Researching Autism Spectrum Disorder 2022 Best

Researching Autism Spectrum Disorder

Choose a disorder that you are most interested in researching Autism Spectrum Disorder, Identify the disorder that you are researching, age group, talk about Early Intervention ages 2 -6 strategies/theories

Researching Autism Spectrum Disorder

Choose a disorder that you are most interested in researching Autism Spectrum Disorder, Identify the disorder that you are researching, age group, talk about Early Intervention ages 2 -6 strategies/theories, evidence-based programming that are most useful for that specific age group. Talk about ABA applied behavior analysis. The paper needs to be 5 pages minimum and that includes the the title page, abstract, and reference page. Please review the rubric below. The minimum number of references is 3. Please email me with any questions and refer to the rubric below for the expectations.

Researching Autism Spectrum Disorder

CPSY 490 Research Paper Rubric Name____________________________________ Content______/30 Identify the disorder that you are researching, age group, strategies/theories that are most useful for that specific age group. Comments: Length_____/5 A 5-7 page paper (including the title page, abstract, and reference page) free of grammatical errors and references cited throughout Comments: Title Page (correct APA Format)_____/5 Comments: Abstract (correct APA Format (7th Edition)_____/5 Comments: Reference Page (correct APA Format (7th Edition)______/5 Comments: Total______/50

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