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Application paper, case study – A genogram and a ecogram.

In this application paper assignment we will read and analyze the case study, then create a genogram and a ecogram of the family that clearly utilizes all facets of that tool including all generations noted in the reading

Application paper, case study – A genogram and a ecogram.

4341–Application Paper. In preparing to write the Application Paper…  Firstly, read and analyze the case study posted on Canvas related to this assignment. Search, review and select empirical research that present evidence-based practice principles studied in class. Secondly, create a genogram and a ecogram of the family that clearly utilizes all facets of that tool including all generations noted in the reading; names, ages, relationship status, relational lines, life themes, etc. that will serve as a base line assessment for you. Thirdly, with all people, problems and strengths emerge in life. Assessing client strengths and limitations is the foundation of effective goal setting. Case study

Application paper, case study – A genogram and a ecogram.

As you assess this family and its members, take time to note what problems and strengths they are each living with. Fourthly, we know that goals emerge from assessment and collaboration with client values and expectations. Conduct a search and review of literature related to the problems you have identified for this family and the particular members. Also, work to identify 8 works in the literature review that may address EBP interventions for these family members.

Application paper, case study – A genogram and a ecogram.

This portion of your study will support a strong application paper. While empirical research that you find may not apply directly to this case… It is the practicing of posing the questions and conducting the search that builds our skills in becoming practitioners that ‘take appropriate action guided by evidence.’ .

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