Mental health of pregnant women. 2022 Best
This paper examines how the pandemic affect the mental health of pregnant women. Introduction Did you lead with a hook? /3 Do you provide enough context for your topic? /5 Is “what’s at stake” clearly indicated? /5 Is your thesis early, clear, and specific?
Mental health of pregnant women.
Introduction Did you lead with a hook? /3 Do you provide enough context for your topic? /5 Is “what’s at stake” clearly indicated? /5 Is your thesis early, clear, and specific? /7 Organization/Structure Does your paper consistently SOFT? /5 Is there an apparent organization to the paper? /5 Does each paragraph have a topic sentence addressing one main idea? /5 Do paragraphs transition between each other? /5 Use of Textual Evidence Do you provide reasons (“because of” statements) for your main claims? /5 Do you provide sufficient textual evidence (“based on”/“for example” statements) for your claims & reasons?
Mental health of pregnant women.
/5 Is your evidence directly related to your thesis and main claims? /5 Are your paraphrases, summaries, and quotes introduced and incorporated into your research, not just reading like a summary paper of the texts and not just like a quote you are hoping will speak for itself (do not expect quotes to be self-explanatory)? /5 Other Requirements Does your conclusion reinforce claims by making a statement about the significance of the research to you or relevance of the topic to a larger component of society, propose a solution, or suggest other areas for research?
Mental health of pregnant women.
/10 Is your tone appropriately formal? /5 Are you using tag phrases when necessary? /5 Have you proofread for spelling and grammar errors? /5 Is your paper formatted correctly according to MLA? /5 Are your in-text citations and Works Cited page correct?