Deaf community vs addiction. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on Deaf community vs addiction. You must include a proper heading, creative title, connect deaf community with addiction and relate it to the film “Sound of Metal” by Darius Marder, properly use those sources.
Deaf community vs addiction.
This is a 5 page research paper in MLA format. You must include a proper heading, creative title, connect deaf community with addiction and relate it to the film “Sound of Metal” by Darius Marder, properly use those sources. Essay Rubric: Proper heading Creative title Assignment Fulfillment: Essay responds to the assignment and effectively fulfills all requirements. Essay thoroughly analyzes the thesis in a meaningful and complex way. Thesis: Operating as a controlling idea for the essay, the thesis makes complex, enlightening argument about story/film.
Deaf community vs addiction.
Organization/Coherence/Focus: the sequence of ideas and transitions are seamless and fluid. Introduction is quick to capture readers interest. Development & Support: Body paragraphs are consistently fair, reasonable and logical. Body paragraphs offer focused, developed, sophisticated, original and convincing analysis of relevant evidence. Use of Text/Film: Relevant quotes, dialog, paraphrases and concepts to support and illustrate ideas. Do not summary story, highlight a particular scene that will prove your thesis.
Documentation Skills: Sources are properly cited using MLA format correctly. Sentence Style: Sentences are joined logically to show relationships between ideas. Grammar: Essay has few, if any grammatical or proofreading errors.
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