Structures of personality. 2022 Best
This assignment explores the structures of personality. So, how can we distinguish between someone eccentric, someone whose behavior appears unusual, incoherent or annoying, and someone presenting a psychopathology episode?
Structures of personality.
1. How can we distinguish between someone eccentric, someone whose behavior appears unusual, incoherent or annoying, and someone presenting a psychopathology episode? 2. Sometimes we have a difficult time understanding behaviors that respond to social imperatives coming from cultures other than ours. How important do you think it is to understand the politics of emotional perception and response, emotional expression, and emotional regulation, when diagnosing a client with a cultural background that is very different from one’s own? 3. Read Section 3:4 of your textbook carefully to understand the three structures of personality identified by Freud.
Structures of personality.
Do you feel that behavior is being driven by the unconscious impulses of the id? Provide an example (real life, historical, or from media such as films, TV series, or fiction books) to support your response. Do you believe that moral development (your superego) is the result of internalizing parental views of what is right or wrong? How close are your values to those of your parents? 4. Adler’s work brought an interesting hence controversial concept: the inferiority complex.
Structures of personality.
According to Adler, the inferiority complex is universal (see section 4.3 of the textbook). According to Adler, the inferiority complex has to overcome it to develop a healthy, creative and positive personality. Adler believed that we all begin life with feelings of inferiority and then strive for superiority. What sort of things have you tried to be really good at in life? Can you remember times when you felt inferior trying to accomplish those same goals?