering Criteria are the point A-E below) 5. Your own software project that you like, but after agreeing with the lecturer, Atheer Mahir… In the previous options, you can choose anyone to make your report, but if you choose this option, you must discuss with the lecturer first about your project and after his approval on your project, you can work with it and submit it for this assignment.
An IT software solution
(Covering Criteria are the point A-E below) You are required to develop the program, and to produce a Data Dictionary, Test Log, and evidence of debugging. Lastly, you should produce an explanation of improvements you think could be made to the program’s interface and functionality, explaining what the improvements are, and why they are needed. You must ensure you include the following in your submission: An application example of a program code for one of the problems (link of code).
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