Non Medical Prescribing – 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore non medical Prescribing. On the other hand we will discuss the pros and con of OTC medications. Personal formulary / log of 5 drugs Please provide x 5 prescribing logs evidencing consultations logged over the duration of the course using the template attached.
Non Medical Prescribing
Subject: Non-Medical Prescribing Module. Personal formulary / log of 5 drugs Please provide x 5 prescribing logs evidencing consultations logged over the duration of the course using the template attached. All 5 need to relate to Non-medical prescribing within the student’s area of practice. Each should indicate a theoretical decision to prescribe related to a patient with complex* needs and should be supported by appropriate referencing of related evidence and a prescription for each which should be included. Also, you must use the type of prescription used within your practice setting.
Additionally, one of the prescriptions must be a FP10. There is no word limit for this piece of work. More is not necessarily better. We do not want to see large sections copied and pasted out of the BNF. Use this as a learning opportunity to learn about your own initial drug formulary.
Non Medical Prescribing
We use the term complex because we do not want a prescription for something too straightforward (e.g. OTC medications, such as paracetamol). Format: WORD or PDF NOT jpeg. Prescribing log and FP10 templates attached 5 Drugs to be used > Clozapine, Olanzapine, Risperidone, Sertraline, Lithium. 2. A clinical management plan with a related Prescription A clinical management plan (CMP), accompanied by a prescription directly relating to a medication within the CMP.
So, this can be an FP10 or any prescription type used within your clinical practice area. Format: WORD Please utilize the attached templates for the CMP. Sample FP10s for supplementary prescribers are also attached (please select the correct profession)
Non Medical Prescribing
3. A reflective case study on prescribing A critically reflective analytical case study on either independent or supplementary prescribing for a patient with complex needs, which should be formulated around one of your prescribing logs demonstrating your decision-making skills (3,500 words). This should include in depth analysis of the competency dimensions within the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, (2016) Competency Framework for All Prescribers, in order to demonstrate overall achievement of all programmer assessed learning outcomes. Format: WORD
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