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Application of probability to the business field.

This paper explores the application of probability to the business field. Firstly, read the TWO peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to application of probability to the business field from Science Direct.

Application of probability to the business field.

Firstly, please read the TWO peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to application of probability to the business field from Science Direct. Then, develop a two-page essay addressing the following topics:
1. Provide a brief summary of the major findings from each article, mainly focusing on methodological (statistical) issues.
2. Discuss how basic concepts of probability and uncertainty are being incorporated in this article.
3. Discuss how you would interpret them. For instance, when you interpret the results from applications of above-mentioned concepts in each article, please make sure you provide insights from your own perspectives, and do not discuss what was already discussed in the paper.

Application of probability to the business field.

– Need an additional 3 credible reference, preferably peer-reviewed journal articles.
– Do not copy sentences and paragraphs directly from the original articles but paraphrase them using your own words.
– You MUST NOT cite online sources or any articles without year of publication and author’s name. Also, you should not cite Wikipedia and Investopedia.
– All papers must follow all APA7 requirements.
– Do not just provide your opinions but essay must demonstrate mastery and accuracy of relevant statistical concepts and theory to receive full credit.

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